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Govt rules out 'hasty decision' on Gen No.1


Aug 21, 2012
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Govt rules out 'hasty decision' on Gen No.1

NEW DELHI: India will not get a General No. 1, a tri-service military chief, for the foreseeable future. The government has made it clear there is no move to appoint either a chief of defence staff (CDS) or a permanent chairman of the chiefs of staff committee (CoSC) soon.
Sources on Friday said the government "will not take a hasty decision" in the matter. "It needs serious discussions among various stakeholders. Such a decision can be taken only after a careful study and gauging the mood of all political parties," said a source.

This scotches all speculation that General Bikram Singh would be appointed as the permanent CoSC chairman once IAF chief Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne retires on December 31, paving the way for present integrated defence staff chief Lt-Gen Anil Chait to succeed him as the Army chief. This would derail the chances of Eastern Army commander Lt-Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag, who is slated as of now to replace Gen Bikram Singh when he retires on July 31 in the normal course of things.

It also confirms the TOI report on Wednesday that the CDS post will continue to remain in cold storage, where it has been kept despite being strongly recommended by the GoM report on `Reforming the national security system' in 2001 after the Kargil conflict.

Moreover, the government will also not appoint a permanent CoSC chairman, recommended by the 14-member Naresh Chandra Taskforce in its report submitted to PM Manmohan Singh in May 2012, in the run-up to the general elections early next year.

The existing CoSC comprises the Army, Navy and IAF chiefs, with the senior-most of them acting as the "rotational" chairman till he retires. A permanent chairman, with a fixed two-year tenure, would mean a fourth four-star general in the CoSC as the "first among equals".

A post like CDS, or even its watered-down version like a permanent CoSC chairman, is desperately needed to provide "single-point military advise" to the government, manage the nuclear arsenal and resolve inter-Service doctrinal, planning, procurement and operational issues.

But the politico-bureaucratic combine, both in the NDA and UPA regimes, has kept meaningful defence reforms on the backburner. Some quarters have even gone as far as to suggest — completely erroneously — that appointment of "an all-powerful general" could invite the possibility of a military coup.

The defence ministry has rejected all the crucial recommendations of Naresh Chandra Taskforce, in its comments submitted to the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) under the PMO, as first reported by TOI in June. After collating comments from all the ministries concerned, the NSCS is supposed to present a consolidated proposal to the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) for consideration.

As per the taskforce, the permanent CoSC chairman would also be an invitee to the CCS and NSC as well as head the proposed Special Forces Command. MoD, however, said only "certain ministers" were currently invited for CCS and NSC meetings. "There is no scope for the proposed CoSC chairman to be placed in this category," it said.

The MoD has also rejected the need for "cross-staffing", or the posting of military officers to MoD to bridge the civil-military disconnect, holding that there were institutional mechanisms in place to ensure "joint consultations" as well as provide "integrated advise" to the defence minister.

Govt rules out 'hasty decision' on Gen No.1 - The Times of India?
It's congresses monopoly until elections. After that no one will ask congress for a damn thing for at least a decade. Congress start counting your months, then days, then hours, then seconds to big danda awaiting. BJP will use the same CBI to throw you all in jail.
Looks like govt is again dragging its feet on the matter. Agreed it is a complicated matter and may take time, but PM had just a few days back indicated willingness to have such a post. (see this Post). This sort of U turn is pretty puzzling.
Don't count too much on a NDA led government taking an enlightened decision on this matter either, at least not in a hurry although we needed this like yesterday. Although I would hope that the dilly dallying, procrastination and indecisiveness shall be relatively less with such a NDA led government even in such a case. Strategic foresight and knowledge of affairs martial is something that no politician on either side has but perhaps the other lot will listen to the professionals (unlike the current pusillanimous dispensation) and their advise even if their own intellect is woefully inadequate to formulate the necessary policy.
Strategic foresight and knowledge of affairs martial is something that no politician on either side has but perhaps the other lot will listen to the professionals (unlike the current pusillanimous dispensation)

Yes i think the moot point is let the Professionals run the show. In a democracy, political leadership cannot be isolated from military leadership but greater autonomy and better decision making structure will go a long way in increasing the efficiency of organization.
Hope the issue hasn't gone on the back burner for long and a relatively quick decision will follow.
I just don't understand the constant conflicting messages that stream out of New Delhi- it seems no one is one the same page.

And this move was said to be politically feasible as it should find consensus across the political spectrum. I just can't understand what is to be gained politically by opposing a move that has the backing of the military and civilian leadership- it seems like nothing could be gained from this kind of procrastination. Has the UPA forgotten how to make an actual decision?
I just don't understand the constant conflicting messages that stream out of New Delhi- it seems no one is one the same page.

The move as and when taken is expected to only do good to Defence establishment. Under the circumstances why can't a consensus develop with Govt first is really beyond me.

Has the UPA forgotten how to make an actual decision?

