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Hong Kong student slammed by Chinese press for saying the national anthem makes her 'vomit'

Hong Kong and Taiwan are educated China. They are much better than China. But I feel they are actually China in terms of their spirit. They tend to rely on other people and don't have spirit for improvement like other advanced countries. Just copy from foreign countries and roughly paste into their countries. That's it.

Lol thats rich coming from a turk where you guys dont have any Chip Industry ..
Hong Kong and Taiwan are educated China. They are much better than China. But I feel they are actually China in terms of their spirit. They tend to rely on other people and don't have spirit for improvement like other advanced countries. Just copy from foreign countries and roughly paste into their countries. That's it.
On the contrary this post hasn't seen much education.
LOL at some of the comments by the Chinese troll army on here, how much are you guys getting paid? 50 cents or is it gone up to 60 cents now?

You guys are like Indians, both Chinese and Indians have so much in common LOL.

Today Chinese have lost the way of their ancestors thanks to the cultural revolution that has destroyed thousand of years of evolution, they are not wise, not peaceful, not quiet, not humble, and so on. Instead they are selfish, narrow minded, racist beyond belief, oblivious of others, faithless, obsessed by money at a point never seen in history, etc... I wonder how long it will take for Westerners who have never lived in China to realise that and finally admit that modern Chinese are more barbaric than Islamists or some primitive tribes from Africa.
LOL at some of the comments by the Chinese troll army on here, how much are you guys getting paid? 50 cents or is it gone up to 60 cents now?

You guys are like Indians, both Chinese and Indians have so much in common LOL.
Enough tO pay your whole family bill for years :D

Today Chinese have lost the way of their ancestors thanks to the cultural revolution that has destroyed thousand of years of evolution, they are not wise, not peaceful, not quiet, not humble, and so on. Instead they are selfish, narrow minded, racist beyond belief, oblivious of others, faithless, obsessed by money at a point never seen in history, etc... I wonder how long it will take for Westerners who have never lived in China to realise that and finally admit that modern Chinese are more barbaric than Islamists or some primitive tribes from Africa.

At least we don’t produce terrorist while your country keep pumping terrorist like no fu cking tomorrow
I believe @Hamartia Antidote should be more concerned about how the World views USA generally speaking.
What does USA DEMOCRACY mean? Death, Destruction, Chaos, Rape, Robbing, Abuse, Torture

Sound like China under Mao. How about you talk about that instead since this is about Hong Kong. You can start a multi page discussion. Start with “re-education and labour camps”. You finally got rid of them in 2014. That’s a fun topic!!

Oops actually you didn’t! I guess all of these people are hardened criminals..

China 'holding at least 120,000 Uighurs in re-education camps'

The Chinese Concentration Camps No One is Talking About

“...In this persecution, the Chinese Communist Party uses the most perverse methods known to man: brainwashing, slave labor in forced labor camps, extreme torture such as beatings, electric battering, mass rape and deprivation of food, and the extraction of organs from living practitioners. All this in that “beautiful China” to which so many politicians and hypocritical businessmen travel to do their business”

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Primark investigates claim of 'cry for help' note in trousers

Second note from tortured Chinese laborer found in Primark socks

Letter from a Chinese forced-labor camp found in Kmart Halloween decorations

Mystery note in jacket may point to China worker abuse
Last edited:
Sound like China under Mao. How about you talk about that instead since this is about Hong Kong. You can start a multi page discussion. Start with “re-education and labour camps”. You finally got rid of them in 2014. That’s a fun topic!!

Oops actually you didn’t! I guess all of these people are hardened criminals..
China 'holding at least 120,000 Uighurs in re-education camps'

The Chinese Concentration Camps No One is Talking About

“...In this persecution, the Chinese Communist Party uses the most perverse methods known to man: brainwashing, slave labor in forced labor camps, extreme torture such as beatings, electric battering, mass rape and deprivation of food, and the extraction of organs from living practitioners. All this in that “beautiful China” to which so many politicians and hypocritical businessmen travel to do their business”

Looks like i hit a very sensitive nerve eh? Torturing Iraq POW, raping women, causing death and destruction in most of the ME region and here you are feeling good about posting some garbage news related to Chinese anthem.

funny you should be talking about Chinese concentration camp, Guantanamo Bay ring any bell? :lol:
She looks like the type of asian girl who is desperate for a white man as husband, basically willing to be a prostitute just to achieve her dream. Her kind makes me want to vomit.
Looks like i hit a very sensitive nerve eh? Torturing Iraq POW, raping women, causing death and destruction in most of the ME region and here you are feeling good about posting some garbage news related to Chinese anthem.

funny you should be talking about Chinese concentration camp, Guantanamo Bay ring any bell? :lol:

The difference is you are saying this is something democracy brings. I'm saying if you want to start pointing accusing fingers at others you ought to make sure your own house is in order first....or somebody will do it for you.
Irrelevant Anatolian talk about copy + past, when they don't event know what is immitation
Her talk goes viral and she now probably has -1,000,000 "Social Points"


View attachment 473655

Cheung Sin Ying, a 21-year-old student from Hong Kong, has been attacked as "an enemy of the people" by Chinese state media after expressing feelings of utter disgust towards Beijing's national anthem

Key points:
  • The Chinese National Anthem Law was imposed on Hong Kong last November
  • Expert say the law will definitely pass at Hong Kong's local legislative council
  • Student activists plan to deliberately break the law to show resistance
"I want to vomit whenever I hear the national anthem," Ms Cheung said at a public hearing session at Hong Kong's legislative council over the weekend.

