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How Dawn Leaks ruined Pakistan Army’s credibility


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Mar 4, 2017
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How Dawn Leaks ruined Pakistan Army’s credibility
Global Village Space |

On May 10th 2017, the nation witnessed a historic compromise between the civil and military establishment over the “Dawn Leaks” issue. In quick succession, both ISPR and the Ministry of Interior released notifications which resolved the matter.

On its website, ISPR’s press release stated that the April 29th tweet by Director General ISPR Asif Ghafoor, which rejected the measures outlined by the Prime Minister’s Secretariat on the Dawn leaks issue, was hereby withdrawn. The ISPR release also proclaimed the Army’s commitment to safeguarding democracy and termed the Dawn leaks matter as resolved.

The fabricated story published by Dawn was, in essence, a breach of Pakistan’s national security. From the outset, this was the adopted stance of both Army and the PML-N government.

Immediately after the ISPR’s statement, the Ministry of Interior released a ‘fresh’ notification which seemed to be drafted rather hastily because it contained several misspellings. The only addition in the notification was the endorsement of actions taken against ex-information minister Pervaiz Rasheed. The notification did not specify the charges on the basis of which he was sacked.

Read more: ISPR’s new clarification: Saving democracy or compromising national security?

The fabricated story published by Dawn was, in essence, a breach of Pakistan’s national security. From the outset, this was the adopted stance of both Army and the PML-N government. The inquiry commission assembled to investigate this ‘breach’ was directed to unmask the perpetrators behind this fabrication. The committee compiled and submitted its report on 25th April following which the Prime Minister’s secretariat released a notification which outlined the measures taken by the government on this issue. This led to the publication of the aforementioned tweet by the DG ISPR which ‘rejected’ the notification. Subsequently, the discussions on media platforms and public forums reflected a renewed hope in the military’s capability when it came to national security issues. However, this strain of speculation has now been proven unsubstantiated.

The change in temperature of the military’s resolve on issues of national importance has serious immediate consequences. Specifically, the nature of its role in the joint investigation team responsible for conducting the inquiry into the purported financial wrong-doings of the Prime Minister.

After all the events and yesterday’s anticlimactic resolution of the Dawn leaks saga, the real perpetrators of this national security breach have neither been identified nor has any punitive action been taken against them. In the backdrop of escalating hostilities on the Indian and Afghan borders, it seems the army has withdrawn from and discarded its previous stance which identified Dawn leaks as a propagation of the enemy narrative. Following this bathos in the Army’s effort to secure national interests, the prevalent perception of the military’s moral strength and capacity to secure the nation’s interests has been dealt a heavy blow.

Read more: Government sticking to its guns: Dawn leaks matter resolved

This unfortunate outcome can be interpreted, in effect, as a victory for interests hostile to Pakistan.

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How Dawn Leaks ruined Pakistan Army’s credibility
Panama JIT is the only way for institutions to restore some credibility. Otherwise, it's pretty much over

Even the Army would have lost its credibility and respect in the eyes of MILLIONS of Pakistanis.

Maryam Nawaz is confirmed to be handling media cell. She was behind character assassination of Raheel Shariff. She had a confirmed and clear role to play in Dawn leaks. Even the officer cadre of Army knows it. Yet our "righteous" and "brave" Army couldn't dare to get its hands on "princess" because she's the daughter of a powerful feudal industrialist? And you want Pakistanis to respect you? Give lives for you? You want us to believe that such caliber men would be able to stand upto a disciplined, cut-throat merit oriented force?

Imagine American generals compromising on a national security breach whereby Ivanka Trump leaks some top secret news to media via her private media cell in order to give Russia an upper geopolitical hand over US military. Imagine ALL of that, and then imagine US military letting Ivanka go because she's a daughter of a rich billionaire and President.

LOL :lol:

Nobody can imagine that because US army is built to WIN, not to protect its own internal image and chaudrahat while being utterly weak and pathetic just to strike some "deals" with politicans.

@Icarus @Rashid Mahmood @Xeric @Bilal Khan 777

Nawaz made Army his "Punjab police" (Trending on social media all over, sadly).

