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Hindu outfit vows more 're-conversions' in Tamil Nadu


Aug 22, 2014
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CHENNAI: The Hindu Makkal Katchi, which conducted a 'ghar wapsi' programme in the city on Friday, said they would be organising more such reconversions in future. The fringe group's 're-conversion' programme was intended to take forward Sangah Parivar's Hindutva agenda in Tamil Nadu.

While Tamil Nadu politics has been dominated by two Dravidian parties -- AIADMK and DMK -- and some regional players, observers say the Hindutva rhetoric is likely to be spurred by VHP and Hindu Munnani, besides some fringe groups, encouraged by Sangh Parivar's 'ghar wapsi' programme.

HMK chief Arjun Sampath, who presided over the reconversion of 11 dalit Christians into Hinduism, said, "Our target is dalit Christians, many of whom are fishermen living in coastal districts and in Chennai city."

Sampath said HMK had started reconversion of people from other religions into Hinduism much before Narendra Modi became Prime Minister. "Our first reconversion happened in the Nellaiappar temple in Tirunelveli in 2011," said Sampath.

Many Tamil Nadu parties are wary of the Sangh Parivar's activities.

DMK chief M Karunanidhi, in a statement, said the activities of Sangh Parivar shocked people. "It is unfortunate that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has the responsibility to take the nation forward in the economic front, is silent on the activities of Sangh Parivar," he said.

"It is a drama enacted by the fringe groups of Sangh Parivar to seek attention. They said more than 100 people will be reconverted, but only 11 are said to have re-converted," said DMK spokesperson T K S Elangovan. He said the government should put down such activities with a firm hand.

Echoing similar sentiments, CPM state secretary G Ramakrishnan said secular forces in the state should not allow activities like ghar wapsi or forced teaching of Hinduism to students. "Though dalits face discrimination, whether they are Hindus or Christians, reconversion cannot be allowed as it will lead to law and order problem. We will oppose such reconversions henceforth," said Ramakrishnan.

"Sangh Parivar is bent on creating problems, be it ghar wapsi or deletion of words like secular and socialism from the Preamble of the Constitution. Secular forces should fight against it," said Ramakrishnan.

A senior police official said, "HMK people did not say they were organising a reconversion programme and they did not seek any permission from us. We stopped them on the way and sent back many of them". He said police are looking at steps to prevent such incidents in public places in future.

Hindu outfit vows more 're-conversions' in Tamil Nadu - The Times of India
Nice.It is legal in India to change religions so no issue.
Great for our Hindu brothers. Good initiative to bring back cheated poor people back to their real culture. We Buddhists support you.

But be careful of physical attacks against your groups. Christians and Muslims will do everything to attack you. That's why this system of secular democracy is not safe for you and us. Till the time we have our system in place we have to stand up to protect each other's philosophy.
ToI has become a Christian missionary mouthpiece.

It has a circulation of 4 million , so even if only 1/10 of its readership takes it seriously, it would mean 400,000 potential fifth columnist.

CHENNAI: The Hindu Makkal Katchi, which conducted a 'ghar wapsi' programme in the city on Friday, said they would be organising more such reconversions in future. The fringe group's 're-conversion' programme was intended to take forward Sangah Parivar's Hindutva agenda in Tamil Nadu.

While Tamil Nadu politics has been dominated by two Dravidian parties -- AIADMK and DMK -- and some regional players, observers say the Hindutva rhetoric is likely to be spurred by VHP and Hindu Munnani, besides some fringe groups, encouraged by Sangh Parivar's 'ghar wapsi' programme.

HMK chief Arjun Sampath, who presided over the reconversion of 11 dalit Christians into Hinduism, said, "Our target is dalit Christians, many of whom are fishermen living in coastal districts and in Chennai city."

Sampath said HMK had started reconversion of people from other religions into Hinduism much before Narendra Modi became Prime Minister. "Our first reconversion happened in the Nellaiappar temple in Tirunelveli in 2011," said Sampath.

Many Tamil Nadu parties are wary of the Sangh Parivar's activities.

DMK chief M Karunanidhi, in a statement, said the activities of Sangh Parivar shocked people. "It is unfortunate that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has the responsibility to take the nation forward in the economic front, is silent on the activities of Sangh Parivar," he said.

