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Goodbye China: Chinese manufacturers follow multinationals out the door

I don’t except any censorship. Don’t be rediculous bro! The only authority that can is @Dubious and other Mod s here.
Okay, if u keep posting nonsense wt other troller that not related to the thread and I will report u to mod for spamming and bumping.

U r not Vnese.u r German. Stop spamming abt VN wt other trollers


Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again or nonsensical posts that have no substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users. Bumping posts in order to keep them near the top of the list is also prohibited. Posts of this nature are not conducive to community spirit and are unwelcome.
Okay, if u keep posting nonsense wt other troller that not related to the thread and I will report u to mod for spamming and bumping.

U r not Vnese.u r German. Stop spamming abt VN wt other trollers


Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again or nonsensical posts that have no substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users. Bumping posts in order to keep them near the top of the list is also prohibited. Posts of this nature are not conducive to community spirit and are unwelcome.
I am Vietnamese. You don’t even show Vietnamese flag in your profile.

You troll too much. It’s not funny anymore.
India is the only country which can match the level of mass production compared to China. I urge all western countries to move your manufacturing to India. We're all democracies and friendly to each other.
Just look at HK protest, then we all know 2023 CN chaos is inevitable.

If Xi do Nothing to stop HK protest to keep good relationship wt EU, then HK soon will spread the protest to Beijing.

If Xi use forces to put down HK protest, then EU will sanction CN and no one will buy CN products.

CN GDP will drop back to merely 1,000usd/year when losing EU market :lol:
Highly doubt it
The police in Hongkong will be facilitated without direct intervention by China
I dont see any direct action except for tough words
India is the only country which can match the level of mass production compared to China. I urge all western countries to move your manufacturing to India. We're all democracies and friendly to each other.
Samsung has the largest smartphone factory in India. In fact you are the direct competitor to Vietnam in manufacturing.
Highly doubt it
The police in Hongkong will be facilitated without direct intervention by China
I dont see any direct action except for tough words

2023 CN bro :cool:
5 million Cnese lost job due to trade war, more millions Cnese will lose job when trade war getting worse and they r very disapointed to incompetent Beijing govt now cos they have no jobs, no salary and can not pay back housing loan now.

Millions jobless Cnese r as dangerous as the Tienanmen protestors in 1989 cos they have Nothing to lose. So, if Xi can not put down HK protest, then it soon will spread to Tienanmen again.:cool:

India is the only country which can match the level of mass production compared to China. I urge all western countries to move your manufacturing to India. We're all democracies and friendly to each other.
VN is trying to lower the trade deficit wt US, so its good that more companies will shift from CN to India.

We can not manufacturing too much..or US will tariff VN,too .
Millions jobless Cnese r as dangerous as the Tienanmen protestors in 1989 cos they have Nothing to lose. So, if Xi can not put down HK protest, then it soon will spread to Tienanmen again.:cool:
He is willing to let HK boil but he will be tough on mainland dissent as this is the worse time to be tough on HK
. ... Buying some weapons here and there doesn’t make any army strong. More like a rich kid with money who thinks he is the biggest hero in kindergarten.

We are off topic sis
Saudi Arabia vs Yemen
Saudi Arabia vs Yemen
Good reference
See how a hightech army as Saudi (plus the companion UAE) performs against Yemen. Embarrassing is an understatement.

But according to Indo and other nations’ posters, when clash between two armies, the army with more money always wins.
5 million Cnese lost job due to trade war, more millions Cnese will lose job when trade war getting worse and they r very disapointed to incompetent Beijing govt now cos they have no jobs, no salary and can not pay back housing loan now.

