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Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment


Aug 7, 2009
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Athens admits it cannot pay its debt as European leaders warn the Greek people to accept austerity or face a eurozone exit.

06:05, UK,Tuesday 30 June 2015


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Greece looks set to default on a €1.55bn debt repayment due to the IMF today - plunging the country deeper into crisis and increasing the likelihood of a eurozone exit.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted his country was unlikely to meet the debt.

"How is it possible the creditors are waiting for the IMF payment while our banks are being suffocated?" he said in an interview on Greek TV.

Athens withdrew from negotiations over a new EU bailout package at the weekend after it was made clear it would have to impose austerity measures in exchange for cash.


Some 17,000 Greeks took to the streets to protest against bailout proposals

Mr Tsipras instead arranged a referendum for Sunday - and is urging voters to say no to the bailout proposal.

European leaders have warned this would lead to Greece leaving the monetary union.


Play video "Brits In Greece 'Should Take Cash'"
17,000 people took the streets in Athens and Thessaloniki to protest against the latest bailout proposals.

As the financial crisis deepens, banks and the country's stock exchange are remaining shut until 7 July, and the daily limit on withdrawals from cash machines has been cut to just €60.

Concerned British tourists who are heading to Greece have been told the ATM limits will not apply to foreign debit cards - but in practice, some cash machines may not be able to tell the difference.

The Association of British Travel Agents is advising visitors to take all of the euros they may need in cash, but says credit and debit card transactions in shops and restaurants will be unaffected.

Sky's Siobhan Robbins, in Corfu, said credit cards were still being accepted though businesses were hungry for cash.

Taverna owner, Dimitris Kourkoulis, claimed his business was benefiting from tourists bringing extra cash, saying: "The fact that people are bringing more cash with them, they have more cash to spend and even our tips have gone up by 40% this month."

Financial markets remained in the doldrums on Tuesday following sharp falls on European stock markets the previous day.

Investors remain nervous on the ramifications of a Greek debt default, with the euro weakening further against the pound and dollar.

Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment


Haven't such much about this on the forum , perhaps no one cares any more
good news. give the middle finger to the ECB,IMF, Zionists bankers.

default and get a$20 billion loan from China and Russia

start fresh. debt is shackles.
The Greeks are lazy, fraudsters, corrupt and want the European Union to pay all their bills. They want to retire at age 40 and receive full pension and medical benefits for another 40 years paid by the hard working German taxpayers.Greece has the highest defense expenditure per capita in Europe and $1 billion reduction of the $8 billion defense budget could help resolve this dispute but Greeks do not want to repay their loans and wants to default in or order to blackmail European Union. Enough is enough let them leave Euro zone and have let us have Grexit avoiding sleepless nights of EU officials. Greeks have already declared bankruptcy five times in last hundred years they are habitual fraudsters.
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whats was the need to hold Athens Olympics game when this country was slowly nut steadily falling into debt trap
good news. give the middle finger to the ECB,IMF, Zionists bankers.

default and get a$20 billion loan from China and Russia

start fresh. debt is shackles.

This done but then whom with they do business ? only with Russia and china ? lol
Greeks are lazy a$$.

Lazy are who expected to live forever from debt made from placing surplus germany production to eurozone so many years ago.

If they wants to retrieve that past surplus production placing, then Greece now should export its surplus production like Kalamata olives to Germany.

That would be the right. Fiat money is paper, not richness.
greeks dont want to leave currency union, they want to be kicked out... I think its a good strategy.. best of luck greece.
Lazy are who expected to live forever from debt made from placing surplus germany production to eurozone so many years ago.

Lazy are people who refuse to work, take debts, spend like crazy and later refuse to pay back debt. Germany and E.U. are not demanding extortion but payment for the loan that was offered to Greece. Why take loans when you can't pay them back?

It is basic common sense.
good news. give the middle finger to the ECB,IMF, Zionists bankers.

default and get a$20 billion loan from China and Russia

start fresh. debt is shackles.

And they will be exactly back again in the same position in less than 5 years. The Greeks refuse to resolve their issues, not to mention for decades they were cooking their books to enter Eurozone and now they are trying to hold EU hostage. The austerity measures being forced down Greece throat in no shape and form will help her get out of current mess, but unless Greeks are ready to put their house in order, no hope for them.
Last time I went there, I couldn't find a cafe to sit in and have a lunch from 12 to 3, I was wondering at which time these people like to work. My Greek friend was proudly telling me how, we love our afternoon naps and it seemed to me that looking pretty was more important to them than working hard. She was a banker by the way, lol.
whats was the need to hold Athens Olympics game when this country was slowly nut steadily falling into debt trap

greeks dont want to leave currency union, they want to be kicked out... I think its a good strategy.. best of luck greece.

Greeks are fraudsters they billed four times the value of the construction during the Athens Olympics. It costs double to build a kilometer of highway in Greece than in Germany since everybody wants their share of the loot in Greece. Greeks has stashed away billions of Euros in foreign banks they act poor but many are filthy rich. They want to leave Euro zone and when Drachma introduced it will fall 50% and then these Greeks can scoop up the properties cheap using their Euros.
And they will be exactly back again in the same position in less than 5 years. The Greeks refuse to resolve their issues, not to mention for decades they were cooking their books to enter Eurozone and now they are trying to hold EU hostage. The austerity measures being forced down Greece throat in no shape and form will help her get out of current mess, but unless Greeks are ready to put their house in order, no hope for them.
Last time I went there, I couldn't find a cafe to sit in and have a lunch from 12 to 3, I was wondering at which time these people like to work. My Greek friend was proudly telling me how, we love our afternoon naps and it seemed to me that looking pretty was more important to them than working hard. She was a banker by the way, lol.

no they wouldn't . they will have their own devalued currency the drachma and not the euro. they would be competitive. they will never reach the debt level being a euro member again.

still they should learn about living in ones own means. they can still make reforms.
Greeks are fraudsters they billed four times the value of the construction during the Athens Olympics. It costs double to build a kilometer of highway in Greece than in Germany since everybody wants their share of the loot in Greece. Greeks has stashed away billions of Euros in foreign banks they act poor but many are filthy rich. They want to leave Euro zone and when Drachma introduced it will fall 50% and then rich can scoop up the properties cheap using their Euros.
greeks are a victim of their own greed and stupidity... its not too late to leave. They will still remain a great country, with lifestyle higher/similar to north africa. Greeks are not german or french. They need their own currency.
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