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Gunmen kill 8 security personnel in Lahore: Police


Dec 14, 2010
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LAHORE: Gunmen on Thursday shot dead eight police and prison staff, and wounded nine others after storming a building in Lahore where they were sleeping, police said.

It was the second attack in three days on security personnel in the province of Punjab, raising fears of a fresh wave of violence in the political heartland of Pakistan away from the northwest where a Taliban insurgency is based.

The attackers arrived on motorbikes and targeted a building in the densely populated area of Ichra, where up to 35 police and prison staff were living, mostly officers from the troubled northwest who were in Lahore for training.“The gunmen came early in the morning, entered the building and opened fire,” Lahore police chief Aslam Tareen told AFP.

“Eight were martyred and nine others are wounded.”The gunmen fled and there was no immediate claim of responsibility.Pakistan is battling an militant insurgency in its northwest tribal region, but attacks in Punjab and Lahore — the country’s political heartland that will be vital in approaching general elections — have been rare in recent months.

But on Monday, gunmen shot dead seven security personnel at an army camp less than 150 kilometres (100 miles) southeast of Islamabad, again arriving by motorbike, opening fire and then fleeing. One senior security official told AFP it was “highly likely” that the attackers belonged to a banned organisation in league with the Taliban.

Tensions have been high among right-wing and extremist organisations since Pakistan last week decided to reopen its Afghan border to Nato supply convoys, ending a seven-month blockade following negotiations with US officials.

The Defence Council of Pakistan, a coalition of right-wing and hardline militant groups, bitterly opposes the country’s alliance with Washington and the resumption of supplies for Nato troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the founder of the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, who has a $10 million US government bounty on him, has urged Pakistanis to protest.

Just hours before Monday’s attack, thousands from the Defence Council of Pakistan passed through the area on a “long march” from Lahore to Islamabad to demonstrate against the reopening of Nato supply routes.Pakistan closed the routes in protest at US air strikes last November that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

The air raid plunged ties between the Islamabad and the United States, already shaky after the US raid that found and killed Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani garrison town in May 2011, to a new low. After months of negotiations, a rapprochement was achieved when US Secretary of State apologised for the deaths in the air raid.

Gunmen kill 8 security personnel in Lahore: Police – The Express Tribune
Nine policemen killed in attack claimed by TTP

Published: July 12, 2012

At around 6 a.m., masked gunmen on three motorcycles stormed the house and opened fire. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE.
LAHORE: Masked gunmen stormed a house and killed nine police cadets in Lahore on Thursday, police said, the second attack on security forces claimed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in relatively peaceful Punjab province in four days.
The TTP said it was responsible and vowed more violence in the region.
Lahore city police chief Aslam Tareen said three policemen were also wounded.
“At around 6 a.m., masked gunmen on three motorcycles stormed the house and opened fire. The victims were trainees at the Punjab Jail Academy,” Tareen said.
Many of the police were from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa near the border with Afghanistan, a hotbed of Pakistan’s insurgency.
TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said the police from that region had been targeted because they treated Taliban detainees poorly.
“We were looking for them for a long time as their attitude with our people in jails is very inhuman and insulting,” he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.
The TTP’s threat of further attacks raised the prospect of more violence in a region that has been largely spared by insurgent trouble in recent years.
On Monday, gunmen killed six soldiers and a policeman at a riverside military encampment in eastern Pakistan, 100 km (60 miles) north of Lahore. The TTP also claimed responsibility for that attack.
can u please provide me all talibans name and can tell me which one is good and which one is bad ? thanks in advance :smokin:

All Taliban are bad.

They are just a brainwashed horde of barbarians who want to implement their draconian version of Islam on everyone.

Its like asking, are there any good Nazis or bad.
May the Departed rest in Peace . By the way Does taliban Have strong presence and connections in Lahore too ??
In Lahore..? Thats scary.. And TTP seems to be claiming every such incident.

RIP to dead..
RIP to the dead ... $hit once again kicks off in punjab , although TTP claimed attacks but i think their off shoots like punjabi talibans , jud and LJ are most likely the planners and executioners behind this attack.
All the resources of the nation are used for the protection of the President, Prime Minister, ex Prime Minster Gilani and the MNAs MPAs and other VVIPs.

If they will have time from the daily hectic schedule of running of the country will they think about peace and security of all the citizens.

To TTP or whoever responsible for these attacks, if you people are so patriotic in your cause, where are the politicians from you? Where is the packed parliament from you?

Do something with them and you will see all the people rejoicing who have not rejoiced since years. Or you are just good at killing the common person be he in uniform or without uniform.
RIP to brave policeman/trainees. The terrorists are trying to return to karachi and punjag again after a big gap.

Militants ambush Pakistan police compound in Lahore

At least nine trainee policemen have been shot dead after militants ambushed their housing compound in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

Reports say masked gunmen arrived on motorcycles and targeted a building in the city's Rasoul Park area where the trainees were staying.

All those killed were from the north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and training to be prison police.

The Pakistani Taliban said they carried out the attack.

"We were looking for [the police] for a long time as their attitude with our people in jails is very inhuman and insulting," Taliban spokesman Ehsnanullah Ehsan is quoted as saying.

He said that they were targeted because they did not treat Taliban detainees well.

On Monday, Taliban gunmen killed seven security personnel at a campsite, which is in central Punjab province of which Lahore is the capital.

BBC News - Lahore ambush: Militants kill nine Pakistani police
security personnel.. yea right
I will be surprised if these guys would have had completed their fire training as well.
after all the terrorism and resulting outcry there are funds allocations for police equipment and training. whatever escapes the jaws of corruptions and misappropriation results into a handful of "elite police force members" that are quietly snatched up by the VVIP lot.

leaving the general public and police back to square one. look up what Inspector general of Police in Punjab was saying about the reality of elite troops out of the total force, only 10 are available for the entire Lahore because the rest are protecting the VVIPs at their homes and offices and their families in their shopping and picnic trips.

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