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Hindu Husain?
Portrait of an artist as a litmus test for tolerance
Jug Suraiya
Would M F Husain have dared to paint the Prophet, either clothed or otherwise? That question is being asked by many after Husain gave up Indian citizenship to live in Qatar. The artist was constrained to go into exile following a strident reaction by elements of the sangh parivar to his depiction of Hindu deities in the nude. While those who believe in freedom of expression at any cost have rued the Husain case, others not all of whom belong to the parivar have raised the counter question regarding the Prophet, and whether Husain, or any other artist, would be at liberty to portray him.
The question is rhetorical: Islam forbids any pictorial depiction of the Prophet. So the question has nothing to do with artistic freedom, or lack of it, but with that old bugaboo: weak Hinduism as compared with strong Islam. In the face of a radicalised Islam which in the name of blasphemy has targeted people as varied as Salman Rushdie, a Danish cartoonist and Taslima Nasreen, to name only a few the so-called weakness of Hinduism in dealing with religious offence has increasingly been called into question. Such arguments are not merely misguided; they are inimical to the very essence of what, for the sake of convenience, is called Hinduism.
It has become a cliche to say that Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life. Perhaps it would be more accurate and less repetitive to describe Hinduism as a life which finds a way to let others live their lives, according to their lights, without seeking to convert them or make them change their ways. The basis of what has been labelled as Hinduism is the opposite of zero tolerance: it is infinite tolerance. There are almost as many Hinduisms as there are Hindus; its a designer religion. There are shudh shakahari Hindus who will not eat onions or garlic, and equally there are fully paid-up members of the Hindu fold who eat beef without a qualm. There are Hindus who acknowledge a pantheon of 33 million deities, and there are Hindus who disavow the existence of even one God.
Far from being a weakness of Hinduism, this endless elasticity of adaptation gives it a supple spiritual and philosophical strength that is unsurpassed by any other belief system or body of speculative thought. Efforts by the sangh parivar and others to semitise Hinduism in the manner of faiths which are based on uniformity rather than diversity (one scripture, one congregation) and so strengthen it are, in fact, witting or unwitting exercises in sabotage. A homogenised Hinduism would not be Hinduism at all, but a travesty of that myriad-threaded fabric of daily ritual and abstract reason which has been ceaselessly woven and re-woven over thousands of years.
The face of militant Hinduism the crusade to strengthen Hinduism by robbing it of its life-breath of tolerance is the mirror image of radicalised Islamism. Indeed, a strong Islam is as much of a misnomer as a weak Hinduism. For all its relative youth and seeming monoculturalism, mainstream Islam has many tributaries and distributaries, including that of Sufism in which the Creator is wooed as the romantic Beloved by the suitor intoxicated by spiritual passion. Do these diverse strands of Islam weaken it or strengthen it?
To come back to the question as to whether Husain would have dared to paint the Prophet, it is possible that as a good Muslim the idea didnt occur to him. So how come he took such scandalous liberties with Hindu deities? Could it be because the artist thought he intuited the true nature of Hinduism, that in it there are no scandalous liberties deserving of censorship? By bearing witness to its capacity of tolerance was the artist willy-nilly demonstrating that, good Muslim apart, he was also a good Hindu?
Too bad he was proved wrong about the tolerance and had to exile himself. Has that strengthened Hinduism or weakened it?