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Honda halts production in Pakistan, Indus to follow

They are losing business due to new competitors in market offering products at cheaper price. I mean that piece of shit Suzuki Alto costs 1.25 Million. Seriously who would buy that piece of junk with even inferior materials used than those used on Suzuki Mehran. I mean seriously look at its build quality as if someone built it from recycled plastic. Although new compnies statrted off at slightly higher prices they will reduce them after they start getting reasonable orders. Its all about economy of scale. If someone wants to know how much Suzuki Honda Rip us off on yearly basis

Suzuki 2017: 3.28 Billion Rs Profits 2018: 1.35 (Mainly due to new and cheaper competition in market)
Honda 2017: 3.7 Billion, 2018: 2.08 Billion
Toyota 2017: 13.8 Billion, 2018: 15.77

Although i doubt these fudged number from these corporations this is still a ridiculous amount of profit being generated whereas in other countries these same companies are going in major losses on yearly basis. These companies finally got a bit of competition which is good for our economy especially consumers.

All the dumb idiots blaming PTI government are morons of epic proportions.
High prices >low consumption>lower GDP growth>lower valuation for companies > no foreign investment.

Their growth is lower bcz they are facing competition and people are finally opting for new options in the markets. Even chinese products are of better quality than junk produced by Suzuki.
Yes hell with the cars, Pakistan government should invest only in public Buses, Trams and Trains as means of mass transport policy.

These PDF members think development is measured by car ownership per hundred etc
being poor and rich are relative to each other if Pakistan can't bring poors to the level of rich people of Pakistan then it can bring down rich ones to the level of middle class
like few decades ago standard of living of the owner of hundreds of acres wasn't higher than the standard of living of the current days peasants or small farmers but still he was considered of higher social status or rich in his own time

A lot of people seem to have a very strange conception of how businesses work - especially ones that rely on investors. These companies should sell at low profit and run as charities - if that is how we expect businesses to operate than Pakistan isn't getting any investments any time soon.

Mehran went out not because the company grew a conscience and decided people deserved better - rather because competition drove them to make that decision. That is exactly how it works in the west and every where. Cost-benefit analysis is used for decision making not heart and soul most of the decisions profit oriented businesses make.

With regards to increasing enforcing a better standard for products and such, the government has to do it part to ensure that by appropriate legislation and enforcement. However, all of that has to be done whilst keeping the realities of businesses in mind as well - a business is not meant to operate at a loss or a minute profit, rather investors have ROIs and other such measures that they used to decide whether a venture is worth investing in or not.

Last, every time some product is made more expensive or such there are people who come in and say it's all a luxury and screw anyone who partakes in that. Everything they aren't personally used to or affected by, is either disregarded as being useless or a unnecessary. Yes people have to make sacrifices to their living standards for the 'greater good' but that doesn't mean you have to demean the cost of it all for them. It is easy to say that person who sends their child to an expensive school should take him/her out and send them to a less costly one and 'suck it up' but that ignores the reality of the human condition and of living in societies.

It is indeed difficult, socially and otherwise, for people to reduce their standard of living. It is a natural desire for people to want to provide the best for their families and strive to improve their lot in life. That is what motivates people to work hard and increase economic activity. You cannot blame people for wanting it.

Most importantly, it isn't necessarily wrong to ask people to sacrifice some for the benefit of the whole but it should be viewed as a sacrifice. Belittling and demeaning the struggles of people does not help make it easy for them.

It's the same as 'there are kids starving in Africa' can't be used to belittle the feelings and problems of all the other people in the world. It's good to have perspective, but it works both ways. Life is a lot more complicated.

I understand that much of it has to be done and I hope and pray that Allah improves our economic situation soon and people can see an improvement in their lives.
Well said.

Some members of this forum have this unfortunate habit of bashing everything in relation to Pakistan.

Throw out Japanese auto brands and bring in Chinese auto brands? Like seriously? :rolleyes:

Quality comes from competition in any environment. Otherwise, complacency sets in.

PAK Suzuki have introduced a new line-up of cars (with safety features) recently because of competitive pressures from new entrants in Pakistani auto markets. All PML(N)-led GOP needed to do was to introduce an auto policy.

