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HOW do you win against an enemy who only needs to not lose?


Mar 31, 2008
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Notes from Mohmand | DAWN.COM

Notes from Mohmand - HOW do you win against an enemy who only needs to not lose?

It’s a problem that has confounded counter-insurgency campaigns the world over, and it’s a problem the Pakistan Army is struggling to overcome in Fata.

The army has figured out how to ‘clear’ — at least in terms of clusters of militants — and they’ve managed to ‘hold’ fairly well. They also know what comes next: ‘transfer’.

But that crucial step is proving trickier than perhaps imagined.

Officially, the plan is to ramp up the civil administration and shore up the local forces. Have the khasadars and the levies take over policing responsibilities as and where possible and use the political agent’s office and the malik system to develop areas and win back hearts and minds.

Except, it’s hard for the civilians to take ownership in an area overrun by security forces. The office of the political agent in Mohmand was an unhappy case in point.

The de facto baadshah of a tribal agency in an era past, the political agent has been reduced to a shadow of himself.

The first sign of decrepitude is the absence of people. Locals used to queue up outside a political agent’s office from the early hours of the morning to get their problems solved.

In Mohmand, there is no one waiting to meet the political agent. People know where the power lies now and power today wears a military uniform.

Also insightful was an embarrassing few minutes while in conversation with the political agent.

A PA’s office is set up to project power. Seated behind a large desk, there are no chairs for guests on the other side of his table.

Instead, visitors must sit at a distance on chairs lined up against the walls.

Perhaps by design or maybe by default, a strip of white marble runs around the floor just in front of the chairs pressed up against the wall — a physical marker separating the PA’s space from those he permits to visit him.

But, in this land of tribal honour and pride, all pretences of power vaporised in an excruciating few minutes. The PA’s personal phone rang and it quickly became apparent it was someone from the security apparatus calling.

From the PA’s clipped answers, the questions were obvious. Who were his visitors? Why were they in Mohmand? Which organisation did they belong to? What were their job descriptions? Were they recording or filming?

Who was the visitor from Karachi? Cee-ral? Sigh-ril? Helpless, the PA looked at me for a spelling. Where were we planning on going? How long would we stay?

Just like that, the PA had been reduced to a pitiable figure. Even to a visitor from Karachi, it was clear who is boss in Mohmand.

Outside, a quick query produced an uncomfortable answer: the most senior officer in Mohmand at the moment is of middle rank. “The PA can’t even stand up to a captain,” a local remarked contemptuously.

So how do you transfer responsibility to the civilian apparatus when he has no power?

There are no answers in Mohmand. And Mohmand hasn’t seen the kind of truly intense insurgency that other parts of Fata have.

Unable to move forward, the fear is that Mohmand could slip back. For how long can you claim to have succeeded in ‘holding’, particularly when the battle has morphed?

The army and the FC do physically dominate the space. But the Taliban leadership has fled and foot soldiers who stayed have melted away.

Hunting down the militants while trying to protect your forces tends to exact a heavy price on the local population. And a heavy price tends to produce more Taliban sympathisers.

If this were a frontal war, it would be a no-contest. The Taliban simply don’t have the firepower to defeat the security forces.

But the Taliban have adapted. They have time, they have local intelligence and their attacks require few resources of war.

The army believes the key is Afghanistan: when the war against occupation ends there, much of the oxygen will be sucked out of the war in Fata.

But that tends to miss the point. Fata is no Balochistan. There isn’t a separatist movement and the Taliban haven’t earned widespread sympathy.

What does exist, though, in Fata is an infrastructure for jihad. Roam through Mohmand and the health centres and clinics and schools sponsored by the religious right are more evident than state institutions.

Scratch that surface, speak to locals and the parallel infrastructure that has mushroomed over the last three decades emerges unmolested.

How many were part of the Mohmand Taliban when it announced its arrival in an orgy of blood and gore? A few hundred, maybe a few thousand at most?

In a shadowy war, they need even fewer to survive. That unmolested infrastructure of jihad can supply the required few.

The unsettling part is that you get a sense that the state wishes it could just put back the lid on the Fata box and get on with life.

Don’t harm us, we won’t harm you. If we do need to use you on occasion, consider it your contribution to the national interest.

But that’s what created the mess in the first place. Five decades of Fata being a closed box created the conditions for the last decade of mayhem.

In Mohmand, for all the progress on the security front, you can’t shake off the feeling that the state has run out of ideas.

The head is back in the sand. Except this time, there’s an IED planted next to it.

The writer is a member of staff.


Twitter: @cyalm
That's exactly what happens when you shy away from responsibility.

