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How can we stop suicide killings?

In short...
Kill their Masters, screw their Supporters, forge the Facilitators and expose the Funders.
In short...
Kill their Masters, screw their Supporters, forge the Facilitators and expose the Funders.

i think it will finish when we finish there root and solve all metters with political way.
we need a major shift in ideology. Instead of propogating that Islam is the only solution to the whole world, there should be teachings of coexistence. Almost all the extremist activities (am talking of only Pak not India which has every kind of extremism) believe that islamist rule should take over.

This has to stop. These people should understand to separate religion from state affairs. As long as peaceful coexistence occurs by looking at other humans humanely, there is no reason why these sort of incidents would occur again.
we need a major shift in ideology. Instead of propogating that Islam is the only solution to the whole world, there should be teachings of coexistence. Almost all the extremist activities (am talking of only Pak not India which has every kind of extremism) believe that islamist rule should take over.

This has to stop. These people should understand to separate religion from state affairs. As long as peaceful coexistence occurs by looking at other humans humanely, there is no reason why these sort of incidents would occur again.

How does one seperate religion from state affairs in an Islamic state ?
Military means alone cannot tackle insurgency: Owais

Thursday, October 16, 2008

By Mariana Baabar

ISLAMABAD: The governor of the NWFP on Wednesday said the country’s stand that the insurgency in Afghanistan and the lawlessness in Pakistan, arising from militancy and terrorism, could not be solved by military means alone had been vindicated.

“Pakistan has always maintained and I said so publicly even last month that we should talk to our opponents, even if this means talking to Mulla Omar. Today, the world is talking about it. This is an opportunity in the interest of Pakistan, so ensure that we do not lose it. The conditions and environment for such a dialogue have been created and we have to ensure that we act because the future of Pakistan depends on this,” NWFP Governor Owais Ghani said while speaking to members of the media in Islamabad.

He said his coming out in the open had not happened in a vacuum; rather, it had been the result of behind-the-scene heated debates with members of the world community, including the United States and the United Kingdom.

“Great Britain was the first to bring it into the open and we even managed to get a response from Gulbadin Hikmatyar,” he added. Ghani said it had to be accepted that each country would keep its own strategic fundamentals in mind and Pakistan was no exception.

“Pakistan is a state facing an ideological retreat. While it is the battle of arms and ideas, we see the battle of ideas nowhere but it is time that we put an end to this retreat,” he said.Ghani admitted that it was very much a localised issue for Pakistan but said the solution had to be regional and international as a local solution would not hold.

The governor shrugged aside ideas that the recent setting up of armed local Lashkars would be disastrous because this would envisage a civil war in the future.“No, this will not happen as it is a normal phenomenon and the Lashkars would not go beyond the borders of the tribes. The political agent is the centre and all government agencies are supporting him. Containment will come at the local level,” the governor said.

Initially, an excellent background briefing was given by additional chief secretary Fata Habibullah Khan, who explained how foreign actors in the region weakened the Maliks of the region and took over the administration of different areas on the Pak-Afghan border while the state watched helplessly.

APP adds: The governor appreciated the role of the media and hoped it would avoid glorification of the terrorist groups and their leaders. Rather, he said, their nefarious designs should be exposed and the nation should be motivated to join hands with the government to stop them killing innocent people through blasts and suicide attacks.

The government of the NWFP, he said, had formed a policy coordination committee that meets every month to review the ongoing operation in the Fata. This committee consists of top level officials of the relevant agencies and departments.

“We are working with a coordinated approach, keeping in view the ground realities as well as the national consensus on the issue.”In policy-making on the war against terrorism, he said position and views of all stakeholders were taken into consideration.

“No single person has the authority or the capacity to form the policy and dictate in the matter,” he said, adding, “No government in the country can go against the popular will of the people.”

The basic objective of the government is to save the lives of innocent people. The policy adopted during the last few months, he said, had helped the country to successfully avert certain threats to the national security and now the situation was returning to normalcy in most parts of the affected areas.

Replying to a question, Owais Ghani said he did not consider terrorist activity as a law and order problem, but added it was militancy that meant to challenge the writ of the government.He reiterated the government’s position that it was Pakistan’s own war in Fata, which was the worst victim of terrorism and extremism. However, he said the issue could only be resolved on a long-term basis with the cooperation of the world community.

