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Greece gives Israel permission to seize two areas south of Crete


Feb 1, 2022
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Powerful “message” to Turkey sent by Greece via Israelas gave the permission in Tel Aviv to reserve two areas south of Crete for military training.


As the “in.gr” reports, the areas, which were reserved for the period from July 26 to August 5 for exercises of the Israeli Navy, coincide with the illegal Turkish-Libyan memorandum which Israel disputes.

Thus, the request of the Israeli side is clear message of pro-legitimacy allies, while directly challenging Ankara’s objections, which accuses Greece of being an alleged violator of international law.

Israel’s move is made while Ankara is preparing for the exit of the Turkish driller “Abdul Hamid Khan”, possibly on August 9, and statements by Recep Tayyip Erdogan are expected about the destination of the driller.

Given the challenges, the Athens invests in alliances and especially in those it has created with tripartite and multilateral schemes, in which Cyprus also participates. After all, according to the prevailing scenario, the Turkish drilling rig will head to the Cypriot EEZ.


Turks laughing here,but their government is annoyed every time we have an exercise with Egypt,Israel,France or USA. Hakar nagging and Turkish TV channels complain about it.
Turks laughing here,but their government is annoyed every time we have an exercise with Egypt,Israel,France or USA. Hakar nagging and Turkish TV channels complain about it.
Foinikas, I don't give a damn about the laughs and the likes, what I know is that the exercise took place with success , there is full cooperation between Israeli and the Greek armed forces, I could say fantastic because the Greek armed forces are learning a lot from the Israelis as regards communication and what should go out.
And so you can understand the panic of the Turks, they are using the above map as theirs, that the mining ship will supposedly go there.
So funny and predictable they have become.
What does this move by Israel mean in practice?

It is a typical example of a tangible geopolitical result through armaments, on the one hand an act of recognition of Greek jurisdiction, on the other hand a de facto rejection of the illegal Turkish-Libyan Memorandum
. At the same time, it is a clear message to Ankara that the restoration of Israel-Turkey bilateral relations cannot be moved outside the framework of international legality.

Disputes are legitimate to exist, such as the Israel-Lebanon dispute over maritime zones. Despite the tension, however, the two sides on the one hand do not attempt to change the Law of the Sea (such as the Turkish questioning of the islands' right to an EEZ-coastal shelf), on the other hand they have accepted one of the UN methods (mediation) in trying to find a solution.

This could not happen if the position of the two parties was based on absurdities. On what basis could Greece discuss with a country that arbitrarily asks to deprive the islands of the maritime zones? Obviously there can be no common ground, and simply accepting an absurd position at the negotiating table gives it a level of legitimacy.

The difference in military power between Israel and Lebanon is chaotic, which is not true in the case of Greece and Turkey. Thus, Israel takes a clear position in favor of the need to defend a framework of legitimacy in the competition between the countries of the region in order to serve their interests, despite its massive military advantage.

This is shared locally by Egypt, so with the addition of Greece, a very strong alliance of principles is created, which attempts to put limits on the uncontrolled, disruptive and destabilizing behavior of Turkey. However, the Greek initiatives do not stop here.
This could not happen if the position of the two parties was based on absurdities. On what basis could Greece discuss with a country that arbitrarily asks to deprive the islands of the maritime zones? Obviously there can be no common ground, and simply accepting an absurd position at the negotiating table gives it a level of legitimacy.
Turkish foreign policy the last 25 years has been like...they want to make a grab or gain something when they have no right,so they make a big fuss about it asking for a lot,to eventually negotiate and get half.

For example,they had absolutely no right on the Greek Cypriot EEZ,they got there,threatened with a war and Akar was going was saying on TV "we should do it kazan-kazan".

Then in the Aegean,they started the islands,then our EEZ,then they said "we should split the Aegean 50-50".

They always ask more,to get some and make a gain out of nothing.
The Turkish ships will be not in that area, so what Isarel is going to do ther i do not understand if it is againgst Turkey. Are they going to fish ther Israil navy? Turkish EEZ is not sout side of the island, but south east side of the island :p: .
What does this move by Israel mean in practice?

It is a typical example of a tangible geopolitical result through armaments, on the one hand an act of recognition of Greek jurisdiction, on the other hand a de facto rejection of the illegal Turkish-Libyan Memorandum
. At the same time, it is a clear message to Ankara that the restoration of Israel-Turkey bilateral relations cannot be moved outside the framework of international legality.

Disputes are legitimate to exist, such as the Israel-Lebanon dispute over maritime zones. Despite the tension, however, the two sides on the one hand do not attempt to change the Law of the Sea (such as the Turkish questioning of the islands' right to an EEZ-coastal shelf), on the other hand they have accepted one of the UN methods (mediation) in trying to find a solution.

This could not happen if the position of the two parties was based on absurdities. On what basis could Greece discuss with a country that arbitrarily asks to deprive the islands of the maritime zones? Obviously there can be no common ground, and simply accepting an absurd position at the negotiating table gives it a level of legitimacy.

The difference in military power between Israel and Lebanon is chaotic, which is not true in the case of Greece and Turkey. Thus, Israel takes a clear position in favor of the need to defend a framework of legitimacy in the competition between the countries of the region in order to serve their interests, despite its massive military advantage.

This is shared locally by Egypt, so with the addition of Greece, a very strong alliance of principles is created, which attempts to put limits on the uncontrolled, disruptive and destabilizing behavior of Turkey. However, the Greek initiatives do not stop here.

Don't get ahead of yourself Greek yoghurt. Israel or any other country isn't picking Greece over Turkey. A military training doesn't mean that countries become party in conflicts. Turkey also participates in many military exercises with the same countries. Should we start drawing conclusions?

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