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How not to celebrate 12 Rabiul Awwal

And Prophet (PBUH) never asked us to clebrate His (PBUH) birthday.
In fact the dates of His (PBUH) arrival and departure are the same.... So that makes it even worse.
Plus celebrating like this?
@Talon if you read thread title,it clearly mentions 12 Rabi ul Awwal.
And i guess you know 12 Rabi ul Awwal?
So whats the confusion here? Again?

How do we know that the video was made on that day or not just to develop hatred the title was put like that?

@Safriz Hmmm..how did they justify it? You know how did they justify that this is better than reading Quran or going to Masjid?

My question did not get answered so I am posting it again...
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How do we know that the video was made on that day or not just to develop hatred the title was put like that?

My question did not get answered so I am posting it again...

The video shows all the banners and lighting on the occasion and that is the type they use for "Eid-Milad-unnabi",watch the video carefully.
Then they keep shouting "Sarkaar ki aamad Marhaba on occasions...

The question you posted i did not understand..Please Rephrase...
Bad dance. They should proper learn how to dance, then event becomes successful and more enjoyable, Anyway this is Nice marriage ceremony.
The video shows all the banners and lighting on the occasion and that is the type they use for "Eid-Milad-unnabi",watch the video carefully.
Then they keep shouting "Sarkaar ki aamad Marhaba on occasions...

The question you posted i did not understand..Please Rephrase...

The banners stay for a long time! That is why I am skeptical!

My question: how did this mullah party manage to make people indulge in whatever instead of going to Masjid or reading the Quran?
Eid Of All EId i.e Eid E Milad Un Nabi S.A.W is celebrated all over the worlds i mean Heaven and earth ,so some time people get carried away and sometime people have their local tradition which they brought to islam when they reverted to islam.so just by showing some clip the OP is showing that all who celebrating this day is doing wrong and its against Sunnah and islam is not correct there are black sheep in all sects and religion.

By showing this video lots of people responded very negative about a particular sect if some people do something wrong is that all people who follow are wrong i don't think so .Like the terrorist who blow them self up, are all wahabi,salafi,ahle hadis and deobandi approve their act i dont this so.

Some people call it shirk my fellow muslim you should understand first what is shirk and what is Haram before giving the fatwa.

Why did not the OP showed the majority people celebrating Eid in complete tradition of islam by reciting Holy Quran ,Naat Sharif ,Salat u salaam and distributing sweet and feeding poor people and wearing new cloths Because there are some people lets see what the holy quran has to say about them .

"In their hearts is a disease, and God increaseth their disease."

-the Holy Quran (2:10)

To all right minded Ashique E Rasool let me show you how a non believer and enemy of islam is getting rewarded for celebrating prophet birthday.

Abu Lahab was an uncle to the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam). The event, which Imaam Qastalaani has referred to, is this. When a maid of Abu Lahab (Abdul 'Uzza) named Thuwaibah informed him of a son being born to his brother Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him), he (Abu Lahab) was so delighted at herring this that he pointed his finger to her in a manner which signified her emancipation for carrying the good news to him But when the holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) declared his Prophet hood, he (Abu Lahab) did not accept him as a Prophet but became a most severe enemy to him and remained so all his life. In condemnation of him a whole Surah of the Holy Qur’an descended.

لَمَّا مَاتَ أَبُو لَهَب رَأَيْته فِي مَنَامِي بَعْد حَوْل فِي شَرّ حَال فَقَالَ : مَا لَقِيت بَعْدكُمْ رَاحَة ، إِلَّا أَنَّ الْعَذَاب يُخَفَّف عَنِّي كُلّ يَوْم اِثْنَيْنِ ، قَالَ : وَذَلِكَ أَنَّ النَّبِيّ صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وُلِدَ يَوْم الِاثْنَيْنِ ، وَكَانَتْ ثُوَيْبَة بَشَّرَتْ أَبَا لَهَب بِمَوْلِدِهِ فَأَعْتَقَهَا
After his death, people of Abu Lahab's household saw him in a dream, and asked him how he had fared. To this, Abu Lahab said that after departing from them he did not meet with any good but was being given water every Monday from the finger with which he had indicated the emancipation of Thuwaibah, and this water lessened his torment.