Hong Kong's legislative body was reportedly asking citizens for their views in the process of drafting a Chinese National Anthem Law which observers say is intended to make it an offence to show disrespect for the Chinese national anthem.

"Every time the national anthem is played, it is proof that this regime that kills people still exist and holds power," Ms Cheung, who serves as the chairperson of Hong Kong Federation of Students, said at the hearing.

Maxine Yao, another citizen at the hearing, quickly snapped at Ms Cheung — who was escorted out — and said: "I advise you to leave Hong Kong as soon as possible."

"Then you won't have to put up with the national anthem anymore, or use protesting as a tool to mess Hong Kong up!"

Footage of the exchange went viral on Chinese traditional and social media, where Ms Cheung was labelled as "Hong Kong separatist" and became the subject of harsh criticism and personal attacks.

An editorial from China's national broadcaster CCTV said Ms Cheung had "damaged national security" and will become "the enemy of the Chinese people" and "a joke in history".

'Beijing is eroding Hong Kong's rule of law'
PHOTO: A pro-democracy protester holds a placard at the Hong Kong Government Headquarters in Hong Kong. (AP: Kin Cheung)

Hong Kong is obliged to draw up a local version of the mainland's National Anthem Law, which was inserted into the Basic Law — the region's constitutional document — by Beijing last November after Hong Kong football fans were seen booing the anthem at international matches.

Legal experts say the local version is aimed to penalise conducts that are disrespectful or insulting to the Chinese national anthem, and will require schools to teach children to sing the song.

Under the "one country, two systems" arrangement, Hong Kong has set itself apart from mainland China by retaining a relatively antonymous and democratic system, but many say Beijing is accelerating its efforts to change that.


"I think my feeling of disliking the national anthem is quite common among young people," Ms Cheung told the ABC.

She said the next step for the Hong Kong Federation of Students was to opt for "civil disobedience" by deliberately breaking the law to show resistance.

Professor Willy Wo-Lap Lam, adjunct professor at the China Studies Centre of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, agreed many Hong Kong citizens — especially the young generation — were increasingly discontent with the Chinese Government since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012.

However, since pro-democracy legislators are outnumbered in Hong Kong's legislative council by pro-Beijing legislators, Professor Lam says there is a 100 per cent chance the National Anthem Law will be passed.

"Beijing is eroding Hong Kong's rule of law by inserting laws and through Hong Kong's prosecution system," Professor Lam said, "but the rule of law is Hong Kong's most fundamental value."

Professor Lam added that introducing the anthem law was only one of the many recent attempts by Beijing to assert China's version of "political correctness" outside mainland China.

'We feel our rights are being violated'
PHOTO: The Umbrella Movement pro-democracy protests gripped Hong Kong in 2014. (Reuters: Tyrone Siu, file)
According to the mainland version of the law, people who gravely insult the anthem in public can be sentenced for up to three years in jail.

"My generation grew up in an environment where there is freedom, there is human rights, as well as civil rights," Ms Cheung told the ABC.

"So when we see the ruling Communist Party meddling in Hong Kong affairs step by step and trying to rule this place with authoritarianism, we feel our rights are being violated."

But while Ms Cheung and other young activists might be causing a stir, Professor Bing Ling, a legal scholar at the University of Sydney who taught in Hong Kong for two decades, told the ABC that he was disappointed by how "the pro-democracy groups seem to have been picking on trivial issues to provoke China with things like the national anthem."

"In the past few years, especially after the Umbrella Movement and Occupy Central, the localist sentiments especially among young people have been on the rise," Professor Ling said.

"It is in these circumstances that the national anthem law is being introduced and became a point of offence."

It's better to express her honest thought than those traitors those who said nothing but betray China, what she said it's itchy comment but we shouldn't make drama out of it but it's unwise to say that in public.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are educated China. They are much better than China. But I feel they are actually China in terms of their spirit. They tend to rely on other people and don't have spirit for improvement like other advanced countries. Just copy from foreign countries and roughly paste into their countries. That's it.

I don't know how you Anatolians are educated but the progress of your nation can tell how much you have received as education, we Chinese don't need say anything to insult your people nor your nation because you guys are so irrelevant on earth anyway.
The difference is you are saying this is something democracy brings. I'm saying if you want to start pointing accusing fingers at others you ought to make sure your own house is in order first....or somebody will do it for you.
and said by an American````how can it be any more sarcastic? :lol:

and the funnier part is that they took Western propaganda stuff as "China fact"````yet lying with a straight face when their dodgy businesses were done under day light`:crazy:
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