This guy is mixing extinct different species of humanoid like homo erectus homo habilus with sub Saharan African which like of all human today r homo sapiens
This guy doesn't even know about basic fact of biology that two species can't produce fertile offspring as.for his independent anthropologist means he self claimed expert without any formal education in the field kind of like those flat earth scientists
The commonality between genes among different human species is due to same reason as why banana has 50% DNA same as human or mice have over 80% same with humans
Genetic redundancy the gene which code for say collagen protein would be more or less same in all animals and so on
This is some redneck white racist probably those neo Nazis
African origin r proven theory time and again and his reverse claim r nothing but bs
Atlantis gardens??? a famous myth among Nazis of there supposed origin Hitler spent a lot of resources to prove it but could not
Even Aryan race has proven to be to originally from central Asia not Europe or mythical Atlantis