If automobile manufacturing industry of Pakistan is in trouble then PTI-led GOP need to revisit auto policy.

Also, new entrants be they Chinese or American, won't sell you cars for free. You will have to pay for quality no matter what. :rolleyes:

They are losing business due to new competitors in market offering products at cheaper price. I mean that piece of shit Suzuki Alto costs 1.25 Million. Seriously who would buy that piece of junk with even inferior materials used than those used on Suzuki Mehran. I mean seriously look at its build quality as if someone built it from recycled plastic. Although new compnies statrted off at slightly higher prices they will reduce them after they start getting reasonable orders. Its all about economy of scale. If someone wants to know how much Suzuki Honda Rip us off on yearly basis
And what about the Chinese junk called United Bravo? You OK with it?

PAK Suzuki Alto options are similar to Japanese - similar built quality - much better than Suzuki Mehran.

Suzuki Alto VXL is fully loaded with safety features, computerized and automatic transmission. It cost about the same as Japanese imports here but the imports are REFURBISHED.

You are bullshitting.
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Well said.

Some members of this forum have this unfortunate habit of bashing everything in relation to Pakistan.

Throw out Japanese auto brands and bring in Chinese auto brands? Like seriously? :rolleyes:

I said throw out these japanese auto companies from Pakistan if they continue to blackmail but I never said that replace them with Chinese crap. But yes I observe that many on this forum act as p**** for china and are always making a case to "invite" china to take over all the industries of Pakistan. In their mind there is nothing other than "china" in this world.
Why Pakistanis can't live without cars government should take steps to improve public transport and increase the prices of every type of cars and should start a propaganda campaign to make bicycles popular

Your post is so devoid of logic that I just had to post a response, you want people to use bicycles to get to work 8-20 km's in 35 - 45 decree Centigrade and high humidity? And do you think the Government can introduce a mass transit/public transport system in mere days, weeks or months?

With the type of posts you are posting, you too must be inducted into PTI's cabinet because you have ideas that perfectly align with their mentality.
I said throw out these japanese auto companies from Pakistan if they continue to blackmail but I never said that replace them with Chinese crap. But yes I observe that many on this forum act as p**** for china and are always making a case to "invite" china to take over all the industries of Pakistan. In their mind there is nothing other than "china" in this world.
Toyota, Honda and Suzuki have introduced very good cars in Pakistan in recent years.

Some people will continue to bark no matter what. Dog bark - wuff wuff wuff. Bloody...

Problem is that Toyota, Honda and Suzuki do not have relief in Pakistan's existing auto policy. If these brands exit from Pakistan, think how many livelihoods will be ruined.

Solution is to provide relief to these brands, and soon.
Public transport for longer distances and bicycles for shorter distances

Government should confiscate all the cars of Maryam Nawaz and make her travel with public transport, I will see how much "inqilabi" she would still remain if forced to travel on public transport on daily basis like 90% of the women in Pakistan.
If 90 percent population can travel in public transport than why can't rest
They just belong to spoiled privileged class of this country who live in their posh islands and try to extrapolate their "luxuries" as "necessary needs" for common people. Me any you are a minority on this forum which is otherwise populated with mostly privileged class of Pakistan. To me and you, it doesn't make sense how "car" is a necessity but for these people who are born with silver spoon they have grown up as children traveling on their private cars so for them any "thought" of being deprived of their "toys" due to government policies is a nightmare.
They just belong to spoiled privileged class of this country who live in their posh islands and try to extrapolate their "luxuries" as "necessary need" for common people. Me any you are a minority on this forum which is otherwise populated with mostly privileged class of Pakistan. To me and you, it doesn't make sense how "car" is a necessity but for these people who are born with silver spoon they have grown up as children traveling on their private cars so for them any "thought" of being deprived of their "toys" due to government policies is a nightmare.

Pakistan should adopt to live without any foriegn help loans or anything
government should take steps to improve public health services schools etc but should adopt simplicity
In this same land our ansectors have lived without foriegn funding or borrowing money because they were living within their resources
Pakistan is trying to artificially raise the standard of living of it's people
Pakistan can't afford luxuries like cars etc
and this is the reason we are in debt and we need imf bailout packages
If government is sincere it's only priority should be to cut such type of expenses
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