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'He will be punished severely': Free Syrian Army vows to hunt down rebel


Aug 5, 2012
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'He will be punished severely': Free Syrian Army vows to hunt down rebel commander Abu Sakkar filmed eating government soldier's 'heart' in gruesome propaganda video

The leaders of Syria’s largest rebel group, the Free Syrian Army, have vowed to hunt down and “severely” punish the man filmed cutting out and eating an organ from a government soldier’s chest.

In a statement, the FSA leadership said: “Any act contrary to the values that the Syrian people have paid their blood and lost their homes to will not be tolerated, the abuser will be punished severely even if they are associated with the Free Syrian Army.

The comments come the day after a shocking video was released showing Khalid al Hamad (who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Sakkar) - a rebel commander with the Homs-based Farouk Brigades - cutting into the chest of a government solider, cutting out his organs and biting into them.

As he committed the gruesome act, Sakkar threatened to eat the hearts and livers of all those who fight for and support the Assad government.

In an exclusive interview with TIME, Sakkar confirmed he was the man in the video and revealed he had another as-yet-unreleased graphic propaganda showing him sawing a government soldier into pieces.

Sakkar said: “Hopefully we will slaughter all of them [Alawites]… I have another video clip that I will send to them. In the clip I am sawing another Shabiha [pro-government militiaman] with a saw. The saw we use to cut trees. I sawed him in small pieces and large ones”

He goes on to defend his actions, saying his brutality stems from a fundamental belief in the eye for an eye principle, and accusing the dead soldier in the video of having had footage on his mobile phone of him abusing and humiliating a naked women and her two daughters

Today’s FSA statement comes as ‘wanted’ posters appeared in rebel-held areas, calling for Sakkar to be brought to justice “dead or alive”.

It also emerged that the 27-second video had first been seen by TIME in April, and they obtained an actual copy a few weeks later. Despite several witnesses stating its authenticity, TIME said they set about independently authenticating the video, which led to Sakkar admitting responcicilty.

TIME reported that Sakkar had originally thought he was biting into the dead soldier’s liver, despite widespread initial reports that the organ in question was his heart.

Sakkar now admits the organ was in fact one of the man’s lungs – a claim substantiated by a surgeon who TIME showed the footage to.

'He will be punished severely': Free Syrian Army vows to hunt down rebel commander Abu Sakkar filmed eating government soldier's 'heart' in gruesome propaganda video - Middle East - World - The Independent
these heartless terrorists - of course they cannot recognize what human heart looks like. animals, beasts, dogs run by anglosaxon-jew-running-dog saudi monarchists...

Retard alert! Retard Alert!

Assad and the Baath party are slaves of Russia and the Iranian mullahs in Iran have gone out of their way to spend millions in their own resources to help Russia's foreign policy objectives.

Iran initially supported the Bosnians against the Russian backed Serbs, at first Hezbollah fought both Israel and the Syrian backed Amal (who were slaughtering Palestinians), and the speaker of Iran's parliament condemned Russia's attack on Chechnya. But suddenly Iran started to change around 1995, it needed Russia's help in developing the Bushehr Nuclear plant and it and Hezbollah had to change many of their political positions.

China does not have any interests with Assad or the Baath party. Russia asked for the additional veto in exchange for some concession we don't know about. They do not want to appear isolated. The Russians tried to drag China into the Nagorno Karabakh war by tricking them into supplying an arms contract for Armenia.

I am Chinese, when people ask me what ethnicity I am I don't say Taiwanese. I don't like America's parasitic policies. They suck billions of dollars from Taiwan every year in arms contracts. I am not pro America and living here I can tell you that the majority of Americans don't care about non Americans dying where ever, some sickos even cheer on Assad and claim he is killing terrorists.
Retard alert! Retard Alert!

Assad and the Baath party are slaves of Russia and the Iranian mullahs in Iran have gone out of their way to spend millions in their own resources to help Russia's foreign policy objectives.

Iran initially supported the Bosnians against the Russian backed Serbs, at first Hezbollah fought both Israel and the Syrian backed Amal (who were slaughtering Palestinians), and the speaker of Iran's parliament condemned Russia's attack on Chechnya. But suddenly Iran started to change around 1995, it needed Russia's help in developing the Bushehr Nuclear plant and it and Hezbollah had to change many of their political positions.

China does not have any interests with Assad or the Baath party. Russia asked for the additional veto in exchange for some concession we don't know about. They do not want to appear isolated. The Russians tried to drag China into the Nagorno Karabakh war by tricking them into supplying an arms contract for Armenia.

