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How Subramaniam Swamy got IMF bailout for India in 1991

And I couldn't care less what a fake Indian like you says whilst posing as a bhakt because he got a fake Aadhar card.

LEGEND - hahaha - here are some of his legendary achievements

This was a political move to showcase the corruption in the CONgress party itself. Just Brilliant.

Another Brilliant move my Dr. Swamy. He set up the court to force him to submit the documents related to the I-T department's 27 December, 2017 order :lol: ... which he claimed he found at his doorstep. :devil:

A true Legal genius and a Self goal by the CONgress.

To the point about Necrophilia and beastality not being made legal under the same provision.

Another move that has forced the SC to declare Majid not a integral part of Islam :lol: ..... This means that when Dr. Swamy proves that Temple is an integral part of Hinduism, the land will have to make way for the Ram Mandir and this case has been separated from the larger Ram janmabhoomi property dispute

And fundamental right to religion TRUMPS right to property. :devil:

From pleas rejected to questioning the credentials of Raghuram Rajan to being a bigot - the man is a class A clown. And it is no wonder non Indians like you with fake aadhar cards adore the man.

LOL. Raghuram rajan is NOT an economist :lol: .... he is a MBA Finance. Which idiot considers Raghuram rajan a trained economist ? lol.

Every post of your has only PROVED Dr. Swamys Genius. His indomitable spirit and why he is such a LEGEND.

And all you can do is apply burnol to your burns. :D

But I totally enjoy your frustration. :enjoy:

This joker :lol: Hafiz Saeed probably has more credbility worldwide then this hindu terrorist Swamy

Go to war with Pakistan, tear it to pieces, says Subramanian Swamy on Kulbhushan Jadhav row

LOL.... that is what I expect a pakistani to say.

Admire a global terrorist likes of Hafiz saeed. :lol:

@Gadkari Indian posters slapping you in the face regarding this hindu terrorist swamy for me to do anything.

someone give @Gadkari the donkey of the day award. even indian posters dont want to own him :lol:

And I slapped him right back ... and then some. Don't worry, I can bitch slap both of your simultaneously since jackoff is a honorary pakistani himself.

absolutley nothing intelligent or academic about war mongering and starting a nuclear war in the sub content killing millions like this tin pot z class hindu terrirost wants.

and if you want more proof about how much of an imbecile this hindu terrorist is just look at your fellow indian posters comments above. Its enough of slap on your face for me to do anything.

I couldn't care less what a wanna be pakistani like Jackoff says.

I would care even less about what a pakistani like you say.

Anything else ? don't bother. I don't care.
this joker told us in March this year that Pakistan will be smashed into 3 halves by september.

dont pay much attention to these brain dead indians.
Program is changed , new dates will be announced soon. Pl wait for the new schedule .

And do understand, he is an Ex-Harvard profession as well. He know how to entertain and utilize the emotions of bakth's without really hurting any Indian interests globally. He ain't a fool. :)
His damad son in law husband of suhasini haider is musalman .she is cnn journalist .
True secular daughter of sanghi swami brahmin from madras

The same loser who got owned by General Hameed Gul once in an interview. He also stated 4 years ago that india will conquer Pakistan in next two years. He's one of those Hindutva guys who's a bit educated about history and hence just can not bear the utter humiliation hindus faced at the hands of superior Muslims. Now he says same Muslims erasing hindus from their ancestral homelands of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and increasing in number within the remaining india---and he gets aggravated. He essentially years for a "hindu" state like tens upon tens of Islamic/Muslim states in the world from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to Iran to Egypt to Malaysia to even Indonesia. He wants similar level of public domination of Hinduism in india as Islam enjoys throughout Islamic world.

Sorry for him but this has ONLY been achieved by Islam globally, and no other religion even comes close---especially in the era where secular hedonism destroyed pretty much every other religion except Islam. Hinduism is a punny, defeated amalgamation of myths (not even a religion). It can never achieve the same civilizational results as Islam. Swamy knows that. So he urges Hindus to atleast use Hinduism as a uniting identity marker because when it comes to public practice and influence of hinduism---hindus couldn't give any less shits about it.

Poor guy is trying to build Ram Mandir for DECADES and still hasn't been able to.

