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How Subramaniam Swamy got IMF bailout for India in 1991


Jan 11, 2011
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these days Pakistan is working hard to try and get the IMF bail out. 27 years ago India was in the same position. Subramaniam Swamy leveraged our geo strategic position to get a $2 Billion bailout in just 3 days time.

How Subramanian Swamy saved India from 'grave economic crisis' in 1991

Subramanian Swamy Subramanian Swamy

Former Union Minister and BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Friday recalled his encounter with the then US Ambassador to get India $2 billion loan from International Monetary Fund (IMF) to save the country from a "grave economic crisis" in 1991.

Swamy, who was Law and Justice Minister in Chandra Sekhar government in 1991, said a decision to allow American war planes to refuel at Indian airports during the first Iraq war was taken after the US agreed to arrange $2 billion IMF loan for India.

Speaking on 'responsible capitalism' at the annual conference of Kerala Management Association here, Swamy said India faced severe financial crisis in 1991 due to some steps taken by the previous government regarding providing bank loans to industries.

Swamy, who commended Rajiv Gandhi for liberalising India's economy, however, said Gandhi, during his 1984-89 tenure did not prescribe that industrialists must only get long term loans.

"So, they (industrialists) got short-term loans", but in the process, in five years, the payments became due and there was a financial crisis, he said.

"The Prime Minister (Chandra Sekhar) asked me what we can do? Fortunately the American Ambassador came to see me for a political matter. He wanted to know whether we would help Americans in their war against Iraq. At that time, Iraq had conquered Kuwait. I asked what kind of help you want. He said he wants that their (war) planes from the Philippines be allowed to land in India, refuel in India and they are ready to pay three times more (than the landing rate for refuelling a commercial airline)."

"I told him that we don't want to change our landing policy for peanuts," Swamy said without naming the US ambassador.

"He asked... what do you want? I said we want $2 billion because we are on the verge of becoming bankrupt. He asked 'you want it from the United States?' I said no... from the IMF and without conditions.

"He said 'how can I get you money from IMF'. I said, you have 87% voting right in IMF. So, if you want landing rights, then on Monday I want $2 billion," Swamy revealed.

"He (the ambassador) said today is already Friday... I said in Washington it is still Thursday night.

"So, they gave us $2 billion... and they were given landing rights... we changed our landing policy," Swamy said.


The same loser who got owned by General Hameed Gul once in an interview. He also stated 4 years ago that india will conquer Pakistan in next two years. He's one of those Hindutva guys who's a bit educated about history and hence just can not bear the utter humiliation hindus faced at the hands of superior Muslims. Now he sees the same Muslims erasing hindus from their ancestral homelands of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and increasing in number within the remaining india---and he gets aggravated, understandably so. He essentially yearns for a "hindu" state like tens upon tens of Islamic/Muslim states all over the world from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to Iran to Egypt to Malaysia to even Indonesia. He wants similar level of public domination and influence of Hinduism in india as Islam enjoys throughout Islamic world and even beyond (Sharia-esque Muslim majority lands of Russia for example)

Sorry for him but this has ONLY been achieved by Islam globally, and no other religion even comes close---especially in the era where secular hedonism destroyed pretty much every other religion except Islam. Hinduism is a punny, defeated amalgamation of myths (not even a religion). It can never achieve the same civilizational heights and outcomes as Islam. Swamy knows that. So he urges Hindus to atleast use Hinduism as a unifying identity marker because when it comes to public practice and influence of hinduism---hindus couldn't give any less shits about it.

Poor guy is trying to build Ram Mandir for DECADES and still hasn't been able to. Can you imagine struggling to rebuilt your holy site in your only remaining homeland in the world? LOL
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Just seems to spout rubbish 24x7 and is a big fan of himself. No wonder they kicked him out of Harvard.

Even your prophet muhammed was kicked out of Mecca , was he not ? :azn:

Sometimes kicking people out only makes them a Martyr for a worthy cause and deserving of more respect as history would tell you.

As for being a big fan of himself, I guess he knows how smart he really is. Not to mention 7 million of his twitter Fans.

even begging needs praise now?