To the generals, ap log apnay young officers se unki jaan maangtay hain. But aik powerful lutairay ki beti ka naam tak nai liya jata enquiry commission mein? Inna Lila hi wa inna aileh-e-rajioon
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Social media is becoming nightmare for haram khore politicians in Pakistan they can no longer feed people bull via controlled and censored media and get away with it
Maryam Nawaz is confirmed to be handling media cell. She was behind character assassination of Raheel Shariff. She had a confirmed and clear role to play in Dawn leaks. Even the officer cadre of Army knows it.

Do you have any evidence to support it ? it is a lie from day one, she is running media cell for PMLN not any gov office...similarly PTI running its media cell

Based on assumptions that it was her, PTI and PPP started all the character assassinations...
Similarly one can say General Pasha was behind all 2014 dharna's but there are no proofs for it ...

PTI and IK always speak lie and then take that lie as facts excatly like 35 punctures story...
Do you have any evidence to support it ? it is a lie from day one, she is running media cell for PMLN not any gov office...similarly PTI running its media cell

Based on assumptions that it was her, PTI and PPP started all the character assassinations...
Similarly one can say General Pasha was behind all 2014 dharna's but there are no proofs for it ...

PTI and IK always speak lie and then take that lie as facts excatly like 35 punctures story...

If she was clean - report would have been made public - as all other characters are sacrificed stating that these characters did not do enough to stop the publication - notification was quiet on who drafted/created/planted it.

It's like a peon found this report lying on the washroom floor of PM house, and he handed it over to Rao Tehseen, who showed it to Tariq Fatemi and then both sent it to Cyril and Cyril phoned Parvez Rasheed and he confirmed that they found a paper near the toilet bowl and I confirm that it was found in PM house - whole logic in notification is flawed.

At least in above case; an innocent peon's job was saved - for which we should give credit where due.

Shukriya Gen Bajwa and Salute to Nawaz Sharif!
Potiyans are like 2nd jealous girl friend of a rich person always conspiring against his wife and never happy

Every one else is pretty good with this decision
If she was clean - report would have been made public - as all other characters are sacrificed stating that these characters did not do enough to stop the publication - notification was quiet on who drafted/created/planted it.

It's like a peon found this report lying on the washroom floor of PM house, and he handed it over to Rao Tehseen, who showed it to Tariq Fatemi and then both sent it to Cyril and Cyril phoned Parvez Rasheed and he confirmed that they found a paper near the toilet bowl and I confirm that it was found in PM house - whole logic in notification is flawed.

At least in above case; an innocent peon's job was saved - for which we should give credit where due.

Shukriya Gen Bajwa and Salute to Nawaz Sharif!

Its all based on PTI and PPP assumptions ... tell me a single report which was made public ? even in west these sort of reports are not made public for atleast 80 to 90 years ...

Notification cannot say who drafter/created/planted it without any evidence , do you think you have more brain then people in MI , ISI ????
Definitely there was one big fish, and for his/her the investigation took longer then expected, one will be fool who believe dgispr tweet was referring toward khwaja asif.. Only noora ghulams will buy this story
Its all based on PTI and PPP assumptions ... tell me a single report which was made public ? even in west these sort of reports are not made public for atleast 80 to 90 years ...

Notification cannot say who drafter/created/planted it without any evidence , do you think you have more brain then people in MI , ISI ????

You have given example of West; is UK, US, Iceland in West or East - do you want me to compare a few other things of West with Pakistan? Either compare it completely or none - selective comparisons can't be made.

I am not talking about your brain or mine.

Basic common sense is: it was created by someone - either punish all - or decline the existence and reinstate all three. Can't have both ways - it's dangerous!
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Its all based on PTI and PPP assumptions ... tell me a single report which was made public ? even in west these sort of reports are not made public for atleast 80 to 90 years ...

Notification cannot say who drafter/created/planted it without any evidence , do you think you have more brain then people in MI , ISI ????
well there was definently contradiction between the report aired through PM house and the report investigated by MI, & ISI , that was the reason DGISPR tweeted and declined that report
looks like nawaz has strong intelligence all around the world then pak intelligence & army..
that's why we can see the fear of army what's happening on eastern & western borders..
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