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Hate is poisoning Indian society — and many refuse to see it

Taimoor Khan

Jan 20, 2016
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United Kingdom

Hate is suffocating every aspect of life in India. No space seems safe.
Early morning on Oct. 18, a neighbor alerted me to a WhatsApp message distributed by our building’s security guard celebrating the killer of Mahatma Gandhi and urging people to take up the gun to protect the idea of Hindu sovereignty. These types of messages are popular with Hindu nationalists and right-wing supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. When I posted it on my social media, many unabashedly supported the hate and threat in the message.

And when the iconic jewelry brand Tanishq recently ran an ad showcasing an interfaith marriage, the resulting Hindu right-wing backlash on social media forced the company to pull the commercial.

The beautiful 45-second ad encapsulated the Indian traditions of pluralism and cultural diversity, with a Muslim family celebrating Hindu customs and traditions in a ceremony to make a pregnant Hindu daughter-in-law feel loved in her home. But the video swiftly triggered a wave of threats of physical violence against employees of the jewelry brand. Indian social media flared up, with the term #LoveJihad trending, a slur invented by Hindu nationalists for interfaith marriages in which a Muslim man is married to a Hindu woman.

This is where division and hate have driven us, in a country that ranks second only to the United States in the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases. Many felt that ad, which dominated news coverage for days, was the real existential threat to India and not the horrible mismanagement of the pandemic response. In less than 24 hours, the brand announced the withdrawal of the commercial, titled “Ekatvam,” or unity, saying “the film has stimulated divergent and severe reactions contrary to its very objective. ”
The fact that a major brand, part of the conglomerate once run by Ratan Tata, one of India’s richest and most powerful men, had to withdraw a commercial promoting unity to protect its employees offers a clear example of the disturbing depths we have reached in 2020 under Modi. The ad’s withdrawal led to anger and disillusionment. The 152-year-old iconic business group has been known for its commitment to pluralism and integrity; many tweets and editorials condemned Tata, who is considered the face of the company by many but has stayed a mute spectator through the intimidation.

As I’ve written many times before, these campaigns of hate are generated, circulated and amplified by government supporters, senior officials and prominent news channels alike. A well-meaning ad couldn’t stand in the way of well-funded media corporations tasked with dividing and fanning the flames of division for political gain.

But not everyone has bent the knee. Unlike many invertebrate personalities in India’s business community who have chosen to prostrate themselves before the Modi regime, allowing themselves to be censored and co-opted, there are important exceptions. Bajaj Auto and iconic foods company Parle Products have refused to advertise on channels that broadcast toxic news items that lead to polarization and majoritarian sentiments in the country.
But not all is lost. Indian officials are investigating news channels for fudging viewership numbers. These channels have been consistent in their pro-state activism, spreading misinformation about Indian minorities that gives a shot in the arm to communalism in India.

It will take great political will and a mobilized Indian society to hold these powerful forces accountable. These independent investigations are a powerful bulwark against the further erosion of Indian democracy.

Many still refuse to face the racism and communalism that has permeated and flourished in recent years across virtually all facets of Indian society.
Rahul Gandhi, one of the key leaders of the Indian National Congress, recently tweeted that “the shameful truth is many Indians don’t consider Dalits, Muslims and Tribals to be human.” The tweet sparked outrage, including from many liberals. The tweet came in the wake of the alleged gang rape and killing of a lower-caste young woman in the state of Uttar Pradesh by upper-caste men. Police officers burned the body of the victim in the hopes of making the story and justice vanish. The young woman’s parents were gagged from speaking to either the media or any political party, and members of the ruling party rallied in support of the accused. Gandhi hit a raw nerve and exposed the systemic hate against religious and caste minorities, whose women are the most vulnerable.

The controversy over the ad simply reinforced this: Hindu nationalists were outraged at a Hindu woman exercising her agency to love and be part of a Muslim family, an idea that is anathema to supremacists who hold women as objects that need to be controlled and destroyed to establish their hegemony.

Now the ad has been censored and wiped out from our imagination under a flood of violence, exposing the moral deterioration in our country. I’m sure my building’s security guard agreed with the decision to pull the ad. Many want to deny it, but bigotry and hate are everywhere. Closer than many might want to admit.
Don't Worry Sir! The Chinese Would Civilise Them!

Honestly, I'd rather live under Hindu Rashtra of Modi and Co. than be tortured in Xi's concentration camps simply for having an Arabic name or wearing a skullcap.
India sure loves to take lessons from America's playbook. Because American society is toxic af.
Honestly, I'd rather live under Hindu Rashtra of Modi and Co. than be tortured in Xi's concentration camps simply for having an Arabic name or wearing a skullcap.

Thats because you are a LARPing Indian, all your other posts and your desperate attempt to deflect from the topic by dragging in China is proof enough.

it's not a insult, when it's the truth

It can't go on, the hate will burn it up


Hate is suffocating every aspect of life in India. No space seems safe.
Early morning on Oct. 18, a neighbor alerted me to a WhatsApp message distributed by our building’s security guard celebrating the killer of Mahatma Gandhi and urging people to take up the gun to protect the idea of Hindu sovereignty. These types of messages are popular with Hindu nationalists and right-wing supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. When I posted it on my social media, many unabashedly supported the hate and threat in the message.

