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Green Tea and Honey a Magnificent Superior Drink compared to traditional English Milk/Tea


Sep 8, 2009
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  • 1 Cup hot water , heated in microwave 1 min 20 seconds
  • Half Tea Spoon of Raw Honey stirred into the warm Water (My brother recently picked up a small bottle of honey from farm obviously 100% good stuff . I opened the bottle and really could feel the difference in fragrance coming from honey )
  • Green Tea bag , dropped in
  • Stirr and Enjoy

Green Tea , is a Magnificent drink for Digestion, it aids in Metabolism that is why it has been the Drink of Choice in many Asian countries
In Asian Culture a green tea is vital after every meal. It explains why there are not too many fat people in Asia

Honey as we know is a fantastic thing as well , a natural anti bacterial object , if taken orally can help aid with many ailment of stomach
Honey has also got a prominent mention in Islam and many people acknowledge it's various medicinal properties

While it is not very common in Pakistan , the combination of Green Tea , and Honey is absolutely a fantastic beverage for relaxing and also great benefits to health highly recommended for people to try this fantastic drink , the strong taste of Green tea is diluted with aroma of Raw Natural Honey

Treating the Common Cold
Drinking a warm cup of green tea if you have a cold and are feeling fatigued can ease your symptoms. The steam from the tea assists in opening nasal passages to allow easier breathing. The University of Maryland suggests green tea may also help ward off the effects of the cold and flu. Adding honey to your tea has the ability to soothe a sore throat, a common symptom of a cold.
Preventing Cancer
Laboratory tests show that certain antioxidants, called polyphenols, found in green tea may help prevent certain types of cancer such as skin, prostate and colon cancer. According to a paper published in 2005 in the "International Journal of Cancer," an active compound in green tea, known as EGCG, helped block cancer growth by restricting blood flow to abnormal cells. Studies on laboratory animals show promising results. However, more human trials are needed to fully understand the benefits green tea carries for cancer.
Weight Loss
Green tea and green tea extract are heavily marketed as a weight-loss aid. The University of Maryland says that green tea can aid in weight loss and maintenance. One study published in the " American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" in 2005 found that consuming catechin-rich green tea reduces body fat and lowers LDL, or "bad" cholesterol. Other research suggests that combining green tea with caffeine may also boost your metabolism, which increases your body's ability to burn fat.

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Pakistan has a really unhealthy eating culture, it would benefit a lot by changing a few things.
Compared to Milk/Tea popular in Pakistan , Green Tea/Honey actually is more tastier and is more beneficial
I think green tea by itself the taste is "strong"

Green Tea / Honey also wakes you up and gives you a sharp mind
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