History is full of tales of blunder by you. Most recent is Bipin and his Obsession with 2.5.
If you refuse to count them as follow countrymen that is a failure of your nationalistic thought.
Indian Muslims still remain nationalistic to India despite the hatred shown towards them en mass.
Yes. Deen i Ilahi failed because you cannot change Muslims understanding of their holy book.
You can bring out any excuse for Asoka. He imposed religion throughout india and was as foreigner to Chennai as Akbar was.
Bipin doe not make policy, he only executes it. That is his job and role.
Our Historic blunders are not in question here, nor does anyone dispute it.
Indian muslims are largely patriotic, not Nationalist. There is a significant difference between the two.
Anyone who fights to protect his property, women and Money against external invaders is a patriot. To be a Nationalist, one also has to defend and fight for one's culture and traditions and history and Values.
I don't understand your obsession with Ashoka, My country is named BHARAT, not Ashoka. Ashoka is only a side note in the Thousands of years of Hindu history and culture.
Arthashastra during his age gives a pretty detailed picture of rule during those ages. Very little to do with religion, and far more to do with real politics.
1) Dalit or sudra is an outcase as per Hindu caste system , this should have converted them to Islam or Christianity but it didnt happen in a mass scale during the British or Muslim rule
2) Buddhism and Jainism declined under Hindu royal patronage and it proves the point that these 2 religions declined due to Hindu violence and persecution
1. They choose to remain Hindu dalit rather than become a muslim or a xtian. One applauds their courage and dedication today.
2. No real evidence of that except propaganda. Reality is that Afghanistan, pakistan and bangladesh were buddhist before they were forcible converted into islam.
My point is the Westren missionaries have contributed more to the propagation of Tamil language and culture than the Hindi imperialists. Name one non Tamil Indian in the last 70 yrs (or ve before) who have contributed to the development/preservation of Tamil culture/language. But Tamils have contributed immensely to Indian culture/history and religion
What these Hindi have done is to oppress Tamils by imposing and promoting using Tamilnadu tax payers money. Internationally promoting only Hindi and its cow belt Hindu culture etc
That is a laughable statement. Tamils themselves have contributed to Tamil language and culture than any western messiah. As is the norm ALL OVER THE WORLD.
It is your pathetic white worship that makes your ascribe them virtues while the rest of the world showers scorn on them for violating Tamil culture.
The west and christians destroyed tamil education in TN and made your uneducated louts, it was only in free Indian that TN became educated. And here you go worshiping them. Disgusting.
I said and gave a few e.gs of how prominent Muslims and Europeans assimilated with locals and contributed to the development of Tamil language. This isnt the case with the alien Hindi from cow belt India who refuse to assimilate with Tamil while living off Tamils and demanding Tamils to speak Hindi and adopt their culture to make these Hindi aliens feel at home in Tamilnadu
LOL. Nice story.