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Hamas takes Israeli threats seriously


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Hamas takes Israeli threats seriously - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — In mid-March, Palestinians and Israelis fought another round that included the launching of dozens of rockets at Israeli settlements and Israeli attacks on Gaza.

This latest fight was expected to end in a fashion similar to previous ones, with an exchange of statements between Gaza and Tel Aviv. However, this time around, the latter raised the bar and issued threats about possibly occupying the Gaza Strip anew and purging it of its military arsenal and rocket-launching capability, as Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman has called for.

Concerns increased in Gaza amid the escalatory rhetoric by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Army Commander Benny Gantz.

In conjunction with these threats, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades published a video showing its monitoring of an undated visit by Ya’alon to Gaza’s eastern border, where he was within range of the brigades’ snipers.

At the same time, the Israeli military conducted exercises March 19 for various combat units in areas adjacent to the Strip.

Hamas threats

These events were followed by Israel announcing, on the night of March 20, its discovery of a new tunnel intended to carry out armed attacks. The tunnel reached hundreds of meters inside Israeli territory at a depth of 6 to 8 meters (20-26 feet) underground using large concrete blocks. The al-Qassam Brigades retorted that its discovery was caused by heavy rainfall and was not the result of an Israeli breakthrough.

Next, on the night of March 22, Hamas sent dozens of text messages to Israeli cellphones, threatening their users with being kidnapped and targeted, as reported by Al-Monitor’s Asmaa al-Ghoul and confirmed again by this correspondent.

Furthermore, Israeli threats to reoccupy the Strip were soon met by replies from the Palestinian side, led by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. On March 23, in front of tens of thousands of his supporters at a Hamas-sponsored rally in central Gaza commemorating the assassination of the movement’s founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Haniyeh said, “Any new aggression against the Strip would cost Israel dearly, because the resistance movement has capabilities beyond Israeli expectations.”

In this context, Al-Monitor learned that Gaza political and military circles seriously deliberated about the Israeli threats to reoccupy the Strip. Al-Monitor also saw a “situation report” issued by one of the military wings that stated, “Israeli threats are taken seriously, because they came in conjunction with successive military movements, both on the Gaza border and through internal maneuvers conducted by the Israeli military. Furthermore, any attack would be dependent on regional and international support. This is because Gaza — which is besieged, lacks strategic depth and is in range of artillery fire — is considered easy prey for being overrun militarily and occupied, with its defending force destroyed through military pressure and attrition.”

The matter reached the point where Al Jazeera, which boasts heavy Palestinian viewership, conducted an opinion poll on its website asking readers for their views on whether the “latest Israeli escalation was a precursor to an invasion of the Gaza Strip.”

The invasion scenario

While the prevailing feeling in Gaza is that Israel might move soon to attack Gaza, a Hamas official told Al-Monitor that the “surprises” promised by the movement leads him to discount the possibility of Israel attempting to re-occupy all of Gaza.

The official added that Israel reoccupying the Strip would cost it a heavy price that it prefers not to pay, and that the escalation is confined to sending messages urging the movement to cease its clandestine subterranean military operations. He further described Netanyahu, Ya’alon and Liberman’s statements as part of a psychological war waged on Gaza.

For its part, the Palestinian press has focused in the last few days on the threats to occupy Gaza. News shows have hosted military experts to speculate about the nature of the supposed occupation, as there is a prevalent fear that Israel might choose to suddenly escalate matters if a limited confrontation were to take place against Hamas. This could result in an escalation, perhaps with Arab support and funding, with the aim of ending Hamas’ rule of Gaza, as well as push forward an agreement between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. This would require doing away with the main obstacle standing in its way, namely the Hamas-led government of Gaza.

On the military level, Al-Monitor learned that to confront any potential invasion, the al-Qassam Brigades and other military factions were conducting daily military exercises to repel possible attacks, particularly in areas labeled “freed.” The latter include the settlements that Israel withdrew from in 2005, principally in the south, center and north of the Gaza Strip.

“These exercises come in light of our conviction in Gaza that any potential Israeli advance would aim to split the Strip along three main axes: southern, central and northern. This would require us to resort to guerrilla warfare tactics dependent on snipers, suicide fighters, anti-tank rockets, booby-trapped houses and roadside bombs, all of which would be aimed at exacting a heavy casualty toll from the Israeli army,” a military official in Gaza told Al-Monitor.

