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How many Americans on PDF?

You mean you eat burgers whole day, can't locate Israel or Iran on a world map, and make sure to say 'freedom fries' when in France? :o:

Meaning I don't know other countries exist outside Amreeka, I LOVE deep frying Mars bars, and Obama the source of all life's problems.
He's not around right now, self-ban until January, so I'll add @SvenSvensonov

how do you self ban..
If you're an American citizen please tag yourself here. Would like to know how many of you there are, and active.


1. SvenSvensonov
2. LeveragedBuyout
3. Syed.Ali.Haider
4. Solomon2
5. Providence
6. Georgeclark
7. SHK
8. Thəorətic Muslim
9. gambit
10. Desertfalcon
11. F22Raptor
12. AMDR
13. PeterC
14. C130
15. TruthSeeker
*16. Thomas
*17. Chogy
*18. S2
19. alikazmi007
20. OCguy
21. Juice
22. KAL-El

Honorary Americans
1. Arya Desa
* = Retired.

alot of Pak americans here too,

Desert Fox
King Mamba
etc etc

Falcon 29 aka Hazzy

did i miss somebody.
If you're an American citizen please tag yourself here. Would like to know how many of you there are, and active.


1. SvenSvensonov
2. LeveragedBuyout
3. Syed.Ali.Haider
4. Solomon2
5. Providence
6. Georgeclark
7. SHK
8. Thəorətic Muslim
9. gambit
10. Desertfalcon
11. F22Raptor
12. AMDR
13. PeterC
14. C130
15. TruthSeeker
*16. Thomas
*17. Chogy
*18. S2
19. alikazmi007
20. OCguy
21. Juice
22. KAL-El

Honorary Americans
1. Arya Desa

* = Retired.

What's the purpose of this?
Not sure if you're being entirely serious or just having some fun, but in case it's the former not the latter, painting an entire nation with a broad brush isn't exactly the most mature rational thing to do.

I could stereotype other nations (and some Americans do which isn't right either) but I don't.

It was in harmless fun, no offense meant, bro. :angel:
It was in harmless fun, no offense meant, bro. :angel:

I deleted my post. My apologies if my comment came off defensive. I also meant no personal offense towards you :)
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