I am Chinese, when people ask me what ethnicity I am I don't say Taiwanese. I don't like America's parasitic policies. They suck billions of dollars from Taiwan every year in arms contracts. I am not pro America and living here I can tell you that the majority of Americans don't care about non Americans dying where ever, some sickos even cheer on Assad and claim he is killing terrorists.

supporting armenians is a moral duty for all continental eurasians who are determined to drive out the rootless turkic and semitic races. as a KMT scum driven out of continental eurasia, you have no ground to question chinese military and moral support to armenians.

supporting assad as a way to support russia is a stated policy of beijing, which is not doubted by majority of chinese and you debazi who are a marginal force in east asia have no ground to challenge the beijing regime, which churled your KMT *** to dewei six decades ago.

as a racial minority in dewei you have no ground to speak for the racially impure debazi who are neither chinese by blood nor argue they are chinese.

as a racial minority in dewei who is in permanent danger of being racially "cleansed" by the racially impure debazi, you have no ground to talk back to racially pure mainland chinese whose political support and military threat against debazi are your only insurnace policy against a pogrom against you KMT scums by the debazi.

this is what you KMT scums amount to: nothing, with no ground to say and do anything. so go and fondle and pleasure yourself and the next time you see a true blood chinese, learn to hang your head low and take a detour.
There is no proof of that, they are defending him. Brigades have not post any sources about whether if the commander is a target for them or not. It is the media that destroyed their image. They are starting to view Free Syrian Army and other brigades as killers which is not true. I am truly disappointed about the world reaction on this but not to mention the horrible massacres committed by the regime force.
supporting armenians is a moral duty for all continental eurasians who are determined to drive out the rootless turkic and semitic races. as a KMT scum driven out of continental eurasia, you have no ground to question chinese military and moral support to armenians.

supporting assad as a way to support russia is a stated policy of beijing, which is not doubted by majority of chinese and you debazi who are a marginal force in east asia have no ground to challenge the beijing regime, which churled your KMT *** to dewei six decades ago.

as a racial minority in dewei you have no ground to speak for the racially impure debazi who are neither chinese by blood nor argue they are chinese.

as a racial minority in dewei who is in permanent danger of being racially "cleansed" by the racially impure debazi, you have no ground to talk back to racially pure mainland chinese whose political support and military threat against debazi are your only insurnace policy against a pogrom against you KMT scums by the debazi.

this is what you KMT scums amount to: nothing, with no ground to say and do anything. so go and fondle and pleasure yourself and the next time you see a true blood chinese, learn to hang your head low and take a detour.

Are you even Chinese or are you just another dumb troll?


China never said that it supported Russia anywhere you stupid troll. It said it has a policy of non interference in all outside conflicts including nagorno karabakh.

I have never heard anyone from mainland China use the word "dewei" to refer to Taiwan. If you are for real then show us the characters for "debazi" and "dewei".

I am not a KMT member, I explained it already but nothing seems to get past your golf ball sized brain.
Are you even Chinese or are you just another dumb troll?


China never said that it supported Russia anywhere you stupid troll. It said it has a policy of non interference in all outside conflicts including nagorno karabakh.

I have never heard anyone from mainland China use the word "dewei" to refer to Taiwan. If you are for real then show us the characters for "debazi" and "dewei".

I am not a KMT member, I explained it already but nothing seems to get past your golf ball sized brain.

ask the millions and millions of debazi in shanghai and you might teach you how to spell your true name, which really is debazi. it is the noble shanghai tongue, not your coarse dewu (with an umlaut), which in shanghai tongue is prounced EXACTLY as a spittoon, which of course is what dewu is, hahahaha. stupid bazi...
This kind of behavior is barbaric and unacceptable. Now, the FSA condemned the attack and vowed to seek justice and hold that guy accountable for what he did. The other issue is that we still don't know wether this guy belongs to Al-Farooq brigade or not, he could have been affiliated with Al-Nusrah group, the terro group.

The moral lesson the FSA will learn from such an incidence is to prove to the whole world that the FSA will always protect the people of Syria, regardless of their faith or ethnicity.
Only after the rebel commander was filmed eating the heart of a Government official did the FSA "vow" to find him and punish him.

Perhaps if he wasn't caught on film they would have left him alone since eating the heart of "Kafir Shia Assadi" forces is not crime or inhumane.
Only after the rebel commander was filmed eating the heart of a Government official did the FSA "vow" to find him and punish him.

Perhaps if he wasn't caught on film they would have left him alone since eating the heart of "Kafir Shia Assadi" forces is not crime or inhumane.

How would they know if the video wasn't recorded? Of course we can't blame them for that and what they must do is to go after this sick nut.
Only after the rebel commander was filmed eating the heart of a Government official did the FSA "vow" to find him and punish him. Perhaps if he wasn't caught on film they would have left him alone since eating the heart of "Kafir Shia Assadi" forces is not crime or inhumane.
According to the Farooq brigades, they filmed this two weeks ago so I am pretty sure some or most of the brigades knew this weeks ago by sharing stories to one and another. We did not see any harm against him since they are allies, so I think nothing will happen to him just like all the commanders from the US that were safe after the US led Iraqi invasion.
These bloody terrorists also a have a code of conduct? As if whatever else they are doing is legitimate that the cannibal arrest and punishment will make any difference?

Slitting throats of their fellow Muslims on the incitement from enemies is a crime for which no worldly punishment can be conceived.
It doesn't matter how much acts of these retarded terrorists are crap and disgusting, there are always some people over here to rationalize their evil deeds. I hope God helps and guides all of us.
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