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How can we stop suicide killings?

i am 1000% shoere they don't know what is the importance of a humen life islam say kill of one same as killing of whole humanty they kill hundredes and also they say that we follow islam shame on that tarerrsts they are not even humens.they use teens motivate them show them peradise in dreams and intresting is 99% of suciders and tarerrst uneducated its clear whole story of the BS so called jihadi or we can say [ fasadi ]

The problem is not much people especially the West fully understand what Islam is about. I can't say I know a lot about Islam but atleast I know Islam is like a knife, in the hands of a killer it can kill a life and in the hands of a surgeon, it can save a life.
Relax, the West is confused about the religion of Islam. The average American thinks the ME = Terrorist Haven.

Most could be blamed on media feeds. :)

But you cannot deny that these suicide terrorists are motivated by something.

LOL, dont worry. Thats one of the things with talking on a forum, its easy to mistake someones tone but I am really calm. However personally I was a little suprised that anyone could believe that in Islam suicide would be rewarded because that would mean most devout Muslims would jump off a building! So I must wonder, were you trying to bait us?:azn:

BTW most bombers are 'motivated' by desperation, hopelessness, fear, hate, insecurity...pretty much anything that causes NORMAL suicides. Besides if you would look things up most suicide bombers are hardly Islamic before something bad happens to them and they dont feel like living and decide to take as many people as they can manage with them at the same time as trying to bring purpose into their pointless lives by pretending to get "Islamic" deaths.
LOL, dont worry. Thats one of the things with talking on a forum, its easy to mistake someones tone but I am really calm. However personally I was a little suprised that anyone could believe that in Islam suicide would be rewarded because that would mean most devout Muslims would jump off a building! So I must wonder, were you trying to bait us?:azn:

I think your confused with the purpose of this thread. We are talking about suicide attacks as in dying and taking people down with you, not suicides as in jumping off buildings and killing yourself.

BTW most bombers are 'motivated' by desperation, hopelessness, fear, hate, insecurity...pretty much anything that causes NORMAL suicides. Besides if you would look things up most suicide bombers are hardly Islamic before something bad happens to them and they dont feel like living and decide to take as many people as they can manage with them at the same time as trying to bring purpose into their pointless lives by pretending to get "Islamic" deaths.

I would imagine they are motivated by money or some sort of Holy war. If we are talking about holy war, then we cannot eliminate the idea of them being motivated by religion and their homeland or whatever reasons.

When the West hear the terms "holy war" and "Jihad" they seem to zoom to religion and that means Islam.
I have heard that people who commit suicide attacks is given a promise that they would be rewarded with 72 virgins after their death.

Any comments?.

It is just some dumb***t blogger sending chain mails to the rest of the world. There is no such thing as 72 virgins. Even islam forbids more than 4 wives.

U might have heard about some chain mails like
Send this mail to 10 friends and u will get lucky...etc or a crow will **** on you.

This is also one of those e-mails.
you right its same like a mail become to me before some days what a good propegenda
The problem is not much people especially the West fully understand what Islam is about. I can't say I know a lot about Islam but atleast I know Islam is like a knife, in the hands of a killer it can kill a life and in the hands of a surgeon, it can save a life.

Thats true with all religions. Havent u seen malaymishra's signature.

Cicero(106-43 BCE) the great Roman philosopher wrote:
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

I fit in the middle. Am an atheist
Thats true with all religions. Havent u seen malaymishra's signature.

Cicero(106-43 BCE) the great Roman philosopher wrote:
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

I fit in the middle. Am an atheist

Although some would understand this, but majority of the West especially the US would not. When the average american hears Islam, they don't think of the "knife" theory. They think of terrorism, evil, suicide bombers, Al Qaeda.
I think your confused with the purpose of this thread. We are talking about suicide attacks as in dying and taking people down with you, not suicides as in jumping off buildings and killing yourself.

I know that, but I thought YOU were talking about just suicide as opposed to suicide bombing, sorry ma bad! :lol:

I would imagine they are motivated by money or some sort of Holy war. If we are talking about holy war, then we cannot eliminate the idea of them being motivated by religion and their homeland or whatever reasons.

Well, I hope you understood a bit of my point too, suicide bombers are not particularly resourceful people. Most of them are gullible, disowned, weak minded no buddies. The rest too don’t have any particular purpose i.e. love for Islam or greater dreams either. In fact in my research most of them turn to Islam only after they have accepted their “death missions”. Also suicide in accordance with Islamic Doctrine is giving up, not fighting on.

I'm sure you have loads of suicides in your country too, you would know that suicide is a particular state of mind, a mental sickness if you will. Is it possible for you to imagine, if someone wanted, that someone could make a point of 'recruiting' these 'disposable' people, given they have no psychological defenses to speak of anyway, into doing horrible things in the pretext of say... religion or greater purpose? Well, that’s what happens here.
Hope that helps.

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