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Help me understand Jew history

Especially the traditiinal muslim hatred of "jews" purported by quran and hadiths.
There is no such thing as traditional Muslim hatred...If you are talking about the Arabs, well that is nothing new just like the Jews hate everyone else and term as Gentiles...the Arabs too are after all their cousins and in the same boat....

So it is wrong for you to say traditional Muslim hatred without mentioning traditional Jewish hatred....

Talk to any Jew about Hager and Sarah...automatically without history being touched they will claim Hager was Sarah's slave and Ishmael was the son of a slave....While history tells us both Hager and Sarah were princesses but just coz the word Sarah means princess in Hebrew they took it literally...

About the traditional Muslim hatred...Then you failed to recognize this bit:

Between the years 250 CE and 1948 CE - a period of 1,700 years - Jews have experienced more than eighty expulsions from various countries in Europe - an average of nearly one expulsion every twenty-one years. Jews were expelled from England, France, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, Bohemia, Moravia and seventy-one other countries.

So its not just Muslims who hate them but most of Europe which everyone fails to bring up! Traditional European hatred?! In fact it was during the golden age of Islam when Jews were rightfully protected after being ignored by most of Europe...now that is history :pop:

The Golden Age
The situation improved in 711 when Spain fell under the rule of the Muslim Moors. Both Muslims and Jews built a civilization, based in Cordoba, known as Al-Andalus, which was more advanced than any civilization in Europe at that time. Jews were able to coexist peacefully with their neighbors; however, they were still treated as dhimmis, "People of the Book" (Jews and Christians) who are protected under Islamic law. Jews did not have complete autonomy and had to pay a special tax, the jizha , but were able to freely practice their religion.

The era of Muslim rule in Spain (8th-11th century) was considered the "Golden Age" for Spanish Jewry. Jewish intellectual and spiritual life flourished and many Jews served in Spanish courts. Jewish economic expansion was unparalleled. In Toledo, Jews were involved in translating Arabic texts to the romance languages, as well as translating Greek and Hebrew texts into Arabic. Jews also contributed to botany, geography, medicine, mathematics, poetry and philosophy.

Apart from the cry about dhimmi and jizya which is explained elsewhere on the forum (which was for every "male who was about 16 yrs old and older) who was not in the army (not including women, children and elderly...)

A number of well-known Jewish physicians practiced during this period, including Hasdai Ibn Shaprut (915-970), who was the doctor for the Caliph (leader of Spain). Many famous Jewish figures lived during the Golden Age and contributed to making this a flourishing period for Jewish thought. These included Samuel Ha-Nagid, Moses ibn Ezra,Solomon ibn Gabirol Judah Halevi and Moses Maimonides.

Jews lived separately in aljamas (Jewish quarters). They were given administrative control over their communities and managed their own communal affairs. Jews had their own court system, known as the Bet Din. Rabbis served as judges and rendered both religious and civil legal opinions.

Islamic culture also influenced the Jews. Muslim and Jewish customs and practices became intertwined. For example, Arabic was used for prayers rather than Hebrew or Spanish. Before entering the synagogue, Jews washed their hands and feet, which is a practice done before entering a mosque. Arab melodies were used for Jewish songs. Jews wore the clothing style of their Moorish neighbors, although they were not allowed to wear silk or furs.

Jews lived peacefully in Al-Andulus for 400 years. The Golden Age for Jewry in Muslim Spain declined after the Almovarids gained power in 1055 and continued to deteriorate after the Almohads came to power in 1147. Jews continued to work as moneylenders, jewelers, cobblers, tailors and tanners, however, they had to wear distinguishing clothing, such as a yellow turban.