"It is a drama enacted by the fringe groups of Sangh Parivar to seek attention. They said more than 100 people will be reconverted, but only 11 are said to have re-converted," said DMK spokesperson T K S Elangovan. He said the government should put down such activities with a firm hand.

Echoing similar sentiments, CPM state secretary G Ramakrishnan said secular forces in the state should not allow activities like ghar wapsi or forced teaching of Hinduism to students. "Though dalits face discrimination, whether they are Hindus or Christians, reconversion cannot be allowed as it will lead to law and order problem. We will oppose such reconversions henceforth," said Ramakrishnan.

"Sangh Parivar is bent on creating problems, be it ghar wapsi or deletion of words like secular and socialism from the Preamble of the Constitution. Secular forces should fight against it," said Ramakrishnan.

A senior police official said, "HMK people did not say they were organising a reconversion programme and they did not seek any permission from us. We stopped them on the way and sent back many of them". He said police are looking at steps to prevent such incidents in public places in future.

Do you have a problem with that?
ToI has become a Christian missionary mouthpiece.

It has a circulation of 4 million , so even if only 1/10 of its readership takes it seriously, it would mean 400,000 potential fifth columnist.

Do you have a problem with that?

TOI has a problem with that.

Not to mention that wasted section fo Bollywood who having Hindu names have cursed and abused Hindu sentiments in the last few days. So much so that it makes many of us non-Hindu dharmics feel sorry for your community and wonder what's keeping you from beating the crap out of these morons.

Come on guys, stand your ground. You're in your own country not in Saudi or Vatican or North Korea to take a beating from these fifth columnists.

If you're not strong, how can you expect us, Jains and Sikhs to come together with you and oppose injustice?

Support this. May we together protect and preserve our nation's rich cultures together.


TOI has a problem with that.

Not to mention that wasted section fo Bollywood who having Hindu names have cursed and abused Hindu sentiments in the last few days. So much so that it makes many of us non-Hindu dharmics feel sorry for your community and wonder what's keeping you from beating the crap out of these morons.

Come on guys, stand your ground. You're in your own country not in Saudi or Vatican or North Korea to take a beating from these fifth columnists.

If you're not strong, how can you expect us, Jains and Sikhs to come together with you and oppose injustice?

Support this. May we together protect and preserve our nation's rich cultures together.



Precisely sir

Followers of all Dharmic religions should unite and realize that this is our home, we must fight for it because there's no where else to go
Hindus are cowards by nature.

The last man who told this in respect of his colonial masters was shot dead by a Hindu in front of the whole country watching. :)

Hindus are passive; not cowards. Just like how we Buddhists are.

The day they get pissed off en masse, only heavens can save their enemies.

Being passive is not weak; it is a sign of strength and reason. It shows that you are not blinded by the words of ONE man or woman and are willing to stake your humility for the sake of reason and logic and uphold peace.

If Hindus were cowards, there would have been no Hindus today. But to say that Hindus are cowards, please you are disrespecting the memories of great warriors of your community; the Marathas, the Gurkhas, the Ahoms and the Tamils who time and again fought in different eras to ward off foreign cult invasions.

My community was prospering in Afghanistan and Pakistan under the Hindu Shahi kingdoms. Till Hindus and later Sikhs ruled, Buddhists, Jains and everyone else was safe and living with dignity.

Then we all know what happened. Afghanistan today and Goan inquisition is the living example of what happened.
Good,it's a free country, I dont understand why TOI would report this as news. It is something done on a mass industrial scale by many others, even using IAS officers at times...but no news during that :D They would use "opportunities" like Tsunami to convert people on the pretext of helping them,(aid/relief), while orgs like rss helped everyone without any conditions....only to be called "radical", "fascist" etc.
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Good,it's a free country, I dont understand why TOI would report this as news. It is something done on a mass industrial scale by many others, even using IAS officers at times...but no news during that :D They would use "opportunities" like Tsunami to convert people on the pretext of helping them,(aid/relief), while orgs like rss helped everyone without any conditions....only to be called "radical", "fascist" etc.

Presstitutes is the term, remember? :lol:

Goodness! I love the word since the good general put it as a slap to sold out elements of Indian media. :D
ToI has become a Christian missionary mouthpiece.

It has a circulation of 4 million , so even if only 1/10 of its readership takes it seriously, it would mean 400,000 potential fifth columnist.

Do you have a problem with that?
Do u have a problem with this thread?
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