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Hard times in Lollywood

I have seen the downfall of Lollywood firsthand. My father produced one of the first Pakistani movies Hichkolay (1949). It was the 3rd movie released after partition. We also had a cinema in Lahore which was demolished in the early 90s to make way for warehouses.
Simple fact that the movie industry is not doing well is because they are not catering to the masses. No doubt if they produce movies that are relevant to the current times and appeal to the general public..... they will do well. Complaining about not having enough funds to make a movie is not the right argument. At least start with a story/plot that has not been repeated a million times.
ajpirzada, u r so right, i saw an iranian movie "children of heaven", a great movie, i had also seen an iranian movie with english subtitle in PTV, like 8 years ago, and i regret i didnt see the end, and i dont remember the movie name, both movies reflecting their culture, moral values, like iranian style, and i was very much impressed!!!, pakistan has many talents, instead of lollywood(i hate this name) wasting its money on pathetic **** stuff(like bollywood), if it focuses on creating ideas, stories and and fix its path on making objective informative films(just like iranian film industry), lollywood wuld get both respect and money. if we can produce blockbuster dramas, of 1980s which still attract pakistanis, why cant we produce blockbuster movies which attracts not only subcontinent but the world!!!, we have no scarcity of talented writers, artists and directors??
U-571.....Children of Heaven is a heart warming movie.
Proves you don't need millions of dollars to make good movies.
I have seen the downfall of Lollywood firsthand. My father produced one of the first Pakistani movies Hichkolay (1949). It was the 3rd movie released after partition. We also had a cinema in Lahore which was demolished in the early 90s to make way for warehouses.
Simple fact that the movie industry is not doing well is because they are not catering to the masses. No doubt if they produce movies that are relevant to the current times and appeal to the general public..... they will do well. Complaining about not having enough funds to make a movie is not the right argument. At least start with a story/plot that has not been repeated a million times.

The whole reason for the downfall of the lahore film industry was because they tried too much to cater to the masses, usually illiterates, or from small towns. This led to the desertion of urban cinemas by average families in the seventies, and the cinema halls were only being frequented by people looking for lusty songs full of pelvic gyrations and bosom shakes or the odd kid enchanted by Sultan Rahi wielding a 'gundaasa'.

To this was added the phenomenon of the 'tota' system, whereby feature films were interrupted and illegal pornography was played instead.

This was a vicious cycle, as the industry moved away from meaningful films into the Maula jat era, catering to the lower working classes.

With the prices of first Video casettes and then later DVDs becoming so low, even these loyal audiences deserted the cinemas. They could now rent vulgarity for a mere 10 rupees a day, and enjoy it in the privacy of their own home. The popularity of the punabi stage plays also took away the last few tamaash been, who would rather pay to watch live professional dances, than the overweight screen queens that they had hitherto seen.

Thats when the cinema houses were convereted into shops and plazas, as the punters were not bringing in the money.

The only way forward for our film industry (such as remains today) is to look for inspiration elsewhere, or to our past era of great films of the 50s and 60s, films which are still being copied by bollywood today.
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Why does Lollywood have 30 yr old cameras? Why does it have fat heroines? Why do those playback singers sing like they gargle every morning with hot khaalis desi ghee? Why do they always sound like crows are singing... Oh and here's the best one... Why do the actors face towards the camera whenever they have to deliver a punch line? "Main teri boti boti karke kutyaan nu pa dianga, sohinye".

Why are they blaming Indian cinema for that? When Khuda k liaye, ramchand Pakistani, Jinnah, were made people went to watch them too. Buy new cameras. Hire good actresses. If you have 100,000 rps to make a movie... Don't make one. Simple as that. It's a business that can give you good returns if you conduct your business right. It can give you a loss if you conduct it wrong.
I think the Pakistani movies costing 100,000 was typo. You have to admit that our Punjabi heros can take on any super hero. The "Dark Knight" would have been no match for the late Sultan Rahi. I have always enjoyed watching older movies with Munawar Zareef. e.g. Jeera Blade, Sheeda Pastol!!

