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How Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could be jeopardised


Sep 21, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: It’s a nightmare scenario: al Qaeda militants gain control of a Pakistani nuclear weapon, either through a base assault, theft or a rogue commander’s cooperation, possibly in the event of hostilities with nuclear-armed neighbour India.

While most experts believe Pakistan’s strategic nuclear arsenal is safe, items such as low-yield, mobile nuclear delivery systems — called “shoot and scoot” tactical nuclear weapons — could be highly vulnerable.

The Nasr (Hatf-9) system being developed is a short-range, surface-to-surface multi-tube ballistic missile system. With a range of 60 km (37.5 miles), it’s designed for battlefield use.

Deploying small, portable nuclear weapons onto a battlefield increases the risk of things going wrong, either through miscalculation, an accident or possible infiltration by militant groups, nuclear experts say.

Here are some scenarios of how Pakistan might lose control over some of its nuclear arsenal.

Fog of (Nuclear) War

In the event of hostilities between India and Pakistan, militants could seize control of a Hatf-9 system — essentially a rocket launcher on a truck. But could they use it?

It’s necessary to understand the circumstances. In case of war between Islamabad and New Delhi, India is developing a “Cold Start” doctrine, which envisions armored battle groups quickly pushing into Pakistani territory, holding key pockets and then forcing Islamabad to the negotiating table.

The plan is to avoid antagonizing Pakistan to the point that it would retaliate with ballistic missiles against Indian cities, but Pakistani doctrine — and the Hatf-9 system — appears to envision using tactical nuclear weapons, possibly on its own soil, against the invaders.

But deploying tactical weapons to the battlefield means command and control has to be dispersed to individual military units.

And while Pakistan normally separates warheads and delivery systems, in times of crisis, weapons would be armed and deployed, although still “locked” by authentication codes, says Professor Shaun Gregory, director of the Pakistan Security Research Unit at the University of Bradford.

“However in a fluid battlefield context such codes will likely be released to prevent the weapons being overrun before they can be used,” he told Reuters in an email. “In such a ‘release delegated’ state … it’s possible that terrorists could seize a functioning weapon.”

Pakistan says its weapons have indigenously developed safety systems to prevent misuse, but it has never allowed outsiders to inspect these systems, Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, senior fellow for South Asia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, told Reuters.

Rogue Commanders

Another scenario is the “rogue commander”. Militant groups have had varying degrees of success in infiltrating the Pakistani military, but it’s unclear how deeply they go.

In addition to mechanical safety systems, Pakistan says its nuclear weapons are secure because of rigorous background checks and continuous monitoring of personnel for extremist sympathies.

That monitoring appears insufficient.

As far back as 2006, the United States was reporting in diplomatic cables, recently published by Wikileaks, that Pakistani pilots and flight crew were engaging in “petty sabotage” of American F-16s to prevent them being used against Taliban militants in the northwest.

The bodyguards for Punjab governor Salman Taseer were also heavily screened, but he was killed by an extremist who managed to get assigned to his security detail.

Speculation is also rife that the Taliban assaults on the PNS Mehran naval base in Karachi this month and on the Army General Headquarters in Rawalpindi in 2009 were aided by sympathisers from within the military.

While a commander going rogue is unlikely, “this is an ongoing struggle,” Roy-Chaudhury said. “The expected increase in radicalisation, especially within the Pakistani army after the U.S. raid and killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad … raises additional concerns.”

Rogue commanders could, in a conflict with India, hand over codes and weapons to militants or cooperate with them. The more mercenary types might simply sell them.

Seizing A Tactical Weapon From A Base

Another possibility doesn’t require a fight with India. The PNS Mehran attack shows militants have developed the ability to attack and hold ground inside sensitive military bases. And while no nuclear facilities have been penetrated yet the possibility has caused great concern.

“I think the attack on PNS Mehran (and on the GHQ in 2009) show that terrorists are developing tactics which enable them to penetrate highly-secure bases and hold space within them for hours,” Gregory said. “This suggests nuclear weapons security is increasingly vulnerable.”

Because of their smaller size, tactical weapons are more portable. And while the warheads wouldn’t be armed, the fissile materials of the cores could conceivably be extracted and used with conventional explosives to create a “dirty bomb”.

Militants could attack a base, seize a warhead or its core materials and then escape. A Pakistani tactical nuclear weapon might contain as little as 15-20kg (33-44 lbs) of enriched uranium.

“Responsible Pakistani stewards of their nuclear assets have no choice but to re-evaluate their security requirements and procedures,” said Michael Krepon, director of the South Asia and Space Security programs for Stimson, a Washington-based think tank for international security.

How Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could be jeopardised | | DAWN.COM
what the hell???......no militant has ever stolen a G3 or a bullet from a military base and this nut is talking about nukes!!!.....nukes are surrounded by a 20km safe zone around them....SPD officials are incharge of the security of the nukes while army is deployed around them. there are deep underground tunnels in which they are kept. they are broken down into parts and 2 or 3 people know about exact location and password. for infiltration you need 5 or 6 rogue commanders not one. this is pure BS. PNS mehran is not a high priority area . nukes and PNS mehran differ greatly.
yesterday i was watching a TV show in which the defence analyst said that nukes are broken down into parts and are not kept as a whole. the anchorperson said that isnt it more dangerous then??....parts are easier to carry than a big nuke.....as if you can carry a nuke on a backpack!!.....stupid journalists.
Brother, the one who wrote this piece is neither an Indian nor a Jew, he is a Pakistani.
yesterday i was watching a TV show in which the defence analyst said that nukes are broken down into parts and are not kept as a whole. the anchorperson said that isnt it more dangerous then??....parts are easier to carry than a big nuke.....as if you can carry a nuke on a backpack!!.....stupid journalists.

But you can definitely keep it in a pickup truck... :smitten: ok joke apart...

Its a "fear" that some rouge element of society will steal the nuke parts. these part can be smuggled to Iran/African countries. In worst scenario if a rouge element acquire one Nuke and use it against USA or India, then the situation will be critical... (The sum of all fear)

Second threat is Moles, there are many moles in Pakistani armed forces who hate America/India/Israel, if they can do Mehran, Salman Taseer, Benezir Bhutto, what make one to think that they can't do something nasty like nuking India/israel or USA???
Brother, the one who wrote this piece is neither an Indian nor a Jew, he is a Pakistani.

yup.....i despise that...he does not deserve to be called a pakistani.
But you can definitely keep it in a pickup truck... :smitten: ok joke apart...

Its a "fear" that some rouge element of society will steal the nuke parts. these part can be smuggled to Iran/African countries. In worst scenario if a rouge element acquire one Nuke and use it against USA or India, then the situation will be critical... (The sum of all fear)

Second threat is Moles, there are many moles in Pakistani armed forces who hate America/India/Israel, if they can do Mehran, Salman Taseer, Benezir Bhutto, what make one to think that they can't do something nasty like nuking India/israel or USA???

BB and slamann taseer were not moles, salman taseer was pumped with lead because he spoke against the blasphemy laws in front of the guard and the security person misinterpreted it. second BB was killed by who?,,,,we dont know. PNS mehran could be a job by external forces and agencies for all we know at the moment. you really believe that these people could have had NVG and other equipment.???......a local person is needed but the exact information and other thing are not within the talibans reach at the moment. AL qaeda yes taliban no.....
yesterday i was watching a TV show in which the defence analyst said that nukes are broken down into parts and are not kept as a whole. the anchorperson said that isnt it more dangerous then??....parts are easier to carry than a big nuke.....as if you can carry a nuke on a backpack!!.....stupid journalists.

must be a pretty idiotic defense analyst who believes that.. If tomorrow India launches a nuclear attack on Pakistan out of the blue, do you expect Pakistani military to spend hours and days ferrying the parts to a common place and assembling them before responding..
Brother, the one who wrote this piece is neither an Indian nor a Jew, he is a Pakistani.

Well there are some Pakistani's too who are really on Pay by your Agencies................Give me a singal example of any leakage in Pakistan NUKES Security.........except the Dr. Qadir's propganda.............I am 100% sure you will not find any of such leakages about Pakistani Nukes Info............so you can imagine how much they are under tight security........even mostly Generals from Army don't know where they are ............Just the peoples reated to them and 3 or 4 Star Generals knows..................so if you are talking that somebody can get info from those hight profile peopels then the whole country's security will collapse.

And at the end Please stop this and change your habbits.............You peoples are always sniffing to find something against Pakistan and post it here without wasting a second.
yup.....i despise that...he does not deserve to be called a pakistani.

so who so ever , will say even a word bad about Pakistan in Pakistan , his or her citizenship will be taken away and he or she will be declared a RAW , CIA OR MOOSAD agent ....?????


so who so ever , will say even a word bad about Pakistan in Pakistan , his or her citizenship will be taken away and he or she will be declared a RAW , CIA OR MOOSAD agent ....?????



you have got it all wrong. if anybody comes up with logical and reasonable argument about the nukes, he will be entertained. but the article above, you and i both know, is absolute sh**. just look at the dumb reasons given
must be a pretty idiotic defense analyst who believes that.. If tomorrow India launches a nuclear attack on Pakistan out of the blue, do you expect Pakistani military to spend hours and days ferrying the parts to a common place and assembling them before responding..

the nukes are kept in seperate parts which can be joined and assembled together very quickly AFAIK. they are all in one facility not in different cities. you have the warhead in one cell, liquid motor in the other, solid booster in the other, and so on.although i am no expert but i do know this much. just look at the facility in kamra
funny thing is I read that Article their is no mention of the name of this Indian Agent who wrote this Article
Americans even dont know where are our nukes and taliban will take control LOLZ man how indians happy and reading such news Hahhahahahaha

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