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Gwadar and Chabahar Ports likely to be ‘sisters’


Dec 11, 2016
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United States
Comparing Gwadar and Chabahar Ports: rivals or ‘sisters’?

Inaugurating Chabahar Port early this week, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said he looked forward to “more engagement and unity” in the region, explaining, “We should go after positive competition. We welcome other ports in the region, we welcome Gwadar’s development.”

Achieved 15 years after the initial agreement in 2003, the Indo-Iranian project of Chabahar is often seen as a rival or competitor for Pakistan’s Gwadar Port, which is the main seaport of the flagship China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the most important land route of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Making efforts to dispel any illusions of an imminent rivalry between and Gwadar, Iran has tried to indicate that the two new ports will be complementary to each other, and the presence of Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, Pakistan’s minister for maritime affairs, as well as the chairman of Gwadar Port at the inauguration ceremony on Sunday conveyed as much.

Apparently, Iran has plans to export electricity to Gwadar and even has a memorandum of understanding with Pakistan for the further convergence of the two “sister” ports.

Countering Gwadar Port is India’s main goal. It lies less than 100 nautical miles from Chabahar, and India has plans to invest $500 million in the project and secure two berths there as well as develop economic zones later on. Increasing port capacity to 8 million metric tons of cargo from just 2.5 million tons a year, the new harbor extension is all set to facilitate the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) to Russia as well.

Having dwelt on the main benefits from Chabahar, let’s take a short overview of Gwadar Port in Pakistan. To begin with, the port happens to be situated on a main trade route, and ships have direct access to it without having to venture into the Strait of Hormuz. Close proximity of the two ports also means that all of Chabahar’s traffic has to pass by Gwadar first.

Not only that, Gwadar’s natural layout and depth enable the largest ships to dock there, whereas both Chabahar and Dubai lack these advantages. Whereas the maximum planned capacity of Chabahar is 10 million to 12 million tons per annum, that of Gwadar will be 300 million to 400 million tons once it reaches complete capacity and it is also projected as a city of 2 million residents once it is ready. If things go according to plan and the port operates full capacity, Gwadar could outstrip all of India’s 212 ports that collectively handle 500 million tons a year.

Geopolitically, if we consider the possibility of instability in Baluchistan, one cannot ignore the fact that Chabahar is located in one of Iran’s most volatile regions, which was rocked by the Jundullah insurgency in recent years. One cannot forget the Shia-Sunni dimension either, as countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates would prefer Gwadar over Chabahar considering the ongoing Yemen scenario and other matters.

As for Afghanistan using Chabahar, even that seems unlikely in the near future, as that country remains unstable and US forces are still required to maintain peace there.

Realistically, the fact remains that China’s trade is on such a scale that even if only China uses Gwadar Port in the beginning, it would equal all the trade with other countries combined.

Another future aspect is the $100 billion worth of energy deals Iran could have with China as well as the Iran-Pakistan gas-pipeline proposal, so naturally Iran sees Chabahar as complementing Gwadar, not competing with it.

Finally, any rivalry on the part of Iran’s Chabahar Port is still mainly on paper. The other side of the picture remains that Iran has also been expressing the wish to join the CPEC, thus Chabahar could even become part of that corridor further down the road.

Source: Asia Times
Chahbahar is not what they thought for afghanistan after delivering first shipment. Now they are stuck.
Both ports are for different purposes and objectives, It's only Indians who keep bragging to sooth their micro egos.
They are being called sister ports wait for indians soon they will come up with a Mata-of-all-ports Port
Finally, any rivalry on the part of Iran’s Chabahar Port is still mainly on paper. The other side of the picture remains that Iran has also been expressing the wish to join the CPEC, thus Chabahar could even become part of that corridor further down the road.

Source: Asia Times

wrong information from author.

2017 Performance of Chabahar port

2017 Performance of Gwadar Port


You can see there is very miniscule amount of trade happening via gwadar port
It's the smart thing to do.

The ports are a small component of the grand plan. The thing of significance is the corridor of road and rail infrastructure, power generation, world's largest population hubs and business hubs that connect China, Central Asia with the Middle East and the Ocean, aka CPEC, formerly known as the Silk Road.

They are proposing joining Chabahar with CPEC, which is fair enough. More ports that are connected to the corridor, including Karachi, Gwadar and eventually Ormara, Chabahar gives more importance to the corridor.

It's inevitable for Iranian interests will align with Pakistan's. There is nothing equivalent that India can offer in this context. India is only offering the opportunity to link Chabahar with Afghanistan, and that too mostly for their own strategic interests that has so far resulted in heavily subsidised wheat exports, whereas Pakistan and China are offering CPEC and OBOR. It's basic math.

I.e Chabahar will be a CPEC port.
Gwadar is going to service incoming and outgoing chinese trade and later down the line for cas.

Chahabar is an indian wet dream and will be used to deliver wheat and onions to Afghans or whatever else village economy Afghanistan demands.

They are not sisters at all.
It's the smart thing to do.

The ports are a small component of the grand plan. The thing of significance is the corridor of road and rail infrastructure, power generation, world's largest population hubs and business hubs that connect China, Central Asia with the Middle East and the Ocean, aka CPEC, formerly known as the Silk Road.

They are proposing joining Chabahar with CPEC, which is fair enough. More ports that are connected to the corridor, including Karachi, Gwadar and eventually Ormara, Chabahar gives more importance to the corridor.

It's inevitable for Iranian interests will align with Pakistan's. There is nothing equivalent that India can offer in this context. India is only offering the opportunity to link Chabahar with Afghanistan, and that too mostly for their own strategic interests that has so far resulted in heavily subsidised wheat exports, whereas Pakistan and China are offering CPEC and OBOR. It's basic math.

I.e Chabahar will be a CPEC port.
It would be wise for Chabahar to Join CPEC. But Iran needs to stop having diplomatic problems with USA, so Iran can stop being a pariah state.
Both Gwadar and Chahbahar should be connected. Makran Coastal Highway should be extended to Chahbahar and Bandar Abbas. More progress for that region.
The maximum handling capacity of both ports are very different and serving different purpose

Chabahar is excellent port for trade between India, Iran and Afghanistan whereas Gwadar is for trade between China, Pakistan, UAE and Africa
Chabahar is an 'echo' port of Gwadar. Pakistan need enhance border security with Iran in Balochistan region, otherwise Indian spies will sneak into Balochistan to make trouble.
There's no significant business requirement for India to build a port in Chabahar since India is only a few miles away from Chabahar and Iran has enough ports for 'wheat transportation' from India.
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