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Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

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Babri mosque was built after a temple was razed.

Gujarat riots happened after 53 piligrims were burnt alive, allegedly by muslims.

In short, yes .. you are right

Best I can tell is there were about 10,000 terrorist attacks in 2009 about 90 percent were by Muslems mostly killing muslems, also there were about 5000 women killed as so called honor killings in 2009, an estimated 91 percent by muslems,
another report says Non-Westerners 38 Times More Likely To Be Killed al Qaida then Westerners.

Any one have any better figures I would like to see them.
I do not agree on the Mosque building around ground Zero!!! Infact I believe a statement made by Neal Boortz:
"Mosque at Ground Zero?
Please note the long history of Muslims building Mosques at sites of great Islamic victories."
I do not agree on the Mosque building around ground Zero!!! Infact I believe a statement made by Neal Boortz:
"Mosque at Ground Zero?
Please note the long history of Muslims building Mosques at sites of great Islamic victories."

Neal Boortz, aah yes, the spokesperson of reason. :sick:
Neal Boortz, aah yes, the spokesperson of reason. :sick:

Let's assume he is not a spokesperson for a reason, but if you really look at that sentence, and really look at the history, like he suggests, then there is a fine coorelation of his statement!!!

Let's assume he is not a spokesperson for a reason, but if you really look at that sentence, and really look at the history, like he suggests, then there is a fine coorelation of his statement!!!
How is a Islamic center going to be celebrating a Muslim victory? What Muslim victory are you talking about? By that logic, the British flag at the British embassy in India is celebrating their victory back in 1857.
Now that this place is approved for construction they will be watched with greater scrutiny with regards to their finances and their activities and any minor indiscretion on the promoters part will be taken very seriously.

Financing this project has to be very clean not from those shady Islamic charities linked with terrorism.
Amen to that - I'm sure that even more scrutiny will be applied than that applied to the investigation of tax free US dollars used to promote the settlements in the West Bank - something that is specifically against US law -- though we note, no has been charged thus far, and such an eventuality remains, given the quality of US politics, a remote possibility.
as much as everyone likes to deny it, there are features in the religion that produce higher propensities to mob and vigilante violence(blasphemy/apostacy related lynchings / danish embassy attacks etc), organized armed violence(taliban style etc), violence resulting out of individual paranoia (nidal malik hassan etc) and probably other kinds too where there exists a sufficiently strong link between religious beliefs and violent actions.

if the religion is usable as a violent tool its got bugs.

:angel: the last time we have seen personal paranoia is on the rise in India (linked to hindusim).

The last time i have read Hindu epics, the violence was even preached by gods in these epics.

The last time we have also seen Hindu blasphemy related hatred for MF Hussain in India and outrage over portrayal of hindu god by a magazine in bad taste.

All these are linked to religion too. So when a hindu member here comes and talk about singling out Islam it is Islamophobia nothing else
:angel: the last time we have seen personal paranoia is on the rise in India (linked to hindusim).

The last time i have read Hindu epics, the violence was even preached by gods in these epics.

The last time we have also seen Hindu blasphemy related hatred for MF Hussain in India and outrage over portrayal of hindu god by a magazine in bad taste.

All these are linked to religion too. So when a hindu member here comes and talk about singling out Islam it is Islamophobia nothing else

Terrorist attacks in Mumbai include:

12 March 1993 - Series of 13 bombs go off killing 257
6 December 2002 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 2
27 January 2003 - Bomb goes off on a bicycle in Vile Parle killing 1
14 March 2003 - Bomb goes off in a train in Mulund killing 10
28 July 2003 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 4
25 August 2003 - Two Bombs go off in cars near the Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar killing 50
11 July 2006 - Series of seven bombs go off in trains killing 209
26 November 2008 to 29 November 2008 - Coordinated series of attacks killing at least 172.
On 13 February 2010, a bomb explosion at the German Bakery in Pune killed fourteen people, and injured at least 60 more.

