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Good Reads: America's decline, China's rise, the way forward

where do you reckon America is standing````and dont blame others to give assertion on U.S, because I can also say "those who say China is a dictatorship have no idea what they are talking about"

this Obama won't last another term my bold guess.

he's way worse than those technocrats leaders in Beijing.
sometimes national pride play odds against you.

In Vietnam's case it has border or sea disputes with China and some of them even were recognized recent years more by politicians . Let's just imagine as a third party if the two has no disputes Vietnam can be one of the closest neighbor of China and will take over all industries overflow. Vietnam certainly will be the next tiger with even better per capital income than China. The integration will emerge and a super speed rail-link will just connect Hong Kong and Singapore through which Vietnam certainly benefit the most ....

but reality is hard to digest it give us all a nice clue to think of our present and future.

I wish all to this comes true. Hope that both countries can reach a peaceful accord on the negotiation table. Both sides are required to make compromise.

You know, Vietnam is keen to keep its independence from China. To come again under Chinese rule is something, what the Vietnamese fear most. Thus it is willing to pay a high price for this goal. The last thing what VN wants is another war with China. Even if VN wins the next armed confrontation, China will seek revenge, and the history will repeat. With every war, Vietnam economy will be set back for at least a decade.

That´s not fair that Vietnam has to face China in terms of military. The unbalance is huge.
Unlike China, all of its other neighbors in the West do not really pose a threat to VN. The Vietnamese Army could march through and stop at Indian border, where we can shake hand with the Indian Army.

Like president Obama said "those who say america is declining have no idea what they are talking about."

his saying that was an admission

People living in America dont see it because its a slow decline. I went to America after 8 years and I saw the difference day and night!!!
his saying that was an admission

People living in America dont see it because its a slow decline. I went to America after 8 years and I saw the difference day and night!!!

Could you please explain that comment a little bit further?
American Primacy is dependent on it's role in the Middle East and use of dollar in the Oil Trade. Only Recently, Russia and to some extent china are aggressively trying to enter in to a Proxy confrontation to assert their Power in the International Politics. This Phenomenon can be observed in Syrian Conflict and Libyan Civil War. So far, Middle East Policy of US has been robust and hardly leaves any room for Russia or China in the foreseeable future.

From a Private Blog:

The rest of the world, which is Africa, India, South East Asia and Latin America seem to be less interested in taking sides for now. A Polarised world, which the challengers to American Primacy seek, isn't going materialise any time soon. The maturity of the Eastern allies of America, namely Japan, South Korea and Philippines is helping US to avoid any direct confrontation with China or Russia.
Nobody is stoping China to import oil... Do you think you?
But we can, most of china oil tankers from Middle east to china must pass throught