And when the iconic jewelry brand Tanishq recently ran an ad showcasing an interfaith marriage, the resulting Hindu right-wing backlash on social media forced the company to pull the commercial.

The beautiful 45-second ad encapsulated the Indian traditions of pluralism and cultural diversity, with a Muslim family celebrating Hindu customs and traditions in a ceremony to make a pregnant Hindu daughter-in-law feel loved in her home. But the video swiftly triggered a wave of threats of physical violence against employees of the jewelry brand. Indian social media flared up, with the term #LoveJihad trending, a slur invented by Hindu nationalists for interfaith marriages in which a Muslim man is married to a Hindu woman.

This is where division and hate have driven us, in a country that ranks second only to the United States in the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases. Many felt that ad, which dominated news coverage for days, was the real existential threat to India and not the horrible mismanagement of the pandemic response. In less than 24 hours, the brand announced the withdrawal of the commercial, titled “Ekatvam,” or unity, saying “the film has stimulated divergent and severe reactions contrary to its very objective. ”
The fact that a major brand, part of the conglomerate once run by Ratan Tata, one of India’s richest and most powerful men, had to withdraw a commercial promoting unity to protect its employees offers a clear example of the disturbing depths we have reached in 2020 under Modi. The ad’s withdrawal led to anger and disillusionment. The 152-year-old iconic business group has been known for its commitment to pluralism and integrity; many tweets and editorials condemned Tata, who is considered the face of the company by many but has stayed a mute spectator through the intimidation.

As I’ve written many times before, these campaigns of hate are generated, circulated and amplified by government supporters, senior officials and prominent news channels alike. A well-meaning ad couldn’t stand in the way of well-funded media corporations tasked with dividing and fanning the flames of division for political gain.

But not everyone has bent the knee. Unlike many invertebrate personalities in India’s business community who have chosen to prostrate themselves before the Modi regime, allowing themselves to be censored and co-opted, there are important exceptions. Bajaj Auto and iconic foods company Parle Products have refused to advertise on channels that broadcast toxic news items that lead to polarization and majoritarian sentiments in the country.
But not all is lost. Indian officials are investigating news channels for fudging viewership numbers. These channels have been consistent in their pro-state activism, spreading misinformation about Indian minorities that gives a shot in the arm to communalism in India.

It will take great political will and a mobilized Indian society to hold these powerful forces accountable. These independent investigations are a powerful bulwark against the further erosion of Indian democracy.

Many still refuse to face the racism and communalism that has permeated and flourished in recent years across virtually all facets of Indian society.
Rahul Gandhi, one of the key leaders of the Indian National Congress, recently tweeted that “the shameful truth is many Indians don’t consider Dalits, Muslims and Tribals to be human.” The tweet sparked outrage, including from many liberals. The tweet came in the wake of the alleged gang rape and killing of a lower-caste young woman in the state of Uttar Pradesh by upper-caste men. Police officers burned the body of the victim in the hopes of making the story and justice vanish. The young woman’s parents were gagged from speaking to either the media or any political party, and members of the ruling party rallied in support of the accused. Gandhi hit a raw nerve and exposed the systemic hate against religious and caste minorities, whose women are the most vulnerable.

The controversy over the ad simply reinforced this: Hindu nationalists were outraged at a Hindu woman exercising her agency to love and be part of a Muslim family, an idea that is anathema to supremacists who hold women as objects that need to be controlled and destroyed to establish their hegemony.

Now the ad has been censored and wiped out from our imagination under a flood of violence, exposing the moral deterioration in our country. I’m sure my building’s security guard agreed with the decision to pull the ad. Many want to deny it, but bigotry and hate are everywhere. Closer than many might want to admit.

Good, let them dig their own graves. Don't interrupt, add fuel. :angel:
And that's why Indians should not be governing themselves - they simply are not civilised; they were better off under Muslim rule.

Our failure brother. We had 600-700 years and just played too nice with the population (what with Ain-I-Akbari and hybrid religions etc.). Mughals turned into soft-touches as wealth rolled in.

Look at what the Spanish did much later to Mexico and entire South America. Turned out way better than Indian situation in most cases as far as civilized behavior.
I don’t know why you all are so obsessed with India, washington post, new york times, al jazeera, BBC, global times all are propaganda wings of their respective governments. The Tanishq ad was crap. Love Jihad is becoming serious.
Many muslims of India disguise as Hindu and marry Hindu women and then reveal they are muslim and force them to change their religion.

Why is it in every ad that a Hindu girl is being married to a muslim?
if it had been otherwise then the same muslim community would have rioted against the ad, we didn’t.

and the things you say that InDiAnS wErE BeTtEr UnDeR mUgHaL rUlE, we are in majority thats why they have the guts to abuse are religion without the fear of being slaughtered, but if a hindu abuses Islam, the guy will be dead the very day.

It is not that Pakistan is heaven for its minorities, but atleast we don’t hang our minorities in the name of blasphemy.
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