Above excerpt is frm a Jewish site^^

Sephardim | Jewish Virtual Library

Now tell me what traditional Muslim hatred? Atleast bother to do some research and know your history
Really...? Let me recall you of prophet muhammeds treatment of jewish tribe banu nadir.I will make it concise.
-After the constitution of medina was created there was truce between jewish tribes and muslims.It was specifically stated that things like arranging blood money is responsibility to each group only.A poet of banu nadir-ka'b bin ashraff writes poetry glorifying slain quraish of medina, Prophet muhammed has him assasinated.Note that no blood money was given by murderers nor the mastermind.Now two muslim men of medina kills people from tribe of amir, prophet muhammed wants to save the asses of muslim murderers so he goes on collecting blood money for them, Completely ignoring the charter of medina and his non payment of blood money for ka'ab, he demands contribution for blood money from banu nadir-Their reply is not written in any hadiths but it is an easy guess.Amidst this blatant mockery of justice, Prophet conveniently get the relevation that banu nadir is plotting to kill him.!!And he ordered expulsion of them..Every sentence of what I wrote is verifiable from sahih hadiths..So much for being tolerant and protective of jews..

From your post its clear that ka'b bin ashraff was killed for not being Jew, but For Antagonizing Prophet Muhammad, Writing erotic Poems about Muslim Women, Supporting Meccans against Muhammad when he was under Madina Charter, riding to Mecca where he tried to kindle resentment against the Muslim..... Moreover, Kab Bin Asraff was killed by his own Foster Brother Abu Naila and Masalamah who were not Arabs but Ex-Jew........... Had he been an Arab, He would embace the same Fate..... Again, Akeedah wise Jews were closest to Muslims...
If you read Gita. (I am sure you do. Correct?)

you will find plenty of parallels.
Gita do not have stories in it. It has moral values. It describes what should a human being do and what it should not.
There is no mention of middle east in it.
Gita do not have stories in it. It has moral values. It describes what should a human being do and what it should not.
There is no mention of middle east in it.

hahaha. Bro!

are you for real?

My reference to Gita was re: Kurukshetra War

For those who don't know its a story of the struggle between opponents who are also related.

FYI. here are the main characters of the story.

Arjuna, one of the Pandavas
Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer and guru
Sanjaya, counsellor of the Kuru king Dhritarashtra
Dhritarashtra, Kuru king.

Bhagavad Gita - wiki
hahaha. Bro!

are you for real?

My reference to Gita was re: Kurukshetra War

For those who don't know its a story of the struggle between opponents who are also related.

FYI. here are the main characters of the story.

Arjuna, one of the Pandavas
Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer and guru
Sanjaya, counsellor of the Kuru king Dhritarashtra
Dhritarashtra, Kuru king.

Bhagavad Gita - wiki
Actually it is only about following Dharma, or what is right, disregarding other worldly connections. The War is an acid test only.

Also (forgive me for asking) but is there a comparison with regular history being made or is the Qu'ran also included in the history?
hahaha. Bro!

are you for real?

My reference to Gita was re: Kurukshetra War

For those who don't know its a story of the struggle between opponents who are also related.

FYI. here are the main characters of the story.

Arjuna, one of the Pandavas
Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer and guru
Sanjaya, counsellor of the Kuru king Dhritarashtra
Dhritarashtra, Kuru king.

Bhagavad Gita - wiki
That is Mahabharata. Gita nowhere mentons about war.

I dont need the wikipedia to understand the Gita or Mahabharata.

Gita consists of the words of Almighty. The Almighty gave the moral values to Arjun during the war of Mahabharata. The same moral values are written in Gita. Gita does not describes about War.Gita even hardly mentions about Kurukshetra,

I do have a copy of Gita, If you wish I can send it to you.

If you are talking about Mahabharata, how can we understand the history of Middle east by reading it. Even Mahabharata does not mention about middle east.
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That is Mahabharata. Gita nowhere mentons about war.

I dont need the wikipedia to understand the Gita or Mahabharata.

Gita consists of the words of Almighty. The Almighty gave the moral values to Arjun during the war of Mahabharata. The same moral values are written in Gita. Gita does not describes about War.Gita even hardly mentions about Kurukshetra,

I do have a copy of Gita, If you wish I can send it to you.

If you are talking about Mahabharata, how can we understand the history of Middle east by reading it. Even Mahabharata does not mention about middle east.

Lessons of wars,

lessons of history

are there to teach us what to do and what not to do in a war.

Actually it is only about following Dharma, or what is right, disregarding other worldly connections. The War is an acid test only.

Also (forgive me for asking) but is there a comparison with regular history being made or is the Qu'ran also included in the history?
Not sure about your question.

Please explain.

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