As I understand it this is the Mumbai area alone. Is it really Islamophobia when they really killing people.

If all this had taken place in Pakistan by a group of Hindus, do you think Pakistanis would just think they were being paranoid.
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Terrorist attacks in Mumbai include:

12 March 1993 - Series of 13 bombs go off killing 257
6 December 2002 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 2
27 January 2003 - Bomb goes off on a bicycle in Vile Parle killing 1
14 March 2003 - Bomb goes off in a train in Mulund killing 10
28 July 2003 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar killing 4
25 August 2003 - Two Bombs go off in cars near the Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar killing 50
11 July 2006 - Series of seven bombs go off in trains killing 209
26 November 2008 to 29 November 2008 - Coordinated series of attacks killing at least 172.
On 13 February 2010, a bomb explosion at the German Bakery in Pune killed fourteen people, and injured at least 60 more.

As I understand it this is the Mumbai area alone. Is it really Islamophobia when they really killing people.

If all this had taken place in Pakistan by a group of Hindus, do you think Pakistanis would just think they were being paranoid.

2000 people were killed in the riots in 1992 after the babri Mosque razing by Hindu extremists, and another 2000 in the Gujrat riots in 2002 by Hindu extremists, in addition to several other smaller scale acts of violence against minority religious communities (such as the attacks on Christians and Churches) by Hindu extremists, so what is your point?

The fact that people from any religion can be motivated towards wanton violence is evidence enough that it is not a particular religion that is the issue, but the people willing to manipulate it to commit violence to achieve political goals.
2000 people were killed in the riots in 1992 after the babri Mosque razing by Hindu extremists, and another 2000 in the Gujrat riots in 2002 by Hindu extremists, in addition to several other smaller scale acts of violence against minority religious communities (such as the attacks on Christians and Churches) by Hindu extremists, so what is your point?

These were communal riots due to specific circumstances and with a long history behind them. The Babri one is specifically related to the bigotry of atrocities by Muslim invaders that has yet not been corrected. Just one of the more than 10000 temples destroyed by those bigots.

The official count of Gujarat riots is 784 Muslims and 280 odd Hindus.

There are no Hindus going around planting bombs in marketplaces or worship places, surely not on the same scale.

Christian community is living most peacefully in India. There are chief ministers on this community in states where there are less than 3% Christians. They are at the front lines of education in India. Those events were isolated and due to specific local conditions.

Any comparisons are superfluous at this stage.

The fact that people from any religion can be motivated towards wanton violence is evidence enough that it is not a particular religion that is the issue, but the people willing to manipulate it to commit violence to achieve political goals.

Yes. So accept that there is widespread manipulation going on in the Islamic world at the moment and take steps to correct it. If the world's perception is wrong, it will be automatically corrected if the ground situation changes by the efforts of moderate Muslims like you and millions of others.

Till then, no amount of debate on forums or media will "correct" that perception.
I will say it again.. If the world loses this war on terror, it will be because this war is being (by chance or design) given a religious color. Which is exactly the ammo these terrorists need to fuel further hatered.

I dont get it.. Whats wrong with having a mosque in New York. ?? Does it mean because of 8-10 idiots, all Muslims of NY cant have a place of worship near their homes..

Did UK remove churches from all the places where IRA bombed (most of them were catholic christians)...

We do have the biggest gurudwara near the place 2 sikhs assassinated Indira Gandhi and a large temple near the place a Hindu killed Mahatma Gandhi...

With all the problems in the world, this is the topic so many people want to waster their time on...

Just a comment here.. This is not India vs Pakistan. We should not forget the 170 million muslims living in India before any of us takes a stand on this purely for opposing Pakistani members on this forum...
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Just a comment here.. This is not India vs Pakistan. We should not forget the 170 million muslims living in India before any of us takes a stand on this purely from opposing Pakistani members on this forum...

Indians are always trying to juggle that online, I've been noticing since the mid 90s. I can only imagine the balancing act and charade going on in local and state government.
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