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Gunmen kill retired general in Rawalpindi shooting

I am Gen alavis daughter . I must say i am really disappointed how casually you dismissed my fathers death . This is perhaps the same indifference due to which Pakistan still remains on the verge of collapsing . My father may have been very loyal to the military but i dont think the military was to him
These sympathies and condolences mean nothing unless people step forward and put an end to this craze otherwise it is all eyewash. I dont want people sympathisizing and telling me how sorry they are I want to know who killed my father .I need the law enforcements for once in their lives to get on their feet and do something abou it
MR defence just because he was retired doesnt mean the miltary should not be concerned about it . My father spend 36 years of his life serving the armed forces , he left his british nationality ( i doubt they are any other pakistanis that would do that) to serve the nation . If this is how he gets repaid then i really wish no one serves this nation anymore. My words may seem harsh but it is true we have become a nation of blind, deaf and crippled people .

How can we forward this post above to the CoAS so that he is made aware. when the agencies are not doing their jobs, then other measures have to be taken.

pls comment. i for one will use whatever connections i have to try and get this message where it needs to go.
I am Gen alavis daughter . I must say i am really disappointed how casually you dismissed my fathers death . This is perhaps the same indifference due to which Pakistan still remains on the verge of collapsing . My father may have been very loyal to the military but i dont think the military was to him
These sympathies and condolences mean nothing unless people step forward and put an end to this craze otherwise it is all eyewash. I dont want people sympathisizing and telling me how sorry they are I want to know who killed my father .I need the law enforcements for once in their lives to get on their feet and do something abou it
MR defence just because he was retired doesnt mean the miltary should not be concerned about it . My father spend 36 years of his life serving the armed forces , he left his british nationality ( i doubt they are any other pakistanis that would do that) to serve the nation . If this is how he gets repaid then i really wish no one serves this nation anymore. My words may seem harsh but it is true we have become a nation of blind, deaf and crippled people .

Dear Madame,

I can understand your feelings. I am ashamed that Pakistani nation has not learned to honour her heroes and those who spent their entire life in the service of the nation such as your esteemed father. May Allah bless your father’s soul.

Our media and majority of the public have forgotten the difference between right and wrong. IMO one of the main reasons is the exploitation of the name of Islam by the followers of Satan. They forget that killing of any human being without a definite proof of his guilt is against Islamic principles. Dark Age tribal customs such as revenge killings have been adopted by as Islamic. Baluch Sardars who defend burying women alive as their age old custom, are ministers! Just look at the number of suicide bombings on soft targets such as Marriott. Media with their bigoted anchors such as Hamid Mir try to look for smoke in some window only to find ways to condone this action by the vermins.

I am convinced that your father's killer is never going to be caught. There are groups of idiots who think that it was done for the sake of Islam. I sincerely hope that all those who in any way participated in this gruesome murder rot in hell.

Any nation which doesn’t honour and reward her heroes doesn’t deserve to be called a nation.
May Allah rest his soul in peace, and give strength and forebearance to the family to bear this grevious loss.

General Amir death is obviously a revenge killing. A great loss to the Pakistani nation. It would have been a matter of great pride if he had embraced shahaadat while fighting at Siachin or an active sector against the enemy.

I am full of rage against our rulers who have CREATED a full scale insurgency in FATA, and pushed Pakistan Army into the inferno. These rulers have sapped the morale of the Army by pitting it against its own citizens. They have set the stage for hatred, revenge and split our soicety.

Even with all the protection, a brave soldier like Gen Amir Alvi could not live the life of a prisoner in his own country. The only real protection is through peace and tranquility in our country.
If this is how we protect our elite generals then shame on us and shame on the military . I think if we see some wrong being done and we keep quiet about it we are just as much to blame .
THe military is particularly to blame . THey knew he was a soft target yet he wasnt provided even basic security . If taliban or al qaeda is involved then why havent they taken responsibilty for the attack
This has to stop . We have to make a start

rangerssg; mam
full responsibillity, goes on COAS!
a new kind of special protection program should be lanched, with a eilite special protection team, to protect the "lions" of the nation.:angry::angry::angry:
I think that the military of this country has for so long been politicised that its forgotten its job .
I think that the military of this country has for so long been politicised that its forgotten its job .


actully the end of recent militry rule made! people's putting every blame for every ill in the nation,on pak army! which is wrong, plz take a look at crunnt govt , which is doing nothing, except touring around the world, spending nations wealth, for nothing?
even our reserves, been hacked in just 8 months of mismangment of this , so called democraticly elected govt! now we have to go for IMF , begging money !

politics never gave pakistan anything,except killings ,murders, crouption, mismangment, the early & unexpected exit of gen.pervaiz musharaf , is real cause of all this mess , which was happened due to the back stabbing of crunnt COAS to president musharaf, at the time of need.

any how, its more of managing security of our retrd, militry officers, which is the responsibility of our militry cheif, & he should adress this problm, fastly!
check this article outhttp://groups.google.com/group/reportpress/browse_thread/thread/9936b97c750463d1
I think if every pakistani for once in their life really thought what democracy is and w hat could bringing in a corrupt govt do to their country it won t be thi sway. I agree democracy has never brought this country much but i dont believe that military rule in this country is a solution . We need to stand up for ourselves our nation has been sleeping for too long. Most of the people all over the world regard Pakistan as a failed state . The very important factor is mostof our population is illiterate and till nothing is dont about that we wont proceed further....
Alot of failing countries picked up pace after they finally realized what they were in for LOOk at china they are out to become even a more bigger super power than us. I know evryone has reservations about India but even they have progressed further in the field of It than us. we have to get rid of extremists and Islamists if we wont to succeed.
I dont really understand what fighting over a glacier Siachen is going to get us . If we have to fight we should fight by technology and power. THis way we wil remain a 3 world country . A person has to choose his own fights .
I am just very puzzled why is the military quiet about this issue and why has the media been told to keep quiet ?
I think if every pakistani for once in their life really thought what democracy is and w hat could bringing in a corrupt govt do to their country it won t be thi sway. I agree democracy has never brought this country much but i dont believe that military rule in this country is a solution . We need to stand up for ourselves our nation has been sleeping for too long. Most of the people all over the world regard Pakistan as a failed state . The very important factor is mostof our population is illiterate and till nothing is dont about that we wont proceed further....
Alot of failing countries picked up pace after they finally realized what they were in for LOOk at china they are out to become even a more bigger super power than us. I know evryone has reservations about India but even they have progressed further in the field of It than us. we have to get rid of extremists and Islamists if we wont to succeed.
I dont really understand what fighting over a glacier Siachen is going to get us . If we have to fight we should fight by technology and power. THis way we wil remain a 3 world country . A person has to choose his own fights .

the only way out for, me is a militry sponsored revolution, if you study most of the succsesfull revolutions in the world , you will find some force pushing all that good.
in pakistan's case its people's , uneducated , poor & they dont give a dam about politics, most of elections in our country were enginered , the militry comes in power, only in the face of political crisis , & because of our croupt political elite's, but the problum is & was that once army get in the power , they always failed to find long time solution!
i think the best thing army can do next time is, to provide a power to revolution, make a tough system and stand by it?:agree::tup:
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