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Hathora Group - 1985 Gallup Poll

A brief background for some unfamiliar members here.

The Hathora group was a violent yet unknown group of a sizable number which terrorized Pakistan in the mid 80's. Though referred to as the 'Mini' Hathora Group, one similar group precedes it. The group used to smash victims with a hammer (hathora), killing or maiming them in the attack.

Even though I was born after the said group was terrorizing our country, the fear of it was kept alive and well by rumors and the printed press which usually cashes in on such incidents.

The eighties was the begging of our current predicament and the following Gallup poll shows the opinions of people which are similar to ones found today.

The myth of an external hand, foreign power or agents was starting to seep into the psyche of people which haunts the nation to this day, rendering reality ineffective.

Oddly enough the cases were never solved and no member of the Hathora group captured or prosecuted (I am not so sure, maybe someone can elaborate on it). There might have been some investigation but the facts not known to me.

Enjoy the views in this brief and unfortunately amusing poll.


That's one from the past!

You are right, only heard stories back then ... terrorists of that era.

But, as the thread itself mentioned India as someone behind :rolleyes: that so i have posted.

Also, just see the date The stone men incidents was "1983" about the same time as pakistan.
an horrific murder happened in May 1985 in Rawalpindi’s dhok khabba when several members of a family were axedto death.we lived close by and like hundreds of others I rushed to see what happened….I actually saw victims were chopped into pieces while they were sleeping.
Various conspiracies circulated…even Libya’s strongman Col.Qaddafi was also blamed but nothing was proved or if anything proved was never mae public.
A brief background for some unfamiliar members here.

The Hathora group was a violent yet unknown group of a sizable number which terrorized Pakistan in the mid 80's. Though referred to as the 'Mini' Hathora Group, one similar group precedes it. The group used to smash victims with a hammer (hathora), killing or maiming them in the attack.

Even though I was born after the said group was terrorizing our country, the fear of it was kept alive and well by rumors and the printed press which usually cashes in on such incidents.

The eighties was the begging of our current predicament and the following Gallup poll shows the opinions of people which are similar to ones found today.

The myth of an external hand, foreign power or agents was starting to seep into the psyche of people which haunts the nation to this day, rendering reality ineffective.

Oddly enough the cases were never solved and no member of the Hathora group captured or prosecuted (I am not so sure, maybe someone can elaborate on it). There might have been some investigation but the facts not known to me.

Enjoy the views in this brief and unfortunately amusing poll.

One horrific incident that I can recall was the gruesome murder of several members of a family in Dhok Khabba Rawalpind in May 1985……several members were axed to death while sleeping and I lived close by and saw chopped pieces of human flesh being removed from a house……various conspiracy theories were circulate….even involving Libya but nothing was ever proven or made public.

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