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How The United States Is Funding Boy Rape In Afghanistan

many u.s soldiers are also involved in such acts
We saw how Islam, supposedly the greatest religion of all, failed to stop this barbaric practice, so we never really put any effort into it. Sorry, our bad. :cry:

LOL keep hating Islam. That will do a world of good to your Afghan goals. Serves our purpose perfectly well.

Well you really seem to have trouble with reading, but given the quality of your posts it is not surprising.
I never said US forces cannot stop this; they certainly can. But the mandate given to them by their govt doesn't allow them to. You can be happy or sad about it - they just don't give a f***.

Looking in the eye and making a threat alone doesn't stop the abuser. Criminals need to be put away and made an example which is the Afghan govt responsibility. I am quite sure the US soldiers would have cursed and kicked those guys, but that's all they can do individually.

Blah blah blah... What is stopping the US government from telling their Afghan warlord buddies to stop raping and molesting young Afghan boys? Tell me what is the rocket science that I am missing here. So much for bringing justice to the ordinary Afghan.

This is what has happened. The whole fvcking world knows and sees it. The US has empowered a bunch of illiterate and brutal warlords to rule over Afghanistan. Why? Because they are powerful and they can supposedly deliver on US demands. Whether these thugs trample on human rights is the least concern. US/NATO soldiers are told to ignore any abuse for a very clear reason. Don't meddle in the affairs of those we are supporting because we need their backing in this war. That is the whole fvcking story. No ifs and buts. It has been going on for the past 17 years and that explains the sorry state of US war and Afghanistan. Full stop.

You just keep blaming Pakistan and Islam though. That will make it all disappear.
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This is essentially a 'troll US' thread. Nothing more. We can argue in the same line for Islam -- how Islam failed to stop this practice.
I agree with you on the thread. Islam, a religion only, forbids it and that's all it can do. Just as we cannot ask how Christianity failed to stop what white folks did with the blacks and natives.

US on the other hand has a military presence in Afghanistan and the present regime was created by US/Allies and continues to survive only because of its assistance. Now what the outcome of this ends up doing in Afghanistan will be at least associated, if not blamed, to the US. Human rights was declared as one of the reasons to replace the Taliban regime - for example oppression of women.
Refer to the short speech by US president:
Now you replace the Taliban with another regime, which is then again involved in even worse crimes, it makes these claims hypocritical. Barring the support for Al-qaeda, the Taliban and Northern alliance (which became US allies) were pretty much the same type of animals. One was just chosen to fight the other.
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I agree with you on the thread. Islam, a religion only, forbids it and that's all it can do. Just as we cannot ask how Christianity failed to stop what white folks did with the blacks and natives.
Now you replace the Taliban with another regime, which is then again involved in even worse crimes, it makes these claims hypocritical. Barring the support for Al-qaeda, the Taliban and Northern alliance (which became US allies) were pretty much the same type of animals. One was just chosen to fight the other.
So here is the real deal...

We have religions, money, and political power that tries to change our nature. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. What does that says about our nature? Christianity was used to justify slavery but Christianity was also used to abolish slavery. Am sure you can find similar situations for Islam.

Culture is what matters. Money at its base essence is a tool. Religions and politics are often foreign. That leave only culture. That is not to say money, religion, and politics do not influence the culture, but it is up to the people inside that culture to determine how much influence can money, religion, and politics have over their lives, which includes their customs. Changes must be internally motivated and enacted. With this sad practice, money is a vital tool, religion is ignored, and local politics enabled it.
. .
That is even worse. Nothing is as terrible as a chain of the mind. But since the US and Pakistan are nominal 'allies', I guess according to this troll thread, we are sort of 'funding' Pakistan's women's illiteracy and oppression. Shame on US, eh?
So you are justifying rape of afghan boys with low literacy rate in Pakistan due to factors like poverty,lack of opportunities etc?

Are you fuking kidding me ?
So you are justifying rape of afghan boys with low literacy rate in Pakistan due to factors like poverty,lack of opportunities etc?
Do you even know the true CONTEXT of the word 'justify'?

It means to make right beyond the legal context. It means to make the act morally and ethically righteous.

Are you fuking kidding me ?
No, am fooking with your mind. And it worked as you are now frothing at the (logical) mouth as you posted.

The idiocy in the thread is that if the US is involved in any way, especially if money is included, therefore, the US is DIRECTLY responsible for any and all moral, ethical, and legal sins our partner engages in.

So why not apply to religion? Your Islam have no shortage of learned scholars, no? No shortage of leaders willing to exercise their legal authority, backed up by moral authority from those learned scholars, to enforce change whether the population like it or not, no? So why no one in the Islamic community, from the ME to Asia, got together and force this practice out of Afghanistan?

Oh...Never mind...It is the Americans' responsibility...:rolleyes:
Paedophilia is high in Afghanistan and the United States is complicit

The United State's indifferent approach to sexual abuses on young boys in Afghanistan is making the situation worse. Paedophilia is worryingly rampant in Afghanistan and nothing is being done about it no matter how much people raise the matter.

The United States is infamous for claiming the moral high ground while at the same time committing heinous and atrocious crimes against humanity. The war in Afghanistan shows how much the United States is enabling one of the most deplorable forms of depravity - paedophilia.

What would give some a rude awakening is how this happens at the expense of the taxpayers' money. The war in Afghanistan has enabled traditions of using young boys for sex to flourish.

"Selling and using young boys (often dressed as girls) for sex—known colloquially as bacha bazi, or 'boy play'—has deep roots in Afghanistan and has been widely practiced for generations," the National Interest’s Amitai Etzioni reported in 2017

"A State Department report in 2010 described the extent of the problem: 'Child abuse was endemic throughout the country, based on cultural beliefs about child-rearing, and included general neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, and confined forced labor to pay off family debts.'"

American officers are aware of this, but they are instructed to ignore it. "It also noted that 'most child sexual abusers were not arrested.' American officers, who share quarters with Afghan ones, report boys screaming in agony, which they were instructed to ignore."

There is a lot of inaction on the side of the United States to avert and stop these sexual abuses on young boys. For a country that claims the moral high ground, its inaction towards these horrifying acts of sexual abuse on young boys is appalling.

In January, the New York Times reported, "On 5,753 occasions from 2010 to 2016, the United States military asked to review Afghan military units to see if there were any instances of 'gross human rights abuses.' If there were, American law required military aid to be cut off to the offending unit." The report mentioned that not once did this happen. The American military indifference is fuelling the sickening paedophilia problem in Afghanistan.

In essence, the United States is culpable in this. It appears the policy of the Pentagon and Afghanistan's allies has been to tell the American troops to look the other way when Afghan soldiers raped young boys.

High ranking Afghan military and police leaders have been raping young boys but this has been swept under the carpet. Congressman Walter Jones once said "This abuse...has been going on for years and we’ve been supporting it financially."

It’s terrifyingly surprising how abuse is invoked by Washington hawks to get involved in wars (take for instance the war in Iraq), but when it’s pointed out that U.S. military intervention is actually enabling human rights abuses, no argument is strong enough to bring the troops home.

“Why are we still shedding our soldiers’ blood for pedophiles?” Congressman Walter Jones asked on the House floor in February.

When having a normal heterosexual relationship is criminalised, this is the kind of perversion you get.
So you are justifying rape of afghan boys with low literacy rate in Pakistan due to factors like poverty,lack of opportunities etc?

Are you fuking kidding me ?

Don't expect decency from American animals. I bet US soldiers also take part in this perversion. Remember these are the same people who setup Abu Ghraib.
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