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hinese telecom giant Huawei hacked BSNL network: Govt


Aug 8, 2011
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United States
NEW DELHI: Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei allegedly hacked state-owned BSNL's network and the government is investigating the matter, Parliament was informed today.

"An incident about alleged hacking of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited network by Huawei, a Chinese telecom company, has come to notice."

"The government has constituted an interministerial team to investigate the matter," Minister of State for Communications and ITKilli Kruparani informed the Lok Sabha.

There were reports of a mobile tower being impacted a few months ago in coastal area of Andhra Pradesh that was attributed to hacking by the company's engineers.

The written reply of the minister did not share any detail of the incident.

BSNL had awarded a major part of its network expansion tender of about 10.15 million lines to another Chinese company ZTE in 2012.

Huawei was also top contender in this bid but the company declined to supply equipments at low price quoted by ZTE.

A Parliamentary committee in 2012 had recommended that the government test the telecom equipment for security, against the backdrop of Chinese companies becoming biggest suppliers of hardware and software to Indian firms.

The committee has suggested government to consider United States model of auditing telecom equipments that can have serious security implications.

In 2012, a committee of US lawmakers on intelligence warned of cyber espionage threats from telecom networks built by Chinese companies and suggested that American companies considering to do business with Huawei and ZTE should look for other vendors.

The charges were strongly denied by both the Chinese companies.

Huawei facing probe for 'hacking' BSNL network - The Times of India

They need to be throne out of India ASAP.:pissed::pissed::nhl_checking::nhl_checking::nhl_checking:
If they dont, it will send a wrong message to everyone.
If they can, they will. It is upto us to ensure that they can't.
Huawei have invested billions of dollars in india, thinking logically, why could they put such a huge investment at risk by doing such a thing. Its just absurd. Will wait for the investigation report to come to any conclusion.
if its true...it would be a huge setback to chinese investments in telecom...
if its proved...they can kiss good bye to Indian markets!!!
To be honest, best of Indian hackers are all around in colleges all over India. its now onus on the govt to spot the talent and use it in a more deliberate way. its really sickening to see some hackers defacing some other country sites for fun and vice versa. if they can get some real info then fine, or else a waste of time.
Very nice.Huawei undermines their own growth opportunties in India.Somebody must told Huawei.it is too difficult to enter in the blacklist of Indian Government ,,a rarest to rare case.But once you enter in that.Then it is virtually impossible to get out from that.
Huawei must remember that.
Huawei: The Chinese Company That Scares Washington
Is Huawei an agent of the Chinese state, as critics charge, or simply a successful foreign business that might challenge the titans of American tech?

By Emily Rauhala April 04, 201340 Comments
  • There is not much that brings together Democrats and Republicans these days. But on Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, American politicos are uncharacteristically united. Though largely unknown to U.S. consumers, Huawei Technologies is an industry leader in the field of telecommunications infrastructure, the “plumbing” of mobile-phone networks. Last year its sales topped $35.4 billion — more than Goldman Sachs and McDonald’s. It likes to brag that one-third of the world’s population is hooked up to networks that use its gear. But that’s precisely what makes the U.S. nervous.

    In this week’s magazine (available to subscribers here), business correspondent Michael Schuman explores the U.S.’s distrust of the private Chinese firm, which reflects Washington’s wider distrust of Beijing. Is Huawei an agent of the Chinese state, as critics charge, or simply a successful foreign business that might challenge the titans of American tech?

    U.S. lawmakers see the private Chinese firm as something of a Trojan horse. Writes Schuman:

    Experts worry that allowing Huawei equipment to plug into the networks would give the Chinese government or the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) backdoor access to sensitive computer systems or telephone lines, potentially allowing them to disrupt communications or pilfer valuable economic and military secrets. The danger, the company’s detractors say, isn’t just theoretical. “We believe that China has the means, opportunity and motive to use their telecommunications company against the U.S.,” says Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, the ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He says the committee wants “to put our citizens on notice” about “how serious this is and that the Chinese government is working with them and is involved.” Fears over Huawei also reflect the growing concern about the vulnerability of American communications networks, which have recently come under repeated attacks by Chinese hackers.

