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How free is our media

It is the freest media in the world.

In other countries there is carefully constructed propaganda which is pumped to the masses, this includes India which is one of the worst at it.

Pakistan is free as can be, politicians argue on live television, everyone's view is allowed a voice.

It is chaotic yes, but that is true freedom.
Normally in west I notice when PTI or imran Khan comes online the transmission used to disconnect frequently

Simillarly I noticed some Pro PML(N) and PPP channels showing coverage to these two parties 9-5 with political shows

Pakistan lacks Journalistic VALUES ... and they "Publish the news" and investigate the truth later which is quite dangerous ...

In Western media sure they are biased , however , when they publish news , the news man
puts his soul on line to verify the Truth of the story , some of the big news analyst who release special documentaries research for months before they publish "Shocking material"

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