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Hameed Gul in Program with Mubasshar Luqman

well pakistanies are so so Conspiracy cautious that they tend to over look the big issue when India comes in the equation well what mubashir was saying is not new the strategik location of krachi & gadawar was always there and thats pricesli why british helped Pakistan to be created in the first place and even pakistan ennex gadawar dist. from oman but thats a diff issue

the thing is pakistanies never knew why british helped in formation of pakistan in the first place many will not take my advice too serousli but the fact is pakistan was not even a movemnet before 1940 and there was no name of any such state but british helped nawabs of UP , Bengal and western India to concieve the idia and Jinnah played a pivot role

now why is that saudies helped Pakistan finance the jihad in the first place well that was what i use to say all along and now mubashir luqman is also pointing the same ....saudies dint helped mujahiddeen to fight USSR for there love for Islam but to keep that option under lid as long as possible and they knew the day oil & other trade starts flowing between central asia- afghanistan-pakistan to finalli arabean sea they will loose there relevence and thats why saudies & US statrted all that trouble in the first place and thats the foresight of UK & USA that they gave more weight to relations with saudies and pakistan than they gave to India , china and Iran from the starting

now the modern times where china is a superpower as of now and India is catching up fast but the western economies are trying to keep them relevent in the post colonial world which crumblled after the WW2nd how things were played

1.UK knew that sooner or later there will be a demand for central asian OIL and they cant be casual to that idea for long so they strted working on it after the WW2 and India was partitioned for the same

2.Dont Forget it was UK then superpower which united the Arabs in the first place to have an ecsess over its oil and keep the Turkey in chek but things changed after WW2 so they started lookin for a plan B and the idea of ancient silk route and its revival came into the picture again and british bieng smart started working on it fram as earli as 1930's

3.After WW2 USA comes owt as a big power and deu to its closeness with egypt and saudies in new free world constructs its economy on oil from saudies and for that it to keep in chek used Israel to good use and even iraq & iran but after iranian revolution things got owt of hand and as it knew that its econmy will suffer if then soviet oil if may find a way across afghanistan to pakistan and then to arabean sea its economy is doomed so it took two front policy first try to break up USSR & Contain Afghanistan so its interests are safe ....but things get owt of hand and now the third force China comes and taps the golden goose for which UK , USA & Saudies had worked so hard for almost 4 decades if not More

now whwere is India ....the thing is India is nowhere but it wants the share of the pie too as the biggest market for all these OIL & Natural resources India is the biggest Market after china but Pakitan can never think like a buisnessman and keeps the water boiling even if it ment over lookin what it can gain in the long run but as things are

Pakistan will be happy to share it with china and will loose india market

China if thinks of going it soslo will try to enex baloochistan as gilgit and balistan is already with it then china will do what UK & USA always wanted

central asean routes will mean doom for the Saudie and Arab economies but same cant be said about Iran so USA is trying hard to woo Iran and Pakistan which both are aware of the facts but Iran now with indias help is doing what pakistan is doing with chinas help and sooner than later chabbar port will do the trik for Iran and possiballi India

now i guess Pakistan should think these things more from a economik angle tah a relegous or conspiracy angle onli

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