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Hamid Karzai confronts Pakistan leadership


Jun 23, 2011
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Afghanistan's president, Hamid Karzai, confronted the Pakistani leadership on Thursday on a visit to Islamabad as his frustration with the country he accuses of harbouring the Taliban boiled over.

Karzai's language and tone flared to such an extent that the Pakistani prime minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, intervened and called a halt to a meeting of the full delegations of the two countries, according to officials on both sides. After a break, a smaller meeting of just the top officials was held, on the first day of a two-day visit to Islamabad.

The Afghan president has long demanded that Pakistan bring the leadership of the Taliban to the negotiating table, including its chief, Mullah Mohammad Omar.

The Afghan side's main meeting on Thursday was with the combined Pakistani civilian and military leadership, which went on for around three hours, with the Pakistani prime minister, foreign minister, army chief and head of the intelligence service all present.

At one point, apparently directing his remarks to Pakistan's foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, Karzai asked: "Would you be willing to stop girls studying in schools and university in Pakistan?" The Taliban, when it ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s, stopped the education of girls and banned women from working.

According to one insider, Karzai also bluntly demanded that Pakistan produce the Taliban to negotiate with him during his visit to the country. The source said that the Pakistani side was shocked by the Afghan leader's aggression.

The nascent peace process, which offers the only hope for an end to the decade-long Afghan conflict, depends crucially on Afghanistan and Pakistan being able to co-operate. Islamabad denies that the Taliban leadership and Mullah Omar is on its soil, but Kabul and the west believe that they have sanctuary there, giving Islamabad decisive leverage over any negotiations.

Karzai is understood to deeply resent what he feels is his government's marginalisation in the peace dialogue, which he sees as being controlled by the US or Pakistan, despite both countries repeatedly saying they want an "Afghan-led" process.

US-backed efforts in recent months to open an office for the Taliban in the Gulf state of Qatar, to kickstart talks, was an initiative that Kabul felt excluded from.

Pakistan's relationship with Afghanistan is only just recovering from accusations last year that the ISI was behind the assassination of Kabul's peace envoy, Burhanuddin Rabbani.

Ahead of the Karzai visit, the Afghan ambassador in Islamabad, Umer Daudzai, a key adviser to the president, told a Pakistani newspaper: "President Hamid Karzai will expect Pakistan to facilitate contacts and dialogue with Taliban."

Pakistan says that it will aid Kabul's peace efforts but has never spelt out what it is capable of delivering. Conversely, Pakistan says that it is unclear what Karzai is demanding of it.

"We told them (the Afghan side) that you need to clarify what it is that you want," said Khar, speaking to a small group of foreign press following the official meetings. "We need to understand each other much better."

"We will not block any process that works towards reconciliation."

Khar described the discussions with the Afghan delegation as "hard" and "serious" but declined to go into any details. "We don't have Mullah Omar to bring," she said. "That's the crazy perception about Pakistan. It's ridiculous."

I think this guy has a nerve for disrespecting our nation. He himself being a Muppet of a puppet nation. If he wants to be taken seriously dont disrespect the nation that hoards millions of your nationals as refugees. Dont disrespect the nation that has suffered so much from the WOT. In fact i suggest he goes back home - i really cant take this bloke seriously when i know how much property and $$ he has in Dubai - just another glorified chor.

Hamid Karzai confronts Pakistan leadership | World news | guardian.co.uk
This karzai used to live in Pakistan most of this life :) and he knows his days are numbered on afghan soil just like musharaf :)
every one knows what happened in qatar and KSA....
It would have been better if MR PM would have told him separately that you are not welcome here. Please leave. But then again that would be too much to ask from the lot of incompetent people we have as our leaders.
It seems to be Alzheimer's for this Karzai chap. The entertainment of this chap on an international level seems to be lip service. One should come to the table of negotiation with clean hands. I for 1 minute am not suggesting our leaders have got clean hands but the aggressive confrontation manner used by Karzai is most surprising. One doesn't expect this aggressive behavior.
At one point, apparently directing his remarks to Pakistan's foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, Karzai asked: "Would you be willing to stop girls studying in schools and university in Pakistan?" The Taliban, when it ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s, stopped the education of girls and banned women from working.

Any sane person would be enraged to see a career woman root for Talibans return to power in Afghanistan.
Keeping in view the charachter and role of Mr Karzai since his first day in the office, we must understand one thing


And we all know who is his master. keeping the last few months of relation patterns of Pak-US in prospective, i am not surprised that this guy is jumping out of his skin to creat additional pressure for Pak govt
Keeping in view the charachter and role of Mr Karzai since his first day in the office, we must understand one thing


And we all know who is his master. keeping the last few months of relation patterns of Pak-US in prospective, i am not surprised that this guy is jumping out of his skin to creat additional pressure for Pak govt

Going by your phraseology sir -Karzai has rabies then. :azn:
Like someone said his days are numbered. His paranoia heightens, and this is frustration seeping out. We should have had an SSG officer pull him by the ear and bring him to the hospitals to show victims of TTP. Afterwards dropped him off in Waziristan with A Beretta 9 mm with one round.
On one hand Pakistan wants the US to leave. On the other hand, by backing the Taliban, Pakistan makes most Afghans want the US to stay.
On one hand Pakistan wants the US to leave. On the other hand, by backing the Taliban, Pakistan makes most Afghans want the US to stay.

you dont know what Pakistani people wants...?
who ever stay in Pakistan doest not have relations with india and they know that Pakistan is the backbone for them as all of thier trade goes through Pakistan....