1(a). Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 153, Hadith No 5101, Kitaabun Nikaah, Publisher: Darul Fikr – Berut.
1(b). Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, Book 62, Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah), Hadith 038
1(c). Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, Page 764.
2. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Page 118 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
3. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Page 145 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
4. Musannaf by Abdur Razzaq San’ani, Vol. 7, Page 478
5. Umdat al-Qaari Sharha Sahih al-Bukhari by Allama Badruddin Ainee, Vol. 2, Page 95
The banners stay for a long time! That is why I am skeptical!

that is a good point actually...
Now that you said it and i have watched the video a few more times,i am also skeptic that it may well be a wedding video..
In Karachi its very normal to block a street and set up stage and seating for wedding guests..
If the whole street was decorated for "Eid Milad Unnabi" the wedding guests or wedding organisers had no Jurisdiction on those decorations and lightings...
Plus after watching the video many times i find no evidence to support that these people gathered there specifically to celebrate Eid Milad Unnabi as there is no mention of it.

I was very shocked to see this "New style" of Eid Milad Unnabi..
But now that i am also sceptic,i am Unshocked :D
Music on the ‘Id Festivals

عن عائشة قالت: دخل علي رسول الله وعندي جاريتان تغنيان بغناء بعاث فاضطجع على الفراش وحول وجهه ودخل أبو بكر فانتهرني وقال مزمارة الشيطان عند النبي فأقبل عليه رسول الله عليه السلام فقال دعهما فلما غفل غمزتهما فخرجتا

Narrates ‘A’ishah (rta): The Messenger (sws) of God came to my residence while two female singers were singing the songs of Bu‘ath.1 The Holy Prophet (sws) lay down and turned his face to the other side. Meanwhile Abu Bakr (rta) entered and [seeing the singers] rebuked me thus: ‘Satanic musical instruments in the presence of the Holy Prophet (sws)?’ On hearing this God’s Messenger (sws) turned towards him and said: ‘Let them [sing and rejoice]’. When Abu Bakr was engaged in some other business, I signaled to the girls [to go out] and they left. It was on the ‘Id day.2 (Bukhari, No: 907)

We can conclude from this narrative the following points:

· The Mother of the believers, ‘A’ishah (rta), was listening to songs on ‘Id day.

· The songs were being sung in the residence of the Holy Prophet (sws).

· A professional singer was performing.3

· The song was not a hymn to God; rather a relic of a war fought before the advent of Islam.

· The mother of the believers did not stop listening to the song even after the Holy Prophet had arrived.

· The Holy Prophet (sws) did not forbid her from listening to the song.

· He did not stop the female singers either.

· He himself was not attracted to the performance but he must have heard the song as he could hear Abu Bakr’s comments.

· Abu Bakr (rta) condemned the practice at first sight and declared that these were satanic instruments.

· When he tried to stop the singers and censure the listeners, the Holy Prophet (sws) stopped him from doing so.

The report evidently proves that the Holy Prophet (sws) allowed singing music during religious festivals. This is evidenced by the fact that Holy Prophet’s (sws) wife enjoyed singing and music. Although Abu Bakr (rta) tried to stop the function, the Holy Prophet (sws) did not interfere with it, and let the performers and the audience enjoy themselves. Therefore, in light of this evidence we can conclude that music can justifiably be considered allowable in Islam.
that is a good point actually...
Now that you said it and i have watched the video a few more times,i am also skeptic that it may well be a wedding video..
In Karachi its very normal to block a street and set up stage and seating for wedding guests..
If the whole street was decorated for "Eid Milad Unnabi" the wedding guests or wedding organisers had no Jurisdiction on those decorations and lightings...
Plus after watching the video many times i find no evidence to support that these people gathered there specifically to celebrate Eid Milad Unnabi as there is no mention of it.

I was very shocked to see this "New style" of Eid Milad Unnabi..
But now that i am also sceptic,i am Unshocked :D

Never judge a book by its cover same goes for never judging a video by the title ;)
Use of Music on Joyous Occasions

عن ابن عائشة لما قدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم المدينة جعل النساء وصبيان يقلن:

طلع البدر علينا

من ثنيات الوداع

وجب الشكر علينا

ما دعا لله داع

أيها المبعوث فينا

جئت با لأمر المطاع

Ibn ‘A’ishah narrates: When the Holy Prophet (sws) came to Madinah, the women and the children started singing: ‘The Moon has risen upon us from the hillocks of Wida‘. We owe gratitude [to God] as long as those who call God continue doing so. O Prophet (sws) you have brought a religion that is worthy to be followed’.6

2. عن أنس بن مالك أن النبي مر ببعض المدينة فإذا هو بجوار يضربن بدفهن ويتغنين ويقلن:

نحن جوار من بني النجار

يا حبذا محمد من جار

فقال النبي الله يعلم إني لأحبكن

Narrates Anas Ibn Malik: [Having entered the city], the Holy Prophet (sws) passed through a certain part of the town. Suddenly some slave girls appeared singing on the Daff the following ditty: ‘We are the slave girls of Bani Najjar.7 How lucky! This day the Holy Prophet (sws) has come to be our neighbor’. At this the Holy Prophet (sws) remarked: ‘God knows that I love you people’8 (Ibn Majah, No: 1899)

These narratives deal with the Holy Prophet’s arrival in Madinah after his migration from Makkah. Their content can be summarized in the following points:

· The Holy Prophet’s arrival in Madinah was an extremely joyous occasion.