That is the difference between Imran Khan the Muslim and Dr. Swamy the Hindu. Dr. Swamy Negotiates, while Imran khan ..... does what you claim he does.
Isnt this the same guy that keeps suggesting invading Pakistan and Bangladesh every day?

He is an idiot.

He might be a nut bag, but do note that he is a intellect of highest order, he is sole responsible for National herald case again gandhi family, exposing massive spectrum allocation scame, coal scam, putting Jayalalitha and then sasikala in jail, the list is too long. I understand the arguments he makes feels like flaming bashing for normal person but to argue with him you really need to have deep research capability, you cannot win over him.
He might be a nut bag, but do note that he is a intellect of highest order, he is sole responsible for National herald case again gandhi family, exposing massive spectrum allocation scame, coal scam, putting Jayalalitha and then sasikala in jail, the list is too long. I understand the arguments he makes feels like flaming bashing for normal person but to argue with him you really need to have deep research capability, you cannot win over him.

His Track Record in the Supreme Court speaks for itself. NEVER LOST A CASE.

Pretty amazing for a Man who never went to Law School. :lol:
Even your prophet muhammed was kicked out of Mecca , was he not ? :azn:

Sometimes kicking people out only makes them a Martyr for a worthy cause and deserving of more respect as history would tell you.

As for being a big fan of himself, I guess he knows how smart he really is. Not to mention 7 million of his twitter Fans.

That is the difference between Imran Khan the Muslim and Dr. Swamy the Hindu. Dr. Swamy Negotiates, while Imran khan ..... does what you claim he does.

I love how bhakts think I am Muslim or at times Pakistani simply because the morons they hero worship are called out. Or maybe you are just posing as an Indian because you are an illegal immigrant who has managed to get a fake Aadhar.

If 7 million Twitter fans is the benchmark for intelligence, then Trump with over 50 million followers must be Einstein according to your warped logic.

He might be a nut bag, but do note that he is a intellect of highest order, he is sole responsible for National herald case again gandhi family, exposing massive spectrum allocation scame, coal scam, putting Jayalalitha and then sasikala in jail, the list is too long. I understand the arguments he makes feels like flaming bashing for normal person but to argue with him you really need to have deep research capability, you cannot win over him.
Except he was a boot licker of Rajiv Gandhi when it suited him. He is also a homophobe and a hypocrite. Spews utter nonsense on every channel. I agree he gets under the skin of people which is precisely why he has been given an RS seat.


The same loser who got owned by General Hameed Gul once in an interview. He also stated 4 years ago that india will conquer Pakistan in next two years. He's one of those Hindutva guys who's a bit educated about history and hence just can not bear the utter humiliation hindus faced at the hands of superior Muslims. Now he says same Muslims erasing hindus from their ancestral homelands of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and increasing in number within the remaining india---and he gets aggravated. He essentially years for a "hindu" state like tens upon tens of Islamic/Muslim states in the world from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to Iran to Egypt to Malaysia to even Indonesia. He wants similar level of public domination of Hinduism in india as Islam enjoys throughout Islamic world.

Sorry for him but this has ONLY been achieved by Islam globally, and no other religion even comes close---especially in the era where secular hedonism destroyed pretty much every other religion except Islam. Hinduism is a punny, defeated amalgamation of myths (not even a religion). It can never achieve the same civilizational results as Islam. Swamy knows that. So he urges Hindus to atleast use Hinduism as a uniting identity marker because when it comes to public practice and influence of hinduism---hindus couldn't give any less shits about it.

Poor guy is trying to build Ram Mandir for DECADES and still hasn't been able to.
It is amazing how similar the right wingers in both countries are with a massive chip on their shoulder. BJP has power in UP, has power in the Center - all it needs is an ordinance to build their temple if they want. But they will keep the matter alive and bang on the same religious drum in the 2019 election.

"He said 'how can I get you money from IMF'. I said, you have 87% voting right in IMF. So, if you want landing rights, then on Monday I want $2 billion," Swamy revealed.

"He (the ambassador) said today is already Friday... I said in Washington it is still Thursday night.

"So, they gave us $2 billion... and they were given landing rights... we changed our landing policy," Swamy said.

Great presence of mind
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