Millions jobless Cnese r as dangerous as the Tienanmen protestors in 1989 cos they have Nothing to lose. So, if Xi can not put down HK protest, then it soon will spread to Tienanmen again.:cool:

Nearly 102 Million Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now – Worse Than At Any Point During The Last Recession

Also let me remind everyone that all of these Americans can legally buy guns, ammo, and high capacity magazines. Has anyone seen a single gun in Hong Kong protest so far?:usflag:
Nearly 102 Million Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now – Worse Than At Any Point During The Last Recession

Also let me remind everyone that all of these Americans can legally buy guns, ammo, and high capacity magazines. Has anyone seen a single gun in Hong Kong protest so far?:usflag:
Thats why one 1 u CN or US will collapse.agree wt me now ??

If not, then why US wt 102 million jobless ppl will not collapse ??:cool:

He is willing to let HK boil but he will be tough on mainland dissent as this is the worse time to be tough on HK
tough on mainland dissent mean more sanction from EU-US and CN economy will get worse even faster.

Let me remind u that CN is very weak now, they cant even force VN to remove our oil rig placing Inside CN nine dash line claims in SCS ( east VN sea), a CN core interest,( before trade war happen, we could not do that cos the number of CN guard ships r triple than VN's one. Now, VN ships r at least double CN ships in the conflict zone )
Nearly 102 Million Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now – Worse Than At Any Point During The Last Recession

Also let me remind everyone that all of these Americans can legally buy guns, ammo, and high capacity magazines. Has anyone seen a single gun in Hong Kong protest so far?:usflag:

The 102 millions included the "unemployable", which generally mean people who are too young, usually <12 as child labour law prohibit them to work, people who are too old to work or has reached retirement age, or people who are disable. Actually the whole America capable workforce is less than that number, I think the whole workable population is about 85 millions.

If you have read the article, it mentioned the unemployed (vs unemployable) is only 6.2 millions strong.

By the way, that 102 millions without job is calculated based on the last American census

Age 0-4 - 20.2 millions
Age 5-9 - 20.3 millions
Age 10-14 - 20.6 millions
Age 65-69 -12.4 millions
Age 70-74 - 9.2 millions
Age 75-79 - 7.3 millions
Age 80-84 - 5.7 millions
Age 85+ - 5.4 millions
Unemployed Population - 6.2 millions
Together you will get around 106 millions American without a job.

If you have to use this scale to count, US would have near 102 millions do not have a job right now, but then China would have 600 millions people without job right now, as Chinese labour force is only at 890 millions.
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The 102 millions included the "unemployable", which generally mean people who are too young, usually <12 as child labour law prohibit them to work, people who are too old to work or has reached retirement age, or people who are disable. Actually the whole America capable workforce is less than that number, I think the whole workable population is about 85 millions.

If you have read the article, it mentioned the unemployed (vs unemployable) is only 6.5 millions strong.

If US have near 102 millions do not have a job right now, then China would have 600 millions people without job right now, as Chinese labour force is only at 890 millions.
At least SCMP admit that 280 million migrant Cnese workers can not have a stable jobs.

So, if CN jobless rate include migrant workers, then there r abt 285 million Cnese lost job due to trade war :cool:



Global Economy
China’s migrant workers worried by dwindling jobs, low pay, as US trade war impact runs deep

  • China has some 280 million migrant workers, but factories are downsizing, cutting overtime and even relocating overseas
  • Mood of factory workers underlines outlook from purchasing managers' index and export order as Trump administration tariffs hit orders
Topic | China economy

He Huifeng

Published: 7:00pm, 21 Jun, 2019

Updated: 11:21pm, 21 Jun, 2019

On a normal Wednesday afternoon, a migrant worker in his mid-20s from Hubei province is deciding which shirt to buy from a budget shop next to a large electronics factories in Dongguan, one of China’s most prosperous manufacturing cities located in the southern province of Guangdong.

Li Zhong opts for a white shirt costing 79 yuan (US$11.5), changing out of the brown T-shirt he arrived in at the shop, with the hope that his new purchase will make him stand out from the crowd during his interview for the production line job on offer at the Hong Kong-invested factory.

“I think I look smarter and will make a good impression on the interviewer. This is a large foreign-funded factory with good room and board benefits as well as proper social insurance and housing payments. I heard that the monthly salary could be 4,500 yuan (US$655) [per month] or more, and the overtime hours are a stable two to three hours a day. Now, it is not easy to find a factory job with such conditions.” Li said.