A senior member here displaying his intellect
This was a political move to showcase the corruption in the CONgress party itself. Just Brilliant.

Another Brilliant move my Dr. Swamy. He set up the court to force him to submit the documents related to the I-T department's 27 December, 2017 order :lol: ... which he claimed he found at his doorstep. :devil:

A true Legal genius and a Self goal by the CONgress.

To the point about Necrophilia and beastality not being made legal under the same provision.

Another move that has forced the SC to declare Majid not a integral part of Islam :lol: ..... This means that when Dr. Swamy proves that Temple is an integral part of Hinduism, the land will have to make way for the Ram Mandir and this case has been separated from the larger Ram janmabhoomi property dispute

And fundamental right to religion TRUMPS right to property. :devil:

LOL. Raghuram rajan is NOT an economist :lol: .... he is a MBA Finance. Which idiot considers Raghuram rajan a trained economist ? lol.

Every post of your has only PROVED Dr. Swamys Genius. His indomitable spirit and why he is such a LEGEND.

And all you can do is apply burnol to your burns. :D

But I totally enjoy your frustration. :enjoy:

LOL.... that is what I expect a pakistani to say.

Admire a global terrorist likes of Hafiz saeed. :lol:

And I slapped him right back ... and then some. Don't worry, I can bitch slap both of your simultaneously since jackoff is a honorary pakistani himself.

I couldn't care less what a wanna be pakistani like Jackoff says.

I would care even less about what a pakistani like you say.

Anything else ? don't bother. I don't care.
Hahahhahahahha. Raghuram Rajan is not an Economist? Hahhahaha. Whom exactly did you pay for that Aadhar card?
He was the Chief Economist of the IMF.
But your hero Swamy doesn't think so.
And neither does a fake Indian like you. Hahaha
Hahahhahahahha. Raghuram Rajan is not an Economist? Hahhahaha. Whom exactly did you pay for that Aadhar card?
He was the Chief Economist of the IMF.
But your hero Swamy doesn't think so.
And neither does a fake Indian like you. Hahaha
Got him :enjoy:
Hahahhahahahha. Raghuram Rajan is not an Economist? Hahhahaha. Whom exactly did you pay for that Aadhar card?
He was the Chief Economist of the IMF.
But your hero Swamy doesn't think so.
And neither does a fake Indian like you. Hahaha

:lol: .......... :lol: ........... :lol:

Here is the list of ALL chief Economist of WOrld bank. Can you tell me where Raghuram Rajan's name is ? :lol:


Thank you for proving yourself an ignorant bigot :enjoy: ......... all I had to do was provide you with a short rope. lol.

Nah. ...... he got himself , same as you :lol:


Fools of a feather flock together. But thank you for the entertainment :enjoy:
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not interested in listenting to a hindu terrorist that openly talks about killing innocent people in pakistan and breaking my country.

die slow swamy

Somebody who studied in Harvard on a full Rockefeller scholarship and completed his PhD at an age of 26! His thesis adviser was Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets. Became a professor of economics at Harvard itself.

If he is taking about economics, one must jolly well listen to him.
Somebody who studied in Harvard on a full Rockefeller scholarship and completed his PhD at an age of 26! His thesis adviser was Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets. Became a professor of economics at Harvard itself.

If he is taking about economics, one must jolly well listen to him.

No doubt he was brilliant at his time in harvard , but now he is nowhere near his past glory.
:lol: .......... :lol: ........... :lol:

Here is the list of ALL chief Economist of WOrld bank. Can you tell me where Raghuram Rajan's name is ? :lol:


Thank you for proving yourself an ignorant bigot :enjoy: ......... all I had to do was provide you with a short rope. lol.

Nah. ...... he got himself , same as you :lol:


Fools of a feather flock together. But thank you for the entertainment :enjoy:
Hahahha hahhahahhahaha. This keeps getting better fake Indian.
You don't know the difference between the IMF and the World Bank?

Oh man, come on - make me laugh some more like your hero Swamy.
Hahahha hahhahahhahaha. This keeps getting better fake Indian.
You don't know the difference between the IMF and the World Bank?

Oh man, come on - make me laugh some more like your hero Swamy.

