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How India is gonna deal with booming China airforce in year 2018?

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Screw bombing Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. I want the ruthless military hawks in the PLA to wipe every Indian city off the map and completely wipe the Indian population off the map (this will help us long term in resource competition) which means targeting Indian civilian population (schools, hospitals, universities), industrial base, commercial targets and of course military targets.

You can just gnash your teeth and foam at your mouth. But you cannot deny the truth that strategic parity has now been reached with the launch of 8000 km range, MIRV capable Agni-5.
buddy... i told u to open your eye and read it carefully.. i know it is difficult being a chinese but please give it a try ...
Still a self-rightous comments, never mind, what can you expect indian to be?!
So it is a overall war?
But you should improve you Brown missile, I remember a news you had launch a missile, but don't know where did it hit, tell me, have you found its remain?

another self-rightousness, hehe, Indian!!

Underestimating the enemy is the sign of weakness. You Chinese seem to do that a lot. How the war would be fought is hard to predict. One thing for sure, given the heights of himalaya, jets may not be of great use, except supporting and protecting the marching armies. Given the both countries are geographically very large and have powerful armed forces with continent sized populations only nukes and missiles can bring decisive victory. Who ever flats out other's major financial and population centers wins the war.

Screw bombing Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. I want the ruthless military hawks in the PLA to wipe every Indian city off the map and completely wipe the Indian population off the map (this will help us long term in resource competition) which means targeting Indian civilian population (schools, hospitals, universities), industrial base, commercial targets and of course military targets.

HongWu with his mega f@rts :lol:
Screw bombing Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. I want the ruthless military hawks in the PLA to wipe every Indian city off the map and completely wipe the Indian population off the map (this will help us long term in resource competition) which means targeting Indian civilian population (schools, hospitals, universities), industrial base, commercial targets and of course military targets.

he he he how old are you do you realli think chinese ruthless or whatever fancy name you have are so stupid that they will attack india and india will keep quite like an obidient child he he he well i thought chinese guys were smart but looking and reading your post has realli dissapointed me :no:

well to start with Inida already moniters way beyond you think inside china and gets regular inputs from your US and japnese friends aswell + the big eagel/USA also keeps sending us friendly mail regarding the ever agressive dragon dont worry we are not pakistan aur vietnam your genrals are not fools that they want normal relations wiith india

he he he he we indians dont do war or take owt a wepon when things dont go in owr favour there is a thing called diplomacy and foriegn relatiopns ever heared about them dont pay too much heat to your best friends who get fake orgasms every time there is a mild accelaration on indo chinese border be smart dont get carried away and ask for adfvice from your senior party officials in this regarad they will tell you the real thing :cheers:
Underestimating the enemy is the sign of weakness. You Chinese seem to do that a lot. How the war would be fought is hard to predict. One thing for sure, given the heights of himalaya, jets may not be of great use, except supporting and protecting the marching armies. Given the both countries are geographically very large and have powerful armed forces with continent sized populations only nukes and missiles can bring decisive victory. Who ever flats out other's major financial and population centers wins the war.

HongWu with his mega f@rts :lol:

China will win in the end.
India will launch the Agni X when it's air force is overrun, so save your money doing meaningless resistance.

Cause your defeat is doomed.
I also want the cold, brutal and ruthless military hawks in the PLA to also do one more thing.....drop depleted uranium on every Indian river, agricultural area and ALL civilian population areas. This way all future Indian children will be born deformed and will be useless to their country. I know it's a heartless tactic but we need to ruthlessly crush our rivals and make sure they have no future. This is the only way to preserve our superiority and rule over Asia and protect our interests.
Nice people finish last.

:hitwall: do you really need to be that stupid?

Its off topic and flaming post ..POST REPORTED!
I also want the cold, brutal and ruthless military hawks in the PLA to also do one more thing.....drop depleted uranium on every Indian river, agricultural area and ALL civilian population areas. This way all future Indian children will be born deformed and will be useless to their country. I know it's a heartless tactic but we need to ruthlessly crush our rivals and make sure they have no future. This is the only way to preserve our superiority and rule over Asia and protect our interests.
Nice people finish last.

Rather than getting your education from Sun Tzu, I find that you got it from Attila the Hun.

You have too inflated an opinion of your capabilities. Go home, sleep and wake up sober. We are already tying up with Japan, Vietnam and Myanmar to contain the Chinese Madman. Day is not far when you find nuclear missiles in Vietnam.
Troll thread with a bunch of high on something Chinese novices drooling without a clue of what is air warfare.

Mods please close this thread
Underestimating the enemy is the sign of weakness. You Chinese seem to do that a lot. How the war would be fought is hard to predict. One thing for sure, given the heights of himalaya, jets may not be of great use, except supporting and protecting the marching armies. Given the both countries are geographically very large and have powerful armed forces with continent sized populations only nukes and missiles can bring decisive victory. Who ever flats out other's major financial and population centers wins the war.
I don't underestimate india, also don't overestimate you, I just mock your missile, so you think I underestimate you?! hehe!

Your military prediction of war between china and indian is very ridiculous in my eyes, you set the war will be a overall war, and involve Nuke here, very immature I think, Nuke war is a world end, at that time, it is not war just between china and India, you too easilly use the Nuke, not confident in your conventional force?
You think plane is not too much use in the war between China and India, it is just your opinion, I disagree.
I don't underestimate india, also don't overestimate you, I just mock your missile, so you think I underestimate you?! hehe!

Your military prediction of war between china and indian is very ridiculous in my eyes, you set the war will be a overall war, and involve Nuke here, very immature I think, Nuke war is a world end, at that time, it is not war just between china and India, you too easilly use the Nuke, not confident in your conventional force?
You think plane is not too much use in the war between China and India, it is just your opinion, I disagree.
Peace now, been watching your posts . .

Why so much hate for India? ;)
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