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How Imran Khan completely destroyed political parties balance of power.

.. a king's party that is not also a feudal interest lobby.
I mean I like PTI, but I wouldnt say they dont have a feudal interest lobby. The day a party brings in serious tax on agri income, that day you can tell me it is a party without feudal interest lobby. The story of subsidies is also in the open..
pure meritt
Well you're wrong here. The amount of nepotism that runs in the army specifically during courses is unparalleled. Generals and Safarshis bending the system so that their children can fare better is a reality that not many know off.
Army is not in the elite group, they are sons of poor and middle class people that get selected as lieutenants and then spend there entire lives progressing through the ranks on pure meritt. A generals son does not become a general.

But a general son and his other relatives secure jobs in NHA, NLC, FWO, FUJI companies etc....

Because those who run these organisations and hold big positions in them are either juniors of those generals, batch mates, or seniors. Don't act like army elite doesn't exist. It does
Imran Khan is not corrupt and thus cannot be controlled

Yes imran khan is not financially corrupt. But there are always other ways too, u know wat i mean. Initially they were reluctant about imran khan but then i guess they found a way. See the amount of u turns. Still though imran khan is much better than others, its just the team of IK, who are old politicians, same old ruling elites.
Well you're wrong here. The amount of nepotism that runs in the army specifically during courses is unparalleled. Generals and Safarshis bending the system so that their children can fare better is a reality that not many know off.

I have never seen a COAS son become a COAS. Let us know when that happens.
Traditionally, government in Pakistan is either with the landed aristocracy, or it's with the Army who still rely on the landed aristocracy to manage society and run affairs at the micro-level.

IK is neither, he is a bourgeois figure who gets his support from the urban areas where educated people are tired of the old feudal lords controlling legal and financial institutions. This has upset the balance of power. Historically, the military had to rely on guys like Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and Pir Pagara who opposed the Sharifs and Bhuttos but still represented the same socioeconomic class. Then IK came and united a viable coalition of urban businessmen, educated technocrats, and religious leaders who have for the first time provided the Army with a king's party that is not also a feudal interest lobby.

This takes away the PDM parties' biggest historical advantage, their monopoly of government. The military may be very competent soldiers but they know, and history has shown, they have zero knack for governing. Every time they get into power the army suffers from corruption and weakening of their core function. So they reluctantly decide to leave civic affairs to the civilians. But this time, they have a new party to rely on and coordinate with, and the old groups are upset because they have been upended by this new relationship between PTI and Army. Hence why this relationship is ostensibly the basis of their protest.
Brilliant analysis sir. The last 2 sentences are quite profound.
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