· People expressed their joy by singing joyous songs.

· Slave girls were also from among the singers.

· They had musical instruments to play with their songs.

· The Holy Prophet (sws) and the Companions (rta) heard these songs but they did not express their disapproval.

· The Holy Prophet (sws) expressed his love and kindness for singing women.

These and other similar narratives sufficiently prove that when the Holy Prophet (sws) reached Madinah after his migration from Makkah, he received a warm welcome. The city had a festive appearance. Every one was filled with joy on the Holy Prophet’s arrival. Women, slave girls, singing women and children expressed their joy by singing welcome songs and playing the Daff. The Holy Prophet (sws) appreciated this. Therefore, one cannot deny the fact that the Holy Prophet (sws) sanctioned celebrating joyous occasion by singing melodies using musical instruments.

iv. Use of Music during Travels:

عن سلمة بن الأكوع رضي الله عنه قال خرجنا مع النبي إلى خيبر فسرنا ليلا فقال رجل من القوم لعامر يا عامر ألا تسمعنا من هنيهاتك وكان عامر رجلا شاعرا حداء فنزل يحدو بالقوم يقول:

اللهم لولا أنت ما اهتدينا

ولا تصدقنا ولا صلينا

فاغفر فداء لك ما اتقينا

وثبت الأقدام إن لاقينا

وألقين سكينة علينا

إنا إذا صيح بنا أبينا

وبالصياح عولوا علينا

فقال رسول الله من هذا السائق قالوا عامر بن الأكوع قال يرحمه الله

Narrates Salama Ibn Al-Akwa‘: ‘We set off for Khaybar in the company of the Holy Prophet (sws) at night. A man from the group said to ‘Amir: ‘O ‘Amir, would not you let us hear your poetry?’ ‘Amir who was a Hida poet got down and started reciting for the people [the following verses]: ‘O God, were not it for your guidance, we could not have been able to offer the Salah and pay the Zakah. So please forgive our sins that [we have committed] and the ones we may commit in future. We are ready to offer our lives for your cause. Grant us perseverance when faced [with the enemy] and pour down your mercy upon us. [We are the people] who refuse to surrender when the enemy challenges us to fight. And [we leave them] to cry for help against us’.

The Holy Prophet asked: ‘Who is that signer?’ They replied: ‘‘Amir bin Al-Akwa‘’. ‘God bless him’, prayed the Holy Prophet (sws)9. (Bukhari, No: 3960)

We learn from the narrative that:

· The Companions were along with the Holy Prophet (sws) on his way to Khaybar.

· Some of the Companions requested ‘Amir (rta) to sing from his Hida (i.e. song sung primarily to drive camels, which correspond to their walk). He complied with the request and began his recitation with such a loud voice that the Holy Prophet (sws) could hear him.

· The Holy Prophet (sws) inquired about the singer approvingly.

· Since he had recited good verses the Holy Prophet (sws) prayed for him.

Hida is a form of the desert poetry. The verses in this kind of poetry are rhymed corresponding to the pace of the footsteps of the camels. Ancient Arab camel drivers would sing this kind of poetry while travelling through the desert. Though the primary purpose of this singing was to encourage the camels to walk speedily yet the camel drivers themselves enjoyed it a lot. Many Hadith narratives refer to this practice of the time and evidently prove that the Holy Prophet (sws) and his Companions would enjoy this kind of poetry.

According to other narratives on the same subject, the Holy Prophet (sws) had appointed Anjashah, who had a very pleasing voice, to serve as a Hadi (i.e. camel driver) during his travels in the desert. During one of the travels, the camels started to pace very quickly affected by the sweetness of his sound. The Holy Prophet (sws) stopped him lovingly from singing Hida. He asked the singer not to force the beasts to walk at a faster pace so that female riders do not fall down. ‘Anas Ibn Malik reports:

كان للنبي حاد يقال له أنجشة وكان حسن الصوت فقال له النبي رويدك يا أنجشة لا تكسر القوارير قال قتادة يعني ضعفة النساء

The Holy Prophet had a Had, Anjashah. He had a very sweet sound. [During one of his journeys] the Holy Prophet (sws) said to him: ‘Slow down, Anjashah, lest you should break the delicate goblets. Qatadah explained that the Prophet (sws) was referring to delicate women. (Bukhari, No: 5857)

According to the scholars Hida’ definitely is a type of singing. Dr. Jawwad Ali writes:

ولحداء هو من اقدم انواع الغناء عند العرب و يغنى به في الاسفار خاصة ولا زال على مكانته و مقامه في البادية حتى اليوم. و يتغنى به في المناسبات المحزمة أيضا لملائمة نغمته مع الحزن. و قد كان للرسول حادى هو البراء بن مالك بن النضر الأنصاري و كان حداء للرجال. و كان له حداء آخر, يقال له انجشة الحادي و كان جميل الصوت أسود, و كان يحدو للنساء النبي, و كان غلاما للرسول.

