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Head of IRGC Navy Force: Iran will close Strait of Hormuz if prevented from using it

Will Iran block strait of Hormuz?

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When you say Iran should "do something", you know the effective thing for them to do would be to build nukes right?

Like North Korea, then they can have Trump bending over and kissing their backsides all day? :P
Right now, if we want, it will be NKR who will bend over. To have %100 confidence that a 'nuke' works, there must be at least one test detonation. Then packaging, but if Iran do not have the delivery mean, then the packaging is meaningless. In the meantime, we can do whatever we want...:enjoy:
When you say Iran should "do something", you know the effective thing for them to do would be to build nukes right?

Like North Korea, then they can have Trump bending over and kissing their backsides all day? :P

Iran does need more than just nukes, it has to fix some problems internally and what not. Many already know this but nukes would definitely change strategic calculation for Iran undoubtedly.
Can't wait to see the shit-show that will be the 2020 elections.

Trump will win in 2020, guaranteed. :enjoy: He was going to win anyway, but the Mueller report exonerating him from Russian collusion was the icing on the cake.

The character of the USA has fundamentally changed. All those principles upon which the US was founded, Trump's new America is the antithesis of all of it.

Short-term pain is needed for long-term benefits. The world needs to wake up, and Trump is the best way to do that.
Right now, if we want, it will be NKR who will bend over. To have %100 confidence that a 'nuke' works, there must be at least one test detonation. Then packaging, but if Iran do not have the delivery mean, then the packaging is meaningless. In the meantime, we can do whatever we want...:enjoy:

You don't sound like the Gambit I know of.... This is weird....

Trump will win in 2020, guaranteed. :enjoy: He was going to win anyway, but the Mueller report exonerating him from Russian collusion was the icing on the cake.

The character of the USA has fundamentally changed. All those principles upon which the US was founded, Trump's new America is the antithesis of all of it.

Short-term pain is needed for long-term benefits. The world needs to wake up, and Trump is the best way to do that.

I disagree, I don't think Trump will have a guaranteed second-term since he has some good competition coming in from the Democratic side that being Bernie and Biden.

But I do agree that more regular people should get better acquainted with US gallivanting.
I disagree, I don't think Trump will have a guaranteed second-term since he has some good competition coming in from the Democratic side that being Bernie and Biden.

But I do agree that more regular people should get better acquainted with US gallivanting.

I can't see any chance of Trump losing. Bernie Sanders is a maniac who thinks the Boston bomber should have a vote, and Joe Biden is literally Harvey Weinstein, King of Perverts.

I could be wrong of course, but I just don't see it. Especially after the Mueller report.

Iran will be fine either way, they have enough conventional deterrence towards US and Israeli assets in the region.

But if they are smart, they will not miss the opportunity to build nukes, then thermonukes, then ICBM's. If North Korea could do it, Iran can easily do it. The operative word being "can". But will they, I wonder.
I can't see any chance of Trump losing. Bernie Sanders is a maniac who thinks the Boston bomber should have a vote, and Joe Biden is literally Harvey Weinstein, King of Perverts.

I could be wrong of course, but I just don't see it. Especially after the Mueller report.

Iran will be fine either way, they have enough conventional deterrence towards US and Israeli assets in the region.

But if they are smart, they will not miss the opportunity to build nukes, then thermonukes, then ICBM's. If North Korea could do it, Iran can easily do it.

Trump is thoroughly hated by many in the US who are becoming more and more politically active especially after Trump's election back in 2016. Now I'm not saying he can't win but I don't see it just being an easy victory since Bernie has some good points that I can get behind (he resonates with me more are a voter than Trump ever did) but he also has his faults. Also for the sake of the world and to spite Israel I need to see someone in the White House who can MAYBE tell those Israeli fukks to go sod off for a moment or two.

if Trump wins man....just idk. He is too brash for me, he has damn near no presidential etiquette; carries himself like he's in a bar with his friends, makes rash foreign policy decisions that will greatly complicate things for the world down the road, and on and on and on...

I can't see any chance of Trump losing. Bernie Sanders is a maniac who thinks the Boston bomber should have a vote, and Joe Biden is literally Harvey Weinstein, King of Perverts.