Li’s situation is echoed by other migrant workers in Dongguan, with working conditions in China’s export industries deteriorating due to the trade war with the United States.


Factories are increasingly relying on temporary workers or dispatched labour, who come from labour agencies and do not have a contract with the factory itself.

The well-being of workers like Li is a cause for concern for China’s decision makers and the risks of mass unemployment are at the top of the agenda for Beijing as there are growing signs of job market stress in places and sectors affected by the trade war with the United States. China’s official jobless data paints a stable employment picture, although it generally does not include migrant workers.

The 102 millions included the "unemployable", which generally mean people who are too young, usually <12 as child labour law prohibit them to work, people who are too old to work or has reached retirement age, or people who are disable. Actually the whole America capable workforce is less than that number, I think the whole workable population is about 85 millions.

If you have read the article, it mentioned the unemployed (vs unemployable) is only 6.2 millions strong.

By the way, that 102 millions without job is calculated based on the last American census

Age 0-4 - 20.2 millions
Age 5-9 - 20.3 millions
Age 10-14 - 20.6 millions
Age 65-69 -12.4 millions
Age 70-74 - 9.2 millions
Age 75-79 - 7.3 millions
Age 80-84 - 5.7 millions
Age 85+ - 5.4 millions
Unemployed Population - 6.2 millions
Together you will get around 106 millions American without a job.

If you have to use this scale to count, US would have near 102 millions do not have a job right now, but then China would have 600 millions people without job right now, as Chinese labour force is only at 890 millions.

Here's the breakdown of the 95 million Americans who weren't working, according to the latest figures from the Atlanta Federal Reserve, which conducted a review based on figures through September:

-- 94.6 million people above the age of 16 were out of the workforce.

Of those:

-- 44.5 million were retired.

-- 14.5 million were in school or job training.

-- 12.8 million were taking care of a loved one.

-- 15.3 million weren't working because of an illness or disability.

In all, of the 94.6 million not working, 87.1 million were retired, in school, taking care of a loved one or physically unable to work.

That leaves 7.5 million people. What about them?

Of those, 1.6 million had looked for a job in the past year or wanted a job but had given up searching for more than a year. And 5.9 million workers listed "other" as a reason for not wanting or having a job. We don't know much about these workers.

Here's the breakdown of the 95 million Americans who weren't working, according to the latest figures from the Atlanta Federal Reserve, which conducted a review based on figures through September:

-- 94.6 million people above the age of 16 were out of the workforce.

Of those:

-- 44.5 million were retired.

-- 14.5 million were in school or job training.

-- 12.8 million were taking care of a loved one.

-- 15.3 million weren't working because of an illness or disability.

In all, of the 94.6 million not working, 87.1 million were retired, in school, taking care of a loved one or physically unable to work.

That leaves 7.5 million people. What about them?

Of those, 1.6 million had looked for a job in the past year or wanted a job but had given up searching for more than a year. And 5.9 million workers listed "other" as a reason for not wanting or having a job. We don't know much about these workers.


So, what's your point? 7.5 millions out of the entire workforce of is still not a bad number, also you need to know how these number were defined to begin with, because most people do not start working at 16, most of them start flipping burger at 14 or even younger.

Also, the "Definition" of being unemployed is another issue, some counted people who were working multiple casual employment are "out of permanent job", how about single parent? How about recent layoff? How about Prison Population? How about people who went abroad for any reason other than study and training? Those are the number in the middle and somehow get into the crack.

I am just pointing out the fact that you use the figure "Out of work" to put into prospective is wrong, out of work can mean a lot of thing. Even the term "Unemployment" is very hard to define. Even That is the reason why you post one article and saying 102 millions American without a job and 6.2 millions people were unemployed, and then the other saying 95 millions people without a job and 7.5 millions people unemployed.

And so I say again, what's your point?
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