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Hamas founder's son 'sympathizes with IDF'


Jun 10, 2011
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"I came here to identify with the Israeli soldiers, who work hard to protect their country," the son of imprisoned Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef said Sunday.

Speaking to thousands of Druze soldiers in compulsory service during Druze Soldier Day at Guy Beach in Tiberias, Mosab Yousef said, "It is time that the neighbors will learn from Israel what the value and holiness of life is.

"I will do everything, and act in every way so that the Palestinian people abandon the language of power and I will lead, in the future, to freedom," Yousef said.

Yousef, who renounced his father's terror group and fled to the US, where he admitted to collaborating with Israel for about a decade, told Ynet "I am here to support the efforts of the soldiers. I support the State of Israel because it respects human rights and freedom, and I hope the other side, the Arab (side), will choose the same path.

"I call on all Israeli soldiers and all denominations to unite against the main enemy – racism – and safeguard the future of Israel, which I view as my country," he said. "When the time comes I plan to live (in Israel)."

Yousef published a shocking autobiography, "Son of Hamas," two years ago in which he described his decade of service as a secret Israeli agent. He claims to have prevented dozens of suicide attacks and helped Israel to hunt down terrorists, including his father. Hamas considers him a traitor, and his father, who is imprisoned in Israel, has disowned him.

He moved to California in 2007 and converted from Islam to Christianity.

In his memoir, Yousef described growing up hating Israel and admiring the violently anti-Israel terror group his father helped found more than two decades ago. Israeli forces imprisoned him in 1996 after he bought weapons, but he says he became disillusioned with Hamas while in prison.

He began working with Israel's Shin Bet security service, which routinely tries to recruit Palestinians of all factions as informers, including those in prisons, by using blackmail or promising benefits, such as work or travel permits.

Yousef claims he was considered one of the Shin Bet's most valuable assets and was dubbed "The Green Prince," a reference to his Hamas pedigree and the Islamists' signature green color.
The US granted him temporary asylum in 2010 after abruptly dropping concerns he was a terrorist threat.

Yousef, is the guest of Deputy Minister for Galilee and Negev Development, Ayoob Kara, who represented the government at the event.

Kara's spokesman, Mendi Safadi, said Yousef will be in Israel nearly a month lecturing at universities and other places.

Hamas founder's son 'sympathizes with IDF' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Side note: Can you hear that? It's the sound of the knife twisting in the hearts of all those that call Israel racist and evil.
I don't see what is so remarkable in the fact fact that a secret Israeli agent is praising your country and peddling Zionist talking points. Israel can survive by defeating racism? Quite the contrary, the country's existence is grounded on it. If this guy wants to move to Israel, he should see that he has money enough -- the state won't support education or housing for him or his family as it does for Jews -- and that he won't ever leave Israel -- because if he does, he risks losing citizenship as happened to hundreds of thousands of Israeli Arabs.

What is really weird is that he apparently wants Palestinians to think exactly like him. But if that was the case, and every Palestinian said he wants to be Israeli, what would happen is the emergence of a one-state solution, that is, the end of Israel as we know it: something Jews fear more than Arabs.

But I know what's happening. The guy was speaking to a Druze crowd. Recently the son of an Israeli Druze MK was arrested for the third time because of his persistent refusal to serve in a force that violates Palestinians' rights. There's a general frustration on the part of Druzes against military service in Israel, as they continue to experience anti-Arab prejudice even if they oblige to their military duties. Praising the IDF and saying Israel is on a war against racism, instead of being an enabler of it, seems like a calculated statement to exhort the Druze to keep on serving even if this does nothing to advance their status in Israeli society.
A similar story, this time not involving paid secret agents.

Israel detains ex-IDF soldier accused of ties to Palestinian terror group

Empathic for the Palestinian cause, Israeli Andrey Pshenichnikov moves to a refugee camp near Bethlehem, asks for Palestinian citizenship.


A former Israeli soldier, who was residing in the Deheishe refugee camp near Bethlehem, was recently arrested by Palestinian security forces at Israel’s request.

Born in the Soviet Union, Andrey Pshenichnikov, 24, moved to Israel eleven years ago. Pshenichnikov served in the Israel Defense Forces, including an extra 18 months as a career soldier.

In the past three months, Andrey resided on Palestinian territory in the city of Bethlehem and in Deheishe refugee camp, “as part of the political struggle for Palestinian rights,” he explains.

“I wanted to prove that it’s possible to live with Palestinians, as long as you are not coming off as an enemy,” Pshenichnikov told Haaretz. He says that he wanted to “abandon the privileged Zionist life, and cross to the side of the occupied people as a sign of solidarity.”

Pshenichnikov stated he even tried to surrender his Israeli citizenship in order to apply for a Palestinian one; however, his request was not fulfilled.

Three months ago Pshenichnikov decided to move to Bethlehem, residing in Deheishe for the past three weeks. In this time, Pshenichnikov worked as a waiter and a construction worker in the Palestinian Authority.

Pshenichnikov’s new neighbors in Bethlehem accepted him, but moving to Deheishe was harder, since the “Arabs suspect any Israeli,” he says. However, Pshenichnikov says he never felt his life was threatened.

It seems Pshenichnikov went through a dramatic ideological shift over recent years, although he is not happy to admit it. “Since I arrived in Israel, I began analyzing reality, reading history. I cannot point at the exact moment, but there was a change,” he explained.

In the IDF, Pshenichnikov served as a computer programmer, but also performed guard duties in the West Bank. Today, Pshenichnikov rejects Zionism and says his views are close to those of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Pshenichnikov’s stay in the West Bank ended three weeks ago, after Palestinian security forces arrested him, at Israel’s request. The Palestinian forces searched his home, interrogated him and transferred Pshenichnikov to the Israeli authorities.

In Israeli custody, Pshenichnikov was under police and Shin Bet interrogations. In Jerusalem Magistrate's Court, the state argued that he was a member of a terrorist organization and that he strives for the destruction of Israel.

Pshenichnikov was released on the same day, only to be arrested again on Palestinian land the next day by Israeli forces. Having refused to sign a document stating he will not enter Palestinian territory again, Pshenichnikov was detained for eight days.

Eventually, Pshenichnikov was released on May 30, after he agreed to sign the document. During the legal deliberations, Pshenichnikov asked to concede his Israeli citizenship and apply for a Palestinian nationality, saying he has no use of the “forced Israeli citizenship.”

Upon his release, Pshenichnikov was charged with entering a closed military zone.
This dude better hide himself in a hole somewhere in the west and never think of going back
He is under American protection and then he will be under Israeli protection as a free Israeli citizen.
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