I could be wrong of course, but I just don't see it. Especially after the Mueller report.

Iran will be fine either way, they have enough conventional deterrence towards US and Israeli assets in the region.

But if they are smart, they will not miss the opportunity to build nukes, then thermonukes, then ICBM's. If North Korea could do it, Iran can easily do it. The operative word being "can". But will they, I wonder.

lol I don't mean to kiss China's *** here (I have issues with China as well) but if Iran can further expand economic ties with the Chinese on both a trade and cultural level then Iran doesn't really need to worry about US bullshit since China will always need oil to fuel it's own prosperity and Iran can expand that output to China if the demand ever rises to that level.
lol I don't mean to kiss China's *** here (I have issues with China as well) but if Iran can further expand economic ties with the Chinese on both a trade and cultural level then Iran doesn't really need to worry about US bullshit since China will always need oil to fuel it's own prosperity and Iran can expand that output to China if the demand ever rises to that level.

China and Iran have a fundamental problem in the bilateral relationship, and that is that the Gulf Arabs have always been much more enthusiastic about Chinese investment, goods and even large-scale weapons sales.

Iran on the other hand has always tried to keep a distance from China, and have always been skeptical of Chinese involvement, whether it is in investment/goods/weapons or anything else. I'm sure they have their reasons, but it seems unlikely to change in the future.

I have always respected Iran as a fellow ancient civilization, but the modern Iranian state and the modern Chinese state are different actors.
That have been on this forum since '09 -- when I was invited here.

For 10 yrs, Russia, China, Venezuela, and Iran had their chance to 'do something' and each time, the 'sages' of PDF have all kinds of actions that would 'collapse' the US in some form.

Today, Venezuelan women resort to selling their hair, Russia is on the verge of being a militarily 3rd world country, China is getting older, and Iran can only talk tough.

Yeah...Go 'do something'. :lol:

The American president is a Russian agent.
American democracy is failing.
Checks and balances have already failed.
The Russian agent despite all evidence is impeachable.
The American judiciary is been made ineffective against the now-Russian executive.

It's a start. But the results are clear for all to see.
US cannot force Iran oil exports to zero: Analysis

As long as Iran stay close to North Korea and coordinates its startegy, the Axis Of Resistance will prevail!

Iran Hints at Withdrawal from NPT as Possible Option

Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:7

"The Islamic Republic’s choices are numerous, and officials are studying them…leaving the NPT is one of them,” Zarif said in an interview with the state TV on Sunday.

The Americans proved that they are not a reliable negotiating partner, he said, adding, “In this case, the only way left for Iran is to counter the US sanctions, which would then lead to decreasing our reliance on oil, increasing our non-oil revenues, and boosting domestic production and non-oil exports.”

Zarif referred to the EU’s trade mechanism (INSTEX) and Iran’s expectations from the European side, and said, “The Europeans had a whole year, and regrettably took no tangible measure. We expect them to prove that this hasn’t been the case. I don’t think they have much time left.”

The Iranian top diplomat also said that he would make official visits to Russia and North Korea in the near future.

Washington withdrew from the internationally-endorsed 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed sanctions against the country.

Under the nuclear agreement reached between Iran and six world powers in July 2015, Tehran undertook to put limits on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related sanctions.

Despite Washington's measures, Iran has not left the deal, stressing that the remaining signatories to the agreement have to work to offset the negative impacts of the US pullout for Iran if they want Tehran to remain committed to it.



https://cdn.presstv.com/photo/20190423/b483eccd-a227-416e-8119-7e1b94d812d5.jpg ; https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/04/23/594160/Iran-oil-exports-Trump-waivers-Asia-China
1. US President Donald Trump decided to trumpet sanctions on Iran with a Twitter meme, "Sanctions are coming," in reference to Game of Thrones, in November 2018.


2. Two centuries of White Viking World Hegemony pipe dream is enough!


3. Two centuries of White Viking World Hegemony pipe dream is enough!


4. The Three Great Powers of the Next World Order: opening up the dawn of mankind's Longest Golden Age.

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