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Head of Ukraine's navy and other high military-security defects officials to pro-Russian Crimea

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Head of Ukraine's navy and other high military-security officials defects to pro-Russian Crimea

Head of Ukraine's navy defects to pro-Russian Crimea
SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine -- Ukraine's acting president, Oleksandr Turchynov, fired his new navy commander on Sunday for “high treason” after the admiral pledged allegiance to pro-Russian forces in Crimea, a Ukrainian news agency reported.

Earlier in the day, Adm. Denis Berezovsky appeared in public in Sevastopol in the company of Crimea's newly elected pro-Moscow premier, Sergei Aksenov, and pledged allegiance to his administration.

“I, Denis Berezovsky, swear an oath of allegiance to the residents of the republic of Crimea,” Berezovsky said in televised remarks. “I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to bravely protect lives and freedom of the residents of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.”

Crimea is a semi-autonomous region of Ukraine that now appears to be effectively under Russian control.

Aksenov said at a briefing that he was planning to create a Crimean navy, to be headed by Berezovsky.

As heavily armed Russian commandos continue to blockade Ukrainian army and navy units in Crimea, the new development appeared to be an embarrassing setback for the nation's interim government, especially because Berezovsky was appointed head of the navy Saturday, the day before he defected.

His move came against the backdrop of a tense standoff between Russian troops who have blockaded Ukrainian army and navy forces inside their own bases and were demanding that they surrender their weapons and leave. Most were staying put.

“Four of our guard soldiers on the outside perimeter at the gate gave in and left,” Pvt. Roman Beregovoy, the duty officer at one Ukrainian army base, said in a phone interview with The Times. “We refused to give up our arsenal to the Russians and barricaded ourselves inside. Our commander is now conducting negotiations with the Russians.

Head of Ukraine's navy defects to pro-Russian Crimea - latimes.com

Five top military, security commanders take oath to Crimea

A number of high ranking Ukrainian military and security officials in Crimea have sworn their allegiance to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, as Simferopol pushes for its autonomy from the self-imposed government in Kiev.

The head of the Security Service of Crimea Petyor Zima, Chief of Department of Internal Affairs in the Crimea Sergey Abisov, the head of Service for Emergency Situations Sergei Shakhov and acting Chief of the Border Guards of Crimea Victor Melnichenko all took an oath of allegiance to the people of Crimea.

Earlier rear admiral Denis Berezovsky swore allegiance to the people of Crimea taking control over Crimea's newly formed Navy.

The ceremony took place in the Council of Ministers chamber in the presence of regional government officials, mayors of different cities and regions.

Those who took the oath promised “to respect and strictly observe the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea” and to “promote the preservation of interethnic accord and civil peace” on the peninsula.

"I believe that this day will go down in history of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as the day that all law enforcement agencies were established in the autonomy,” The region's Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov announced. “We will prove that the Crimeans are capable of protecting themselves and ensure the safety and freedom of our citizens.”

Aksyonov also added that other authority figures are willing to swear allegiance to the people of the Crimea in the near future. “Up to now, 90 per cent of all law enforcement agencies in the territory of the autonomy are subordinated to the Supreme Council of Crimea. And this work will be completed by us tonight,” Aksyonov told the regional parliament.

Aksyonov also said that a new Defense Ministry will soon be created for the autonomous Crimea

“In the near future, as part of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a new ministry – the Ministry of Defence will be created. I am sure that such a ministry will be vital for us, based on the principle of ‘If you want peace - prepare for war.’”

The Prime Minister of Crimea also noted that self-defense squads are guarding the Crimean prosecutor's office, where a new acting prosecutor will be presented for the regional parliament for approval on Monday. The issue with the Court of Appeal will also be discussed on Monday.

“Today the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is formed as an independent, integral public authority,” said Aksyonov. "I am sure that all of us will prove that we did not just come into power and that we can give Crimeans what they expect from us”

The prime minister admitted that a number of outstanding issues must be dealt with in the Crimea and the development of a common strategy is to take place at the next Council of Ministers of Crimea meeting scheduled for March 4.

In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta Aksyonov promised to create a stable state in Crimea by May.

“We will never see ‘Maidan’ with their black smoke and burned tires here,” the Crimean leader said. "I responsibly promise that Crimea by May will be calm, quiet, friendly. People of all nationalities will live here happily.”

Facts you need to know about Crimea and why it is in turmoil

Crimeans began protesting after the new self-imposed government in Kiev introduced a lawabolishing the use of other languages for official documents in Ukraine. More than half the Crimean population are Russian and use only this language for their communication. The residents have announced they are going to hold a referendum on March 30 to determine the fate of the Ukrainian autonomous region.

Feeling a threat from the new central government of questionable legitimacy, a number of regionsstood up against it. Thousands of people across eastern and southern Ukraine are flooding the streets of major cities, urging local authorities to disobey Kiev’s orders. The local population is calling the government in Kiev illegitimate and demanding that their local governments refuse to take orders from it.

Five top military, security commanders take oath to Crimea — RT News
We should let JEW NATO manage their new 30 000 newly acquied nazis, so they destroy west Europa
Head of Ukraine's navy and other high military-security officials defects to pro-Russian Crimea

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