“We need to address the root causes of terrorism that include economic deprivation and socio-economic injustices”.He said the newly-elected government was fully alert and effectively engaged in correcting the past mistakes and handling the affairs with a national approach, by taking public representatives into confidence.

He emphatically urged the media to build up public trust and confidence in the government, seeking their maximum support to ensure peace and tranquillity.About the stakeholders in the war against terrorism, the governor said the interest of the entire world was involved in it and it was the responsibility of the world and more particularly the regional countries to help wipe out the wave of terrorism and extremism, ensuring lasting peace and development.

He said the government strongly believed in holding dialogue with extremist groups to resolve the issue peacefully. “We are prepared for across-the-board dialogue for the sake of peace,” he said, while categorically stating that the national interests would never be compromised.

No pressure from any quarter will be accepted to this effect, he added.The governor clarified while holding dialogue with certain groups, the government could not compromise on strategic fundamental issues of national or regional importance. Safeguarding national integrity and protecting the rights of the people are the basic responsibilities of the government, which will always remain its top priority.
we need a major shift in ideology. Instead of propogating that Islam is the only solution to the whole world, there should be teachings of coexistence. Almost all the extremist activities (am talking of only Pak not India which has every kind of extremism) believe that islamist rule should take over.

As a matter of fact Islam advocates peaceful co-existence with people of all religions but unfortunately these militants on one side claim that they want to "impose their self-developed" ideas by using name of Islam and on the other hands they kill innocent Muslims, followers of Islam.

This has to stop. These people should understand to separate religion from state affairs. As long as peaceful coexistence occurs by looking at other humans humanely, there is no reason why these sort of incidents would occur again.

We are not talking about GOP and their method of running state affairs here. Militants and their suicide attacks is being discussed. If we talk about TTP, they have zero percent chance of entering in political mainstream as this organization is banned. So useless to advocate "secularism" in this thread.
People of Pakistan can handle well what type of "governance" they require.

Regarding TTP, it needs to be eliminated as it is being funded by anti-Pakistan forces. For the rest of population of FATA and all over Pakistan "education" is the tool to make nation aware of the people who create mischief in the name of Islam.

When nation will be aware of who's right and who's wrong, it will help to end militancy as the people will be supporting GOP.
The ideology of Pakistani extremism
By Aziz-ud-Din Ahmad submitted 18 hours 16 minutes ago
Issues that had long been settled by Pakistan's founding fathers are being re-opened by the extremist elements to turn the country into the opposite of what the former conceived it i.e. as a modern democracy where Muslims were to practice a moderate version of Islam. Both Allama Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had stated categorically that the country was not to be a theocracy where matters related to statecraft are decided by the clerics but a democratic country where .the Parliament rather than the clerics were to make laws and devise national policies.

Allama Iqbal had rejected the teachings of the nationalist ulema strongly condemning their views in one of his poems. Iqbal also considered the clerics as being narrow minded, unaware of the needs of a modern society and thus incapable of providing political leadership to the Muslims. Similarly the Quaid elucidated at a number of times that Pakistan was going to be a modern parliamentary democracy rather than theocracy.

As opposed to Iqbal and Jinnah, voices are now being raised in support of theocracy. The extremist outfits in Pakistan reject democracy calling it an un-Islamic concept and advocating Imarat or khilafat in its place.

To quote an organisation now banned, "With the Khilafat and Imarat coming to an end, the world has been consigned to the fasad (upheaval) of democracy and the consequent evil on earth." Further, "The unwise, barbaric and irrational system called democracy has imposed the scum of the earth as leaders on the nation." Another extremist outfit holds similar views about democracy and advances the concept of khilafat as an alternative. This was a concept that All India Congress had also accepted in an attempt to win over the Muslims. The Quaid had however dissociated himself from the Khilafat Movement as being against the interests of the Muslim community. Later as opposed to khilafat he advocated the creation of Pakistan which was to be a Muslim nation state.