No sir, we cant 'push' responsibility and authority into you, if we take a step, you have to take two and only then the 'transfer' can take place. Otherwise, we all can sit, wait and watch the tides turn, probably not in the favor of the country.
Might I suggest here what IK has been saying for a while ? Get the locals on your side, make them NOT sympathize with the Taliban, and they'l take care of the Taliban themselves. They are armed, they know the terrain, and most importantly, they know the people and their mindset. Support by the government, if any, should be salient and in the background.
The only way to win is to make them realize they have chosen the wrong side , and that they are not going to win , & may end up loosing everything. most of them are fighting because this is the only way for them to eat & survive , there are no jobs for them there is no education & they only way left for them is to pick up a weapon & shoot at what they are pointed at , regardless of right & wrong .

Once Pak Army clears an area , it should rehabilitate its residents , teach them how to earn without killing , give them education , teach them the difference between Right & Wrong , if people are with you & they know you care about them , then next time a terrorist comes to them & tries to hire them they will catch him & hand that person to Army themselves.
The only way to win is to make them realize they have chosen the wrong side , and that they are not going to win , & may end up loosing everything. most of them are fighting because this is the only way for them to eat & survive , there are no jobs for them there is no education & they only way left for them is to pick up a weapon & shoot at what they are pointed at , regardless of right & wrong .

Once Pak Army clears an area , it should rehabilitate its residents , teach them how to earn without killing , give them education , teach them the difference between Right & Wrong , if people are with you & they know you care about them , then next time a terrorist comes to them & tries to hire them they will catch him & hand that person to Army themselves.

Army is doing whatever it can, now it is the civilian administration's turn to get uo and take charge, as i mentioned earlier, we cant force them to what they are supposed to


Sabawoon Rehabilitation Centre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Army is doing whatever it can, now it is the civilian administration's turn to get uo and take charge, as i mentioned earlier, we cant force them to what they are supposed to


Sabawoon Rehabilitation Centre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But we Do know that our Civil Administration is impotent , if they were doing their job Right this kind of situation would never has arose.
But we Don know that our Civil Administration is impotent , if they were doing their job Right this kind of situation would never has arose.

Then why the bitching, moaning and complaining by sir cyril, and presenting the poor, depressed and helpless PA as if he is kal ka kaka..??
Once Pak Army clears an area , it should rehabilitate its residents , teach them how to earn without killing , give them education , teach them the difference between Right & Wrong , if people are with you & they know you care about them , then next time a terrorist comes to them & tries to hire them they will catch him & hand that person to Army themselves.

That is strictly a job for the civilian government. This is the exact reason that there is something lacking in the rehabilitation phase.
That is strictly a job for the civilian government. This is the exact reason that there is something lacking in the rehabilitation phase.

Please open your eyes , your Civilian Governmental is not Capable of Any thing , if they even did 10% of their Job , we would not be in this mess , it is not Army's Job to teach Civilians , & to make Roads & Bridges , but they are doing it because yours Truly Civil Administration is not capable of doing so.

Then why the bitching, moaning and complaining by sir cyril, and presenting the poor, depressed and helpless PA as if he is kal ka kaka..??

In my Experience these type of people are best left alone , they want others to admire them & follow them & to get that they will do anything they can , Write any thing they want , without consequences.

These people if left alone , will die on their own.
And can you believe the mighty Dawn didnt allow may comments (those i wrote in my post# 2) on their news page carrying this piece. There are only two comments on their pages, both of them 'praising' the news.

Unbiased media, my azz!
Why always this apologetic attitude and just trying to shift the blame on to the "bloody civilians"!

These civilians don't have any real power in security matters anyway, when they are allowed to nominally have power.

For more than half the time, the army was fully in control with no one to blame.

So, it is about finding scapegoats and not about resolving the issues.

Perhaps the issues are so intractable and of its own making. And there is no will to make a clean break still and leave what has clearly not worked, not produced result and has been devastating to country.

That disastrous policy was not of civilians' making even if they are being sought to be made scapegoats.
Army is doing whatever it can, now it is the civilian administration's turn to get uo and take charge, as i mentioned earlier, we cant force them to what they are supposed to

The problem is that Pakistanis consider Military and Civilian leadership as 2 separate entities.. Where as military is one of the tools of the trade of the civilian govt in a democracy. And there in lies the problem
Why always this apologetic attitude and just trying to shift the blame on to the "bloody civilians"!

These civilians don't have any real power in security matters anyway, when they are allowed to nominally have power.

For more than half the time, the army was fully in control with no one to blame.

So, it is about finding scapegoats and not about resolving the issues.

Perhaps the issues are so intractable and of its own making. And there is no will to make a clean break still and leave what has clearly not worked, not produced result and has been devastating to country.

That disastrous policy was not of civilians' making even if they are being sought to be made scapegoats.

I think it is better to stay out of a matter which you know nothing about .
it is not Army's Job to teach Civilians , & to make Roads & Bridges , but they are doing it because yours Truly Civil Administration is not capable of doing so.

Hey, I like this government as much as you do!!!:lol:

Yes it is not the job of Army.

And thank you, my eyes are very well open, but thanks for your help.!:)
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