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Hilary's secretary Huma's husband caught in sex scandal

Her mother and father are both Muslim Brotherhood supporters. Why on earth would they allow their daughter to marry a man who is not only Jewish but a proven degenerate who has humiliated her. Only if her activities are helping their Islamist cause.
Did you get permission to come on PDF from your parents? No. Hint: She is grown women. She made a choice. It is non of our business.

And as a asides what proof do you have the parents are MB supporters? Some far right American rag?
Oh so Hilary's right hand woman's husband sent a covered dick pic......But but but Trumps wife sent nude pics to the ENTIRE WORLD.
we never get such entertainment in India :(. All we have is buddas who give dozing lectures.
Her mother and father are both Muslim Brotherhood supporters. Why on earth would they allow their daughter to marry a man who is not only Jewish but a proven degenerate who has humiliated her. Only if her activities are helping their Islamist cause.
Guilt by association is stupid...her father set up an organization that, after her father's death was taken over by a man who supposedly is a Muslim Brotherhood supporter.....Blaming the US government for 9/11 would also be valid with such logical twists....the US provided arms to the Taliban that hosted Al-Qaueda where they planned to destroy the WTC....so when you start reading tea bagger media try to see what kind of logical progression they use to accuse someone.


we never get such entertainment in India :(. All we have is buddas who give dozing lectures.
You had a politician that died literally in the middle of a press conference without any reason....we never get that here.
Did you get permission to come on PDF from your parents? No. Hint: She is grown women. She made a choice. It is non of our business.

And as a asides what proof do you have the parents are MB supporters? Some far right American rag?
Her mother sits on the "Presidency Staff Council" of a group called the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
You know as well as I do that marriages like hers are extremely rare. The vast majority of parents who are as pious as her mother clearly is would have disowned their daughter for such a choice.So why didn't they?
Her mother sits on the "Presidency Staff Council" of a group called the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
You know as well as I do that marriages like hers are extremely rare. The vast majority of parents who are as pious as her mother clearly is would have disowned their daughter for such a choice.So why didn't they?
They kicked him out in 2014.
Her mother sits on the "Presidency Staff Council" of a group called the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
You know as well as I do that marriages like hers are extremely rare. The vast majority of parents who are as pious as her mother clearly is would have disowned their daughter for such a choice.So why didn't they?
How do you know that her mother is pious?? I mean Benazir Bhutto was the PM of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Pakistan....doesn't make here anymore or less pious then anybody else....these councils are hugely political...this council has a lot of member groups that are big money....an organization like a dawa council would not keep a women in any position of power in the first place....let alone someone who let her daughter marry a jew....I am applying the same speculation as you are just the other way around.
Her mother sits on the "Presidency Staff Council" of a group called the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
You know as well as I do that marriages like hers are extremely rare. The vast majority of parents who are as pious as her mother clearly is would have disowned their daughter for such a choice.So why didn't they?
You never heard of exceptions? I just was looking at video of Hadia Tajik in Norway. She was or still is the Culture Minister there. To have Pakistani as Minister is rare in Norway, to get a Pakistani descent female Culture Minister is even rarer but it happened. Are you suggesting that is also some sort of conspiracy?

And the number of Americans of Pakistani descent are very small. So it can't be effect of numbers either. Finally are you suggesting she was "prostituted" by her parents in some bizzare Islamist conspiracy to gain access to positions of power? That now would fly quite the contrary to the "Islamists" parents that she has, would it not?

And Pakistani's come in three stamps. Either secularists ( London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Tory Minister Sajid Javid, Royal Navy Admiral Amjad Hussain) or average middle of road conservatives, or the extreme fringe fanatics. Don't lump them all in one category. When Princess Diane was getting banged by Dr. Hasnat Khan I can't recall anybody saying it was conspiracy because he was Pakistani. This is private business of these people which we should not stick our noses into.

pious as her mother clearly is would have disowned their daughter for such a choice.So why didn't they?
They went one step further. They prostituted her. Your logic of course. This fits in with being pious.

And this guy must also have been upto something funny. The late Capt. Khan. US Army.

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Should have dumped him from the time everyone found out. Glad this buffoon will never be mayor of NY.
Some wingdings need to stop listening to Michael Savage. Huma is not a muzlum secret agent!
Trump supporter....
Only to disgrace Clinton
Clinton whole life is a disgrace she might be the most corrupt and evil person in the world but the powerful people want her to be president and unless some miracle happen she will be
Clinton whole life is a disgrace she might be the most corrupt and evil person in the world but the powerful people want her to be president and unless some miracle happen she will be

Hillary is a tool a stooge, its American policies that are evil, if Hilary will not do it some one else will do it and trust me no miracle will happen and people will still die under the hands of CIA backed militias and American air power.
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