Both Iqbal and Jinnah supported moderation. This was reflected not only in their general outlook but also in their dress and personal habits. Neither of them grew a beard. The Quaid encouraged Muslim women to take part in politics. The women wing of MSF created by Shaista Suhrawardy brought Muslim girl students into politics. Miss Fatima Jinnah stood shoulder to shoulder to her brother during the struggle for Pakistan. Later she contested elections against Ayub Khan and was accepted as a leader by well known religious leaders that included Maulana Maudoodi.

There is a concerted attempt by a small but highly motivated group to turn Pakistan into a backward country rather than a modern society enjoying a respectable place in the comity of nations. Starting from tribal areas the extremists are now trying in adjoining NWFP districts to turn back the wheels of history.

Disallowing women to play full role in the development of their country as doctors, lawyers, business executives and government officials, the extremists force them to wear purdah and debar them from taking part in economic activity entailing intermixing with men. As modern education is considered evil, scores of girls schools have been torched. Men are required to grow beards and subjected to a strict dress code. The barbers who agree to trim the beards are threatened and their shop burnt. In a bid to put a ban on entertainment the extremists attack video and music centres.

The extremists seek power not through the ballot but through the bullet. They also know that their views are not acceptable to the majority of the population and they cannot win the elections. This convinces them that the only way to enforce their system is through recourse to force and by establishing a theocratic state within the moderate state. As they raise armed bands, set-up their own courts and a rival administration they come into conflict with the state. In case the extremists are not reined in through persuasion, if possible, and by force if no other option remains open Pakistan will cease to exist as a modern democratic country practising moderate Islam
I have heard that people who commit suicide attacks is given a promise that they would be rewarded with 72 virgins after their death.

Any comments?.
Who the hell told you that? Suicide is COMPELETELY fobidden in Islam mate. So much so that if a Muslim commits suicide other Muslims are forbidden from offering his Death-Prayer or Namaz-e-Janaza.
I have heard that people who commit suicide attacks is given a promise that they would be rewarded with 72 virgins after their death.

Any comments?.

i can say one thing they will get floor no 72 in hell''s basement:enjoy:
Who the hell told you that? Suicide is COMPELETELY fobidden in Islam mate. So much so that if a Muslim commits suicide other Muslims are forbidden from offering his Death-Prayer or Namaz-e-Janaza.

Relax, the West is confused about the religion of Islam. The average American thinks the ME = Terrorist Haven.

Most could be blamed on media feeds. :)

But you cannot deny that these suicide terrorists are motivated by something.
Stop Suicide Bombers in their TracksAs the female suicide bombing in Diyala the other day demonstrates, the more Iraqi government and security forces take charge and the US takes a back seat to counterinsurgency, the emphasis on offense is going to increasingly shift to defense.

YouTube - Counter Bomber

Some folks I met at the Modern Day Marine Expo last week have an interesting system called "Counter Bomber" that uses radar and some wiz bang algorithms to detect if someone is concealing a suicide vest under his clothing.

Here's a short video that explains how the system works...

Counter Bomber costs about $300K, and that includes a computer and software that gives a no-joke "Marine proof" indication of whether someone's hiding something or not. A chime sounds if the radar detects a signature (it basically can pick up metallic objects under clothing) and gives a green-for-safe or red-for-threat indicator as the person passes the Counter Bomber's radar. The system works up to about 150 meters and the designers say it's best to have a couple arrayed so security officers can get a 360-degree view of what the person might be hiding.

Company reps say there are 12 Counter Bombers fielded to Marines in combat: eight systems are fielded in Iraq, including al Asad air base and the busy entrance to Ramadi on route Michigan, and four are stationed in Afghanistan.

-- Christian
i can say one thing they will get floor no 72 in hell''s basement:enjoy:

I agree with you, but some would say that suicidal attacks is a form of warfare, just like Guerrilla warfare.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
I agree with you, but some would say that suicidal attacks is a form of warfare, just like Guerrilla warfare.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

i am 1000% shoere they don't know what is the importance of a humen life islam say kill of one same as killing of whole humanty they kill hundredes and also they say that we follow islam shame on that tarerrsts they are not even humens.they use teens motivate them show them peradise in dreams and intresting is 99% of suciders and tarerrst uneducated its clear whole story of the BS so called jihadi or we can say [ fasadi ]
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