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Google 'gives' Azad Kashmir to Pak again!

Google can show P-oK as part of Sri Lanka for all I care. As if that is going to change the ground reality in any which way.
This is BS. Why are we blaming Google? Why should they show some territory which is not in Indian control as an Indian territory

Finally some sense. :yahoo:

Best comment:yahoo:
Abhi (Delhi)
18 Aug, 2010 02:42 PM
I'm sorry, when was the last time India had control over ***? Why do we Indians only complain? Can't we just be realistic enough to accept the fact that *** is controlled by Pakistan and will never be a part of India? Further, it is not only Google but tonnes of websites all over the world that show *** as Pakistan!

Funniest comment:rofl:
Lavesh (India)
18 Aug, 2010 02:48 PM
Google should be hanged... We should start using other search engines like msn, bingo.. we hate google.. Indian government must ensure no trial, only death sentance. Terminate google from India...

Seems like half of the India is :lazy:

Even if Google officially claims that "Hey Pakistanis, we're going to gift you the Indian state of Kashmir with roses" They still can only do that: keep talking and showing. Neither can they diplomatically do anything about it nor militarily. If they cross the invisible line, they might as well have to taste what they almost tasted a few months back in China.

The rule for Google is: Don't meddle in our internal affairs or it will cost you dearly. So to appease Pakistanis they talk like this while their boss Obama to please Indians, tell you to "do more". :lol:

Clearly you have lost it completely............:lol:

Well one thing is clear in all this issue. Indian media is pathetic.


Nothing new. 10 Qadam Pakistan Khatam :sniper:
Now that's hilarious. Empty seats. :D.... They always remain empty than until the end of Indian rule in IOK.

or until the end of Pakistan rule in P-O-K
I remember watching a program related to India on CCTV.they showed India map with Askai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh with dotted lines i.e indicating disputed territory.If the Chinese can do it.Why isn't Google doing the same and avoid all this. Google so bent upon making itself unpopular here.First China now us.
India i hell bent to name Azad Kashmir as ***
For this my friends you'll have to pass a resolution in Pakistan National Assembly and feed couple of corrupt politicians in $$ to approve it :D

But for that you should be PAkistani citizen..lol

Bottom Line: You can satisfy your egos but the fact remains our side of Kashmir is AZAAD :smokin:
Unlike Baluchistan and Sindh. lol.

Why are you dragging other states. If you wish we can be static to J&K.

Sindh and Balochistan are part of Pakistan and they signed to be part of Pakistan in 1947 agreed or not, I can't impose things but this is fact and as a Sindhi Baloch by cast (may be a new thing for you) living in Balochistan I know what you have done in Sindh for destablizing Pakistan and what you are doing in Balochistan, paying young jobless boys to fight against sarkar and killing innocent people. The name of our province (sindh) in you national anthem shows that how you believe in akhand bahar.

I respect the map and in favor of solving problems at the table.

I am not in favour of showing Indian OCCUPIED Kashmir in Pakistan map untill they get Azadi from India.
Google can show P-oK as part of Sri Lanka for all I care. As if that is going to change the ground reality in any which way.



Interesting. A new take on a fire spewing dragon.

Google is a freaking Internet Company from California for crying out loud. People take these things far too seriously.

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