My personal opinion is that people (aspiring actor/actresses) are still a little hesitant or shy to get into the movie business due to its reputation. Remember when people use to talk about people who were singing.... they called them Marasees. It was such a big deal when Nasia Hassan started singing.... damn, why am I bringing up examples of all people that have passed away. :undecided: Look at the Pop stars of today.... well they are "stars". Once something gets successful people adapt to it. In other words..... hypocrates.

Make one good movie and if its a financial success. People will follow. Haven't you seen enough examples in our country?? If one good restaurant opens up.... people will open up something similar and probably right next to it!! There is no descrimination in this either.... you see this happening from the rarree walla (cart vendors) all the way to fancy restaurants. This phenomenon also caused the movie industry to tank. Reason every movie was the same. This might work for some business but definetely not the movie industry.

Wait for one good Pakistani movie. Then everyone will be joining on. Good original story and proper acting and no special effects please. Can be done.
These people have no one to blame but themself if u have same story for 120 movies 500lbs:rofl: heroin running around the street no one in there right mind will pay to see that.
if indian movies fill up cinemas and bring in revenue to the government i am all for it.

What are you talking man?
Displaying movies against Islam and Pakistan army is treason!
Why govt. does not give equal chance to Hollywood?
I remember from late 80's half of Lahore's cinimas used to display English movies (old though) but I remember cinema used to be as full as it can get.
We need to get out of Pakistani market and start making international movies for international audiance and subjects.

How about making a movie about a Pakistani soldier deputed on UN mission in Africa?
How about making a movie about an engineer working in Dubai?
How about a movie about an ordinary Pakistani? We need to something all of us can relate to. I want to see something that I can relate to.... something I've been thru.
Pakistani's dont really want Lollywood. Whoever is interested in watching movies, bollywood should cater to his/her needs.
when u see a girl dancing in one of ur bollywood movie, what do u see???
her steps and talent or
her a$$ and sex appeal

this is wat is wrong with women dancing.
in today's dancing, element of vulgarity is far more

i did not mention bollywood anywhere...but i guess you answered it.
we dont mind a$$ shaking women...but i meant dancing.

isnt mujjrapopular in pakistan?either be as hypocritical as you sound or come out of the closet.
What are you talking man?
Displaying movies against Islam and Pakistan army is treason!
Why govt. does not give equal chance to Hollywood?
I remember from late 80's half of Lahore's cinimas used to display English movies (old though) but I remember cinema used to be as full as it can get.
We need to get out of Pakistani market and start making international movies for international audiance and subjects.

How about making a movie about a Pakistani soldier deputed on UN mission in Africa?
How about making a movie about an engineer working in Dubai?

restrictions should not be imposed on a film director...an open...receptive audience brings out the creativity in a director...so to foster movies that make a lastibg impression...you'd hav to let the creativity flow free albeit with a censor that makes sense...
in india we do have films showing the pakistani govt and army in bad light...i remeber akshay kumar refusing to say lines that had anti-pak stuff...pakistan blasting was classic 90s stuff...but nothing unislamic in them....
we had parzania which depicted violence against muslims in the gujrat riots...and black friday which was based on the 93 mumbai blasts and the muslim suffering...so the state shnt put too much restrictions on the movies...for creativity to thrive..
Pakistani's dont really want Lollywood. Whoever is interested in watching movies, bollywood should cater to his/her needs.

Potraying Pakistan army as bad guy can only cater anti Pakistan his/her needs!
who gave you the right to speak on all Pakistani's yes there is a group of Pakistanis who his pro indian similarly some are pro western and some are nationalists also.
If Pakistan's are not interested in lollywood than why 99% of cinemas are showing only local movies?
restrictions should not be imposed on a film director...an open...receptive audience brings out the creativity in a director...so to foster movies that make a lastibg impression...you'd hav to let the creativity flow free albeit with a censor that makes sense...
in india we do have films showing the pakistani govt and army in bad light...i remeber akshay kumar refusing to say lines that had anti-pak stuff...pakistan blasting was classic 90s stuff...but nothing unislamic in them....
we had parzania which depicted violence against muslims in the gujrat riots...and black friday which was based on the 93 mumbai blasts and the muslim suffering...so the state shnt put too much restrictions on the movies...for creativity to thrive..

nothing unislamic?
But you distort Islam! and this is new old indian movies may be alright.
And there is nothing wrong to give hollywood etc. equal chance to compete.
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