    (MORE: Hack Attack: China and the U.S. Trade Barbs on Cyberwarfare)

    Indeed, the attention garnered by recent cyberattacks has done little for the firm’s prospects in the U.S.

    In recent weeks President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew have both warned China to stop its online aggression, and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in March called for U.S. intelligence assets to be repositioned from the Middle East to Asia to protect against the growing threat. In February a U.S. security firm accused the PLA of running a massive hacking ring. (There’s also alarm about old-fashioned spying. In the past year alone, the Justice Department has charged more than 100 individuals or corporate defendants with stealing trade secrets or dual-use technology for China or Chinese entities.) With the links between Huawei and the Chinese state and military still murky, its critics are convinced that the company is a Trojan horse. As a major global telecom player, Huawei is certainly too big to ignore. Is it also too big to trust?

    Huawei insists it would never spy on the U.S. or anyone else. Countries like South Korea and the U.K. use Huawei gear without incident. Some see the American response as tech protectionism.

    “It would be immensely foolish for Huawei to risk involvement in national security or economic espionage,” Charles Ding, a senior vice president at the company, told the House committee during hearings last year. Other Huawei officials suggest that security jitters are a cover for old-fashioned protectionism. “Security is not the real issue,” says Rajiv Weimin Yao, a Huawei vice president based in Gurgaon, near New Delhi. Huawei says its competitors benefit from steps to block its progress. “You can’t help looking at the U.S. [security concerns] with jaded eyes,” says Eric Harwit, a professor of Asian studies at the University of Hawaii and the author of China’s Telecommunications Revolution. U.S. politicians, he says, “are just protecting their own companies.”

    For now, at least, U.S. lawmakers seem unlikely to budge, a fact that may force Huawei to focus on the market for smartphones rather than telecommunications infrastructure. “No one cares about handsets,” James Lewis, director of the technology and public-policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies tells TIME. “They can sell as many as the market can take.” Or that’s the hope, anyway. With all this talk of spycraft, will America buy in?

    Huawei Technologies: The Chinese Company That Scares Washington | TIME.com
Chinese telecom firm tied to spy ministry
CIA: Beijing funded Huawei
By Bill Gertz
The Washington Times

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A U.S. intelligence report for the first time links China’s largest telecommunications company to Beijing’s KGB-like intelligence service and says the company recently received nearly a quarter-billion dollars from the Chinese government.

The disclosures are a setback for Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.’s efforts to break into the U.S. telecommunications market. The company has been blocked from doing so three times by the U.S. government because of concerns about its links to the Chinese government.

The report by the CIA-based Open Source Center states that Huawei’s chairwoman, Sun Yafang, worked for the Ministry of State Security (MSS) Communications Department before joining the company.

The report on Huawei’s board members states that Ms. Sun used her connections at MSS to help Huawei through “financial difficulties” when the company was founded in 1987.

Based in part on Chinese media reports and Huawei’s website, the report reveals that the Beijing government paid Huawei $228.2 million for research and development during the past three years.

Huawei’s links to the Chinese military have been disclosed previously. The Open Source Center (OSC) report provides the first details of its links to Chinese intelligence, which U.S. officials have said has been engaged in a massive effort to acquire secrets and economic intelligence from government and private-sector computer networks around the world.

According to U.S. officials, senior Chinese government officials in recent months have pressed the Obama administration to allow Huawei to buy into the U.S. telecommunications market.

Bill Plummer, a spokesman for Huawei’s U.S. subsidiary, declined to comment on the report because the company has not seen it. But he said Ms. Sun’s biography published in the company’s most recent annual report “accurately describes her work experience.”

Huawei only sells commercial-grade solutions, and our sales to the Chinese government account for less than 1 percent of our total sales,” Mr. Plummer said.

Huawei USA stated in a letter to The Washington Times last year that, despite U.S. government allegations, Huawei is an “employee-owned” company, and China's government and military do not hold any shares or control the company.

However, the Pentagon’s latest annual report on the Chinese military said China’s industry, including Huawei, is closely integrated with the military. “Information technology companies in particular, including Huawei, Datang and Zhongxing, maintain close ties to the PLA [People’s Liberation Army],” the report says.