Talibans were really good as compared to this person......
what Karzai has said mostly is to appease his supporters in Afghanistan and to some extent Americans too who are loosing the plot here.

but putting the rhetoric aside, the frustration has its reasons. I have just watched a call between a Pakistani called Pirzada and two Afghans posted by Al Jazeera English news presenter. where the Afghan guy made the same scripted remark that Pakistan wants Taliban for the Afghans but not for itself. roughly what Karzai has said while referring to girl education and the taliban's known violent disapproval of Education and jobs for the women.

his demand is ludicrous but it suggests that

he is compelled to make a noise to dispel his puppet image of the American occupation forces
he wants more say from the Afghan government side in the peace negotiations that are mostly let by Pakistan & USA

coming to that Al Jazeera news porgram I must say that the Pakistani guy (analyist or a govt official) called Pirzada was a hopeless case of the worse order. firstly most of his responses were pure rhetoric and then he was pronouncing Afghanistan like the Americans which didnt fit well with his overall grasp of Enlgish and the comprehension. the worse part was where he said that Afghanistan was the worlds most peaceful country in the world during 2001 before the invasion.

the pont that was picked up by everyone and then he was shredded to pieces. his good point that Afghans cant be forced into something (referring to taliban and Pakistan's influence on them) was lost due to this absolutely silly remark.

the call ended with the usual blaming of the Pakistan military and ISI and the Pakistan's backing of taliban by the Afghan spokesman. while Mr Pirzada looked clueless and incoherent.

the problem between Afghanistan and Pakistan is communication. we share the language but still we are talking out of sync.
Northern Alliance is as much a reality and an essential part of Afghanistan as much the Pashton representative Taliban are.

the common ground is to accept each other's existence and work on a peaceful coexistence for the sake of the country both of them so much claim to care about.

Pakistan's role should be only supporting because going any further annoys Americans and other supporters of Northern Alliance. the least chiefs in the village the better for reaching a solution.

the key lies with Afghans themselves.

their leadership needs to decide if they can coexist in harmony for the future or not? they have already suffered a lot from the recent invasion. if they have any value for life then they should shun their differences.

I will hate to see Afghanistan divided on the basis of ethnicity and I think no Afghan patriot will allow that but its down to Afghan leadership to decide.

after Soviet withdrawal and the downfall of the Afghan communist regime, the Pakistani leadership took all the Afghan warlords to Mecca and made them promise to live in peace and live together but alas that didn't stop them from their civil war which gave rise to Taliban and the eventual invasion of Americans.

Pakistan shares its blame but not every ill in Afghanistan. the Afghan warlords (the very name gives you the hint) have the blood of hundreds of thousands of Afghans on their hands. blaming outsiders would never help no matter how much emotional and hyperbolic speeches are made. in the end the actions are what that count.

for the past 10 years what does Afghan Government and its occupiers have to show to the rest of the world that the Afghans are better off than the time they were under taliban? its hardly impressive. corruption , drugs & mismanagement are the hallmarks of the Afghan Government which it cant blame on either ISI or Taliban.

and then there is violence, law and order and constant insurgency and the constant collateral damage and consistent disregard for Afghan life by the occupation forces. urinating on the corpses and hunting ordinary Afghan civilians to collect human remains as trophies is something that cant be blamed on ISI and Taliban.

the circular arguments go on and in the end, the ordinary Afghans and the Pakistanis in tribal areas and KP continue to suffer. the solution lies with Taliban and Northern Alliance leadership, they MUST accept each other otherwise the chaos will continue for the foreseeable future.
USA is not going anywhere from Afghanistan. They didn't do all this hard work to just leave one day.

they are having heart attacks in Qatar when taliban leaders left for ksa,
even usa released some of the talibans in qatar in order to make talibans come to table talk,...
they want to leave asap only if talibans allow now otherwise they will do what they did with britsh forces.....
they are having heart attacks in Qatar when taliban leaders left for ksa,
even usa released some of the talibans in qatar in order to make talibans come to table talk,...
they want to leave asap only if talibans allow now otherwise they will do what they did with britsh forces.....

Nonsense, the only reason USA is negotiating with Taliban is to make sure they can maintain their presence in Afghanistan without any hindrance.

Afghanistan future regime with be US friendly, be it Taliban or anyone else.
Nonsense, the only reason USA is negotiating with Taliban is to make sure they can maintain their presence in Afghanistan without any hindrance.

Afghanistan future regime with be US friendly, be it Taliban or anyone else.

this is what indians whats.... not afghanistani people...or Pakistani people who are directly effected
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