Hida is of the oldest type of singing in Arabia that was specifically used during travels and is still used in contemporary Bedouin society. Besides, since the Hida songs suit sorrowful situation, this type of singing was used in mourning etc. as well. The Holy Prophet (sws) got a Hida singer appointed for him called Al-Barra’ Ibn Malik Ibn Nadar Al-Ansari who would drive camels for male riders. Another Had of his was Anjashah who had a very melodious tone. He was a black slave of the Holy Prophet (sws) who was employed to serve as a Had for the camels of the wives of the Holy Prophet (sws). 10

He further writes:

والحداء هو في الواقع غناء أهل البادية, … هذا النوع من الغناء مما يتناسب مع لحن البوادي و نغمها الحزينة البسيطة التي تطرب بها طبيعة البداوة نفس الأعراب

Al-Hida’ actually is the singing used among the desert dwellers … this kind of singing corresponds with the tones cherished by the desert dwellers and also with their simple and natural mourning songs that please the nomadic tastes of these Bedouins. 11

Ibn Khaldun writes in his book, Muqaddamah, that the basic purpose of Hida was not only to please the caravan members but also to urge the camels to proceed faster.

This feeling of joy is even found in speechless animals not to mention humans. Therefore we see that the camels respond to the Hida of the riders, and the horses are affected by the whistles and shrill sounds. We already know that animals receive effects of the songs if they are rhythmical, and correspond to the rules governing the art of music.12

v. Musical Instruments

عن الربيع بنت معوذ قالت دخل علي النبي غداة بني علي فجلس على فراشي كمجلسك مني وجويريات يضربن بالدف يندبن من قتل من آبائهن يوم بدر حتى قالت جارية وفينا نبي يعلم ما في غد فقال النبي لا تقولي هكذا وقولي ما كنت تقولين

Narrates Rabi‘, daughter of Mu‘wwadh: On the occasion of my transfer to my husband’s home after marriage, the Holy Prophet (sws) came to visit us and sat down on my bed just as you [the next narrator] are sitting before me now. Some slave girls were beating the Daff and singing in lamentation of their forefathers who had been killed during the battle of Badr. Then one of the girls sang: ‘Among us is the Prophet (sws) who knows even what will happen in coming days’. At this, the Holy Prophet (sws) said: ‘Do not say this, but go on singing.13 (Bukhari, No: 3779)

We learn from the narrative that:

· The Holy Prophet (sws) attended a marriage ceremony where some slave girls were singing.

· Singing was not stopped on his arrival.

· The singers used the Daff with their singing.

· The Holy Prophet (sws) heard them [this is evident from the fact that he stopped them from uttering certain words.]

· He however ordered them to continue with what they were singing before.

This effectively proves that the Holy Prophet (sws) did not impose any restriction on using the Daff, a common musical instrument used in that society. Keeping in view the information we received through the above mentioned narratives we can conclude that Arabs of the times of the Holy Prophet (sws) would use musical instrument to accompany their singing on joyous occasions. This has been done in the presence of the Holy Prophet (sws) to which he did not object. Some other narratives even tell us that the Holy Prophet (sws) even ordered the people to use musical instruments at the occasion of marriage.

قال رسول الله فصل بين الحلال والحرام الدف والصوت في النكاح

The Holy Prophet (sws) said: ‘the only thing that distinguishes the allowable act (i.e. Nikah) from the forbidden one (fornication) is the beat of the tambourine and open declaration of the Nikah.14 (Ibn Majah, No: 1896)
well there are some extremists in every sect who take teaching of their sects to exterme level be they brelvi, tabligi/deobundi , shia. salafi or whatever. If you learn what brevli believe from deboundi then they will give you different story and same is true if you take opinion of braveli about beliefs of deobundi. I learned about beliefs of boht sects from their own scholars and expert

was not Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) born as well died on 12 rabi ul awal ? I personally dont find anything wrong with milad gathering for remembrance of Allah and his prophet(PBUH) and recite daraood and do dhikar, offer nawafal and highlight the sunnah of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and discuss events during his life time etc which is all good but watste money on unnecessary things like lighting and decorations, marching on roads, and evil and wrong practices like mujra, dancing etc attach to it should be avoided
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