The new OSC report, dated Oct. 5, says Chinese media reported that Huawei’s senior leaders have “connections” to the PLA.

Ms. Sun “used her ‘connections’ at the Ministry of State Security to help Huawei through financial difficulties ‘at critical moments’ when the company was founded in 1987,” the report says, quoting an item by the pro-Beijing Hong Kong broadcaster Phoenix Satellite Television.

The OSC report states that Huawei’s 2010 annual report failed to mention that Ms. Sun, considered the most trusted aide to Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, has ties to MSS, fueling suspicions of “potential close links between Huawei and the Chinese government.”

Mr. Ren was identified in the report as having worked for China's military from 1974 to 1983 in the engineering corps. The report says that Mr. Ren is purportedly China’s most influential business leader “who seldom mentions his military background in public.”

In April, a publication sponsored by China’s State Council newspaper reported that Huawei received $36.8 million and $63.2 million in 2009 and 2010, respectively, from the government for “domestic development, innovation, and research.”

The company also received $48.2 million and $80 million in 2009 and 2010 for “completing certain research projects.”

The report contradicts past statements by Huawei officials that the company receives little or no government subsidies and instead relies on profits from its annual $28 billion in revenue for investments.

Michelle K. Van Cleave, the former national counterintelligence executive and a senior counterspy policymaker, said China continues to view the United States as its main strategic enemy and is expanding aggressive intelligence operations here.

“Big companies like Huawei are business giants, but they’re also stalking horses for Chinese intelligence,” Ms. Van Cleave said. “They can provide both cover and entree for intelligence operations.”

China’s agents are targeting sensitive U.S. technologies through lawful purchase, theft and guile, including acquisitions and investments, she said.

“Two years ago, [Britain’s domestic intelligence service] MI-5 warned that equipment installed by Huawei in British Telecom’s networks could be used to disrupt critical services like power and transportation,” Ms. Van Cleave said. “The same could be true here if we don’t watch our backs.”

Kenneth deGraffenreid, former deputy national counterintelligence director, said China’s strategic-technology acquisition efforts are similar to those used by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

“But unlike the Soviets, the Chinese use companies that appear on the surface not related to the government, but they are,” Mr. deGraffenreid said. “All these Chinese companies are part of state ministries, MSS or [military intelligence], and have interlocking structures and personnel.”

Mr. deGraffenreid said the U.S. government needs greater efforts to prevent strategic losses to China, including tighter technology controls and better counterspy activities.

According to a classified May 25, 2007, State Department cable, made public by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, the sister of Chinese Rear Adm. Liu Zhuoming “was involved in arms sales to foreign countries through Huawei and other military or quasi-military companies on whose boards she sat.”

Currently, there are no women named Liu on the Huawei board, according to the OSC report.

A 2009 State Department cable from Beijing stated that Huawei planned to double its U.S. workforce that year. The company, headquartered in Shenzen, China, planned to have facilities in 10 U.S. cities.

Huawei USA’s first headquarters office was in Plano, Texas. Other Huawei locations in the U.S. include Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Philadelphia, San Diego and Seattle, as well as Santa Clara, Calif.; Walnut Creek, Calif.; San Antonio; and New Jersey.

The company also has set up joint research labs with Microsoft Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., Qualcomm, Texas Instruments Inc. and Infineon Technologies, the July 2009 cable said.

A June 2009 cable quoted Huawei Vice President Tang Xinbing as saying a deal to buy the U.S. telecommunications company 3Com in 2008 was withdrawn because the Treasury Department-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States was expected to block the sale.

As a result, Huawei increased its lobbying efforts in Washington in an attempt to dispel what Mr. Tang said was the mistaken impression that Huawei is owned by the Chinese military, the cable said.

A September 2009 cable quoted Chinese Vice Minister of Finance Zhu Guangyao as saying that the blocking of the Huawei-3Com merger “roiled” Chinese leaders.

Mr. Ren is quoted in a March 21, 2008, cable from the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou as denying the company had close ties to the military or government.

According to Mr. Ren, if Huawei had military and government connections, “it would be in the real estate industry, where it could make quick, easy money.”

Chinese telecom firm tied to spy ministry - Washington Times
Indians are just paranoid, Huawei would not risk their interests in the region....
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