Only IMF has NO CHIEF ECONOMIST jackoff :lol:

It only has chief counselors and their primary job is data collection and analysis. It just does what the RBI did, but on a larger scale.

Now don't tell me that RBI chief's have been economists :lol:

Somebody who studied in Harvard on a full Rockefeller scholarship and completed his PhD at an age of 26! His thesis adviser was Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets. Became a professor of economics at Harvard itself.

If he is taking about economics, one must jolly well listen to him.

Dr. Swamy finished his Phd at 24, not 26 :P

and Even the Supreme Court of India listens to him in matters of the Law, not only in economics. And the PM listens to him in matters of Politics.

And everybody listens to him in matters of Economics.

How many people on earth are Masters of three things ? Politics, economics and Law ?

No doubt he was brilliant at his time in harvard , but now he is nowhere near his past glory.

Yeah, the only person in the Supreme Court to practice Law WITHOUT A LAW DEGREE is nowhere near his glory :lol:
His damad son in law husband of suhasini haider is musalman .she is cnn journalist .
True secular daughter of sanghi swami brahmin from madras

Well idiots fail to understand he is just another one os those smart(@ss) politition. ;););)
Only IMF has NO CHIEF ECONOMIST jackoff :lol:

It only has chief counselors and their primary job is data collection and analysis. It just does what the RBI did, but on a larger scale.

Now don't tell me that RBI chief's have been economists :lol:

Dr. Swamy finished his Phd at 24, not 26 :P

and Even the Supreme Court of India listens to him in matters of the Law, not only in economics. And the PM listens to him in matters of Politics.

And everybody listens to him in matters of Economics.

How many people on earth are Masters of three things ? Politics, economics and Law ?

Yeah, the only person in the Supreme Court to practice Law WITHOUT A LAW DEGREE is nowhere near his glory :lol:

I think you don't know he was expelled from jansangh, for a long time he remained in janta party .He was not even in founding team of bjp. He was opposing bjp when they destroyed babri maszid. Now he is fighting for ram mandinr .
Where is the genius of subramanium swamy.
I think you don't know he was expelled from jansangh, for a long time he remained in janta party .He was not even in founding team of bjp. He was opposing bjp when they destroyed babri maszid. Now he is fighting for ram mandinr .
Where is the genius of subramanium swamy.

Dr. Swamy was first made Member of Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh, elected on a Jan Sangh party ticket. :lol:

Later on Jan Sangh became Janata party after Emergency declared by CONgress.

During Emergency, when Vajpayee was arrested and in Jail and when Dr. Swamy escaped to the US to fight against the Emergency, Vajpayee wrote a letter to Dr. Swamy asking him to surrender to the police and apologize for speaking against the Emergency.

Dr. Swamy took this shocking letter to Nanaji Deshmukh who advised him to destroy the letter and not surrender.

Which is why when Vajpayee later formed the BJP from the Janata party he kept three KEY people out of BJP to cover up his own shame.

1. Dr. Swamy.
2. Nanaji Deshmukh.
3. Dattopant Thengadi (who had selflessly developed the Jan Sangh's labour wing, the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh).

These are the Facts of the case.

So Dr. swamy was the Genius who refused to bow down to political expediency like a "good politician like Vajpayee". And as they say, No Good Deeds goes unpunished.
Only IMF has NO CHIEF ECONOMIST jackoff :lol:

It only has chief counselors and their primary job is data collection and analysis. It just does what the RBI did, but on a larger scale.

Now don't tell me that RBI chief's have been economists :lol:

Dr. Swamy finished his Phd at 24, not 26 :P

and Even the Supreme Court of India listens to him in matters of the Law, not only in economics. And the PM listens to him in matters of Politics.

And everybody listens to him in matters of Economics.

How many people on earth are Masters of three things ? Politics, economics and Law ?

Yeah, the only person in the Supreme Court to practice Law WITHOUT A LAW DEGREE is nowhere near his glory :lol:
No bhikari. As usual, you are wrong.
"Dr. Rajan was the Chief Economist and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund"
Source - https://live.worldbank.org/experts/raghuram-rajan

Looks like bhikari can't stop lying and making an utter fool of himself.

Comic relief provided by bhikari so fae

1. Not an economist
2. Can't tell difference between World Bank and IMF
3. Claims to be an Indian.

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