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Has China dumped Russia for NATO?

Abdul Rehman Majeed

Dec 25, 2019
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Has China dumped Russia for NATO?

Xi Jinping says China can work with U.S. ahead of G20 summit​

President Xi Jinping meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in China​

China’s Xi warns Putin not to use nuclear arms in Ukraine​

Chinese leader makes the call during a visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Obviously NOT. Both Russia and China are working closely in order to bring the USA down. One fights militarily. The other fights economically and financially.
Has China dumped Russia for NATO?

Xi Jinping says China can work with U.S. ahead of G20 summit​

President Xi Jinping meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in China​

China’s Xi warns Putin not to use nuclear arms in Ukraine​

Chinese leader makes the call during a visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Yup of course, apparently, you think Chinese like to punch their own balls. Lol
China is against the use of nuclear weapons in the war of course, thats the consistent position of China for years, so is Russia that is against start of nukes war.
China is against the use of nuclear weapons in the war of course, thats the consistent position of China for years, so is Russia that is against start of nukes war.

The difference between China and Russia is that Chinese are capable but peaceful while Russians are incapable hence act peaceful.

China is a winner while Russia is a loser.

Chinese are patriots who fight for their country while Russians quit, run and hide in other countries.
Obviously NOT. Both Russia and China are working closely in order to bring the USA down. One fights militarily. The other fights economically and financially.


China is doing anything to SAVE the US empire. By going along with the Trump war on the European Union. To knock out trade partner Germany and other former pro-China nations using Russia to defeat the EU. There are European nations that are part of BRI, and China still wants them in ashes for ???, for supporting China.

Back in 2007-8, libertarians were buying gold and silver. If gold and silver rocketed up to exponentially higher values, the dollar would have collapsed and the US empire would have shared the fate of the British empire and worse. Back in 2006-8, gold and silver are anti-dollars, if silver goes to 1000 per ounce, the dollar is ended.

So to save the dollar and suppress the price of gold and silver, the big banks on wall street, were doing massive shorting of gold and silver. To suppress the price and save the dollar.

Libertarians continued to buy and buy gold and silver, which crashed one or two banks on wall street.

Why the Collapse of Bear Stearns Changed the Silver Market Forever​

Gold and Silver Margin Call - The Real Reason for Bear Stearns Collapse​

Ted Butler Bombshell: Gold & Silver Short Positions Killed Bear Stearns!​

Then the Saudis and the Chinese with their deep pockets saved the banks, the US banking system, and got rich keeping the USA empire going.

The US empire would have ended in a dollar collapse and return to gold and silver as money (the Bush neo-con cia invented bitcoin so this never happens again). There is not enough gold in Ft Knox to fund the USA endless wars, USA needs a banking system based on cia bitcoins or dollars to finance endless wars. The Vietnam war caused the gold window to close because endless debt from wars and sound money (gold and silver) don't mix.

I could think of a hundred ways to defeat the cia; economically, politically and socially. Each of these China would pass on at the least or side with the cia at most.

Here is one, one of my old suggestions.

China can take down the US, with China going from Pink Tide country to Pink Tide country, taking part in nationalizing the Latin American nation's mining industry to be run by Chinese companies for the profit of Latin American nations.

This would thwart the Trump US goal for inflation. China would control the global mining industry and the profits going to Latin American socialist nations to fund programs to keep the socialists in power. US could not take over the globe in the planned economic implosion with Latin American nations nationalizing their mining industry.

This involvement of China would be a direct attack on the Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary. This meddling would cause Washington to Chimp out so badly.

Washington is not Chimping out over China backing Putin to destroy NATO, while Washington would chimp out over China involvement in Latin America. China involvement in Europe - acceptable. China economic involvement in Latin America - worst chimping out in Washington.

Proving the EU is expendable to the US, while US interests in Latin America and mining there are far more important to the US than the safety of Germans in Germany. The US cia would do cia military coups in Bolivia, Brazil and other Latin American nations to prevent the nationalization of Latin American mining industry. China could not get involved militarily, it would start the war on China, these nations would have to have loyalists in place to command the army to prevent a cia coup like what happened in Turkey unsuccessfully against Erdogan.

China is groomed to build the US empire in the support of Tucker Carlsons Russia. And would never threaten US interests in Latin America. China is too busy wanting Europe to be nuked by Putin, while blaming EU.

China is the cia, China is Trump. China refuses to finish off evil in the world - US empire - and would rather kill whitey in Europe. I abandoned hope that China would defend liberty. China is deep into Trumpism. Trump supports the nuking of the EU, so does China:

Trump is a narcissistic evil twat, and China is the little toady of the Trump agenda. Trump hates China more than the EU, wants to nuke China more than the Trump rival EU. So in China trying to eliminate Germany off the map for the Trump agenda, China is destroying real friends and partners.

Trump, Putin, Modi, Netanyahu, Xi... partners in crime.

Nancy Pelosi is lightyears better than these nincompoops.

Why would the USA still want to knock out China, if China is a tool of Trump and Putin. I could tell you, though giving advise to China, I have retired long ago. 16 years of my life studying the US and how it operates. 4 years at school doing the same. My intelligence is to save Europe, not to save China and pro-Trump/Putin Iran ever again. The Trump war started and China and Iran are on the side of Trump.
Trump hates NATO more than China:

This abandoning NATO to Trump-buddy Putin was to happen before the Trump war on China, so when Russia attacked Europe while Trump was bombing China, Trump would have no obligation to defend Europe. To have the Trump war on the EU via Putin. And Trump taking out China and Iran.

The first foe named by Trump was the EU:

The Pompeo cia hates NATO and EU more than China:

Trump wanted to destroy the EU, Iran and China. China supports Trump on destroying the EU via supporting Putin.

General Wesley Clark is pretty close to the mark. The Democrats are the thinking caring individuals in the US, the Republicans are the cia Trumpers that want war to destroy the EU.

Libertarians working on crashing the dollar - China backs the cia and Washington
EU working on defeating Trump - China backs Trump war on the EU

China was not fighting the cia, China was on the side of the cia.

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