Al-Monitor obtained a military study delineating the expected operational reaction of armed factions in Gaza to a potential Israeli invasion. The study read: “The main objective of the coming war would be to regain the deterrence capability that faded after the 2012 war. The confrontation will be between two armies, and not between an army and guerrilla factions, in order to shock and traumatize the Palestinians and weaken their ability to retaliate by severing communications, electricity and satellite transmissions.”

The study, selectively distributed to members of Gaza’s military circles, concluded: “The coming Israeli invasion will occur through an armored push toward open areas east of the Strip in order to divide the latter and reach the coast, where land and amphibious forces would meet. This would lead the way to a wide-scale incursion into populated areas, where it will be difficult for the Palestinian resistance to utilize its weapons.”


@haman10 @ResurgentIran @Frogman @Serpentine ........

I really hope there's no such thing as Arabs funding the murder of Palestinians.....


Bunch of genocidal terrorist assholes....

Israel Ready to Invade Gaza. Planned Attack Would “Exact a Heavy Toll” | Global Research

It is the largest Prison on the planet. American academic and author Noam Chomsky wrote an Op-Ed for http://Truth-out.org called ‘Noam Chomsky: My Visit to Gaza, the World’s Largest Open-Air Prison’ and said:

And it hardly takes more than a day in Gaza to appreciate what it must be like to try to survive in the world’s largest open-air prison, where some 1.5 million people on a roughly 140-square-mile strip of land are subject to random terror and arbitrary punishment, with no purpose other than to humiliate and degrade.

Such cruelty is to ensure that Palestinian hopes for a decent future will be crushed, and that the overwhelming global support for a diplomatic settlement granting basic human rights will be nullified. The Israeli political leadership has dramatically illustrated this commitment in the past few days, warning that they will “go crazy” if Palestinian rights are given even limited recognition by the U.N.

Israel is in the process of further destroying any chance for a Palestinian state. Israel wants to weaken any attempt by the Palestinians to defend themselves or their neighbors. As tensions rise in the Middle East with Iran’s nuclear program and the continuing civil war in Syria and now Lebanon’s southern border with Hezbollah’s military capabilities, Israel is only interested in weakening Gaza’s militants. I expect the next incursion into Gaza will be more severe resulting in more Palestinian and Israeli casualties. The Middle East is a powder keg ready to explode with Israel’s aggressive behavior towards its Arab neighbors. Israel says it is defending their citizens but aren’t the Palestinians defending their future from a state that seeks to dominate them?

It is also fair to say that the Palestinians are also defending themselves from genocide. Israel controls Gaza’s border crossings. Israel also controls its air space that allows it to monitor radio and television broadcasts and it sea space that restricts fishing for its population. It control’s the movements of goods which lead to the decrease of food and medicine. Israel also controls Gaza’s tax system by setting VAT and customs rates for goods that are intended for Gaza’s residents. Israel is preparing to further isolate Gaza through military actions that would only anger the Palestinian population to continue to resist the occupation. 2014 will be a pivotal year for the Middle East. Let’s hope that peace will prevail in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


This really is cruel, it's a crime against humanity, they really do want to make all Palestinians lives hell and the world doesn't do anything about it....
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It's seriously about time the world holds these criminals in power in the illegal state of Israel accountable for this occupation of the Palestinians which leads to many non violent related deaths and that wages every war in the book against the Palestinians. When the world stop supporting this pariah state.....

Palestinian official: Israel may attack Gaza to undermine peace plan - Xinhua | English.news.cn

GAZA, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erikat said on Monday that Israel may wage a war on the Hamas- ruled Gaza Strip to foil an expected peace plan of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would attack Gaza if Kerry is going to propose a practical peace plan that is based on international law, Erikat told Xinhua.

"This is a possible reaction to avoid signing a peace deal," Erikat said.

He added Israel's recent threats against Gaza are very dangerous, urging the international community to take what Israel is preparing for into consideration.

On Kerry's peace plan that is expected to be proposed soon, Erikat said the Palestinian side has not received anything from the Americans so far.

The U.S.-sponsored peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis resumed last July and are set to end in April.

However, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have said on various occasions that no tangible progress had been achieved in the process.

quite interestingly , if any attack is launched against people of gaza , yet again , the consequences for zio regime will be devastating IMO .

the world will for sure support gaza on this one .

the genocidal terrorist Zionists will for sure not benefit from more intrusion and invasion .

never forget the armed resistance factor , they will make those bastards pay for their actions inshaallah
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