It is a lame duck govt and can't expect them to take any significant decision now. I guess the onus will be on the next government but as we keep on repeating unless a clear vision and roadmap evolves, the issue will keep on dragging.
The move as and when taken is expected to only do good to Defence establishment. Under the circumstances why can't a consensus develop with Govt first is really beyond me.

Exactly, but then I guess that's where the crux of the issue is. This is a DEFENCE oriented s=measure and right now the POLITICIANS are only interested in promoting THEIR interests. Why devote attention and effort to pushing this through when it will bring with it 0 votes?

The talk about not wanting to make a "hasty" decision is all PR hot air and translates to they don't want to make a decision at all as it is not the convenient time for them.

This is the curse of politicians/democracies the world over, when votes are what you strive for things like this may fall by the wayside. The same could be said for the lack of a national war memorial in India- such a shameful, SHAMEFUL fact but that is where India is today. Despite the money being there, the consensus being there, there isn't the desire/hunger to get this pushed through as it doesn't benefit the politicians does it?

I'd love for there to be some sort of military covenant in India wherein the obligations a govt has to their military are laid out in black and white and this should/would include remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation (war memorial) and that a proper chain of command was in place above the fighting man and or woman (yes a little more vague but still).

You get the governments you deserve I guess. Until India matures a little more (give it a few more election cycles) this sh!t will keep happening.
Exactly, but then I guess that's where the crux of the issue is. This is a DEFENCE oriented s=measure and right now the POLITICIANS are only interested in promoting THEIR interests. Why devote attention and effort to pushing this through when it will bring with it 0 votes?

The talk about not wanting to make a "hasty" decision is all PR hot air and translates to they don't want to make a decision at all as it is not the convenient time for them.

This is the curse of politicians/democracies the world over, when votes are what you strive for things like this may fall by the wayside. The same could be said for the lack of a national war memorial in India- such a shameful, SHAMEFUL fact but that is where India is today. Despite the money being there, the consensus being there, there isn't the desire/hunger to get this pushed through as it doesn't benefit the politicians does it?

I'd love for there to be some sort of military covenant in India wherein the obligations a govt has to their military are laid out in black and white and this should/would include remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation (war memorial) and that a proper chain of command was in place above the fighting man and or woman (yes a little more vague but still).

You get the governments you deserve I guess. Until India matures a little more (give it a few more election cycles) this sh!t will keep happening.
1.5 to 2 decades - My estimate.

Based on literacy rate and urbanization rate of India for India to completely change its politics.
@Abingdonboy @Contrarian

Democratic setup is envisaged as the Rule of People. In my understanding it goes beyond that. A democratic setup should also have respect for the opinions and feelings of the society that elects it. Sadly in our country it has actually become petty Vote Bank manipulation exercise.
I'm really sick of seeing the same tainted leaders (some of them convicted too) contesting for the elections every time around. & what is more depressing is that rarely a person comes into fray to challenge this bunch of crooks.
Today if a person wants to enter politics, our general mindset is to think that he/she has a personal agenda. It becomes a sort of vicious circle that is sickening. Dum Ghuta hai.

A lot of people on this forum (me included) have high hopes from Narendra Modi if he gets elected to be next PM. while some of this arises out of anti-incumbency and utterly disappointing performance of current ruling coalition govt, i feel Modi's real challenge actually lies in cleaning the system and making our bureaucratic setup start working again.
There is sufficient energy in us as a nation to take it to greater heights and glory, what is required right now is someone who can actually motivate and channel this energy in right direction.
@Abingdonboy @Contrarian

Democratic setup is envisaged as the Rule of People. In my understanding it goes beyond that. A democratic setup should also have respect for the opinions and feelings of the society that elects it. Sadly in our country it has actually become petty Vote Bank manipulation exercise.
I'm really sick of seeing the same tainted leaders (some of them convicted too) contesting for the elections every time around. & what is more depressing is that rarely a person comes into fray to challenge this bunch of crooks.
Today if a person wants to enter politics, our general mindset is to think that he/she has a personal agenda. It becomes a sort of vicious circle that is sickening. Dum Ghuta hai.

A lot of people on this forum (me included) have high hopes from Narendra Modi if he gets elected to be next PM. while some of this arises out of anti-incumbency and utterly disappointing performance of current ruling coalition govt, i feel Modi's real challenge actually lies in cleaning the system and making our bureaucratic setup start working again.
There is sufficient energy in us as a nation to take it to greater heights and glory, what is required right now is someone who can actually motivate and channel this energy in right direction.
What makes you think Modi will so any of this?
What makes you think Modi will so any of this?

Don't know. I'm even not sure if the new experiment is going to work. But then i ask myself again what choice do i have.
I see it this way, let Modi have his chance, if the man can do a small fraction of what he promises, we'll get out of the mess the country finds itself in. If not we may have to wait for something more radical.
Don't know. I'm even not sure if the new experiment is going to work. But then i ask myself again what choice do i have.
I see it this way, let Modi have his chance, if the man can do a small fraction of what he promises, we'll get out of the mess the country finds itself in. If not we may have to wait for something more radical.
To be fair I see it in a similar way. Change is a good thing in polticics/government.
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