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Hafiz Saeed to join Pak politics?

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During his speech, Difa-i-Pakistan Council Chairman Maulana Samiul Haq read out an oath to the audience that they would participate in jihad when the Council gave the call. “We will attack Indian, US, Russian and Nato forces if they try to violate Pakistan’s sovereignty,” they said, repeating after Haq.

:lol: Even Russia
Where is the proof?


Like I said it is only the poor uneducated and a few hundred Hindus supporting him. It has already been revealed that they were paid to support him. He is a terrorist scum.
yeah you should want this . u need to give space to indian muslims too ! obviously he wouldnot let u play ur game in india . and wat abt image , we've got very bad image of india and china n bangladesh think the same abt u as we do . have u ever tried to chng ur IMAGE . SO I GIVE A SH#T TO THE IMAGE .

as i said....hafiz sayed for PM or President...

it would be fun to see the world reaction to that...:laugh:
Charity and leading the nation are entirely two different things. If charity would be the criteria then All the Mother Teresa's and Bill Gates become leaders of their respective nation. Please don't jinx the terminology of leadership.
leadership can only be gained when ppl love u . n ppl love him.
as i said....hafiz sayed for PM or President...

it would be fun to see the world reaction to that...:laugh:
whose the world . in our part of world iran afghanistan uzbekistan n china's not gonna say a word . only india's gonna bark . so we'll say keep barkin':rofl:
Sir for you he is a terrorist for us he is the one who is leading freedom Movement in Kashmir so for Pakistanis and Kashmir is he is a freedom Fighter

The same UN whose resolution Pakistanis keep harping about has declared him a terrorist..

But as I said before, it will be good to have people like him lead Pakistan down the spiral of Talibanization. People like you who wish Taliban on Afghanistan will realize what it is like to live under one..
I see Indians twisting words, but providing no evidence that Hafiz is a terrorist, nor the mastermind of the Mumbai attacks.

No Proof?

No Case.
Excellent idea! About time Pakistan actually elects a man who can be in charge of foreign policy. No point in having people who wring their hands & crib about states within states, instead have a leader of the state within the state representing the state/states directly.
He is a known hate spewing terrorist. I won't give a damn to such low lives if he just stops sending terrorists to India and marrying their young wives.

He and his ilk are the reason for Pakistan's image as the global terror hub. The fact that people support him proves that their protestations that they are a peace loving nation is nothing but trying to fob off the world.

Just because you can't handle the truth, don't start giving out takfiri fatwas.

What I am saying is based on reading pamphlets from other militant groups like SSP and former LeT members and what they have said. People who had been very close to him earlier and became bitter after Hafiz Saeed was exposed as a puppet of Musharraf and became very bitter with him.

Not only that there are documented instances of how Hafiz Saeed and Co. have appropiated money that was suppose to be given to "martyrs" in Kashmir. So basically, he would incite innocent Kashmiris on the Pakistani side to go kill themselves and then appropiate 40-50% of the cash money that was to be provided to his family.

What is even more sickening and any right thinking Muslim was reject is how in 2004 he married his second wife - 28 year old widow of a fellow "martyr" who died in Srinagar earlier. And then urged his cronies as well to marry other Pakistani Kashmiri widows who husbands were incited to go kill themselves. How much of a low life you must be to take advantage in such a way.

This is why the more "sincere" faction, has at numerous times spoken out about hwo he has been an ISI agent and used LeT donations for his and his cronies personal benifit.

Infact, if here is a part of a speech by Maulana Mohd. Ilyas who will be familiar to those who have an eye on the Pakistani Jihadi scene. He has been a prominent leader of Hakat ul Mujahideen and has actually even fought in his so called "Jihads" unlike Hafiz Saeed who just sits at home, eats donations and marries widows of husbands he sends out to die.

See what he says about Hafiz Saeed

I side with the truth and oppose falsehood. And that is what I am doing here. You may have been ignorant of his background earlier but once you do know about this and still support him, you will have to answer about this on the day of judgement.
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The same UN whose resolution Pakistanis keep harping about has declared him a terrorist..

But as I said before, it will be good to have people like him lead Pakistan down the spiral of Talibanization. People like you who wish Taliban on Afghanistan will realize what it is like to live under one..
he is not a pakhtoon only pakhtoons call themselves taliban ! and we know wat its like to live under freedom fighters!

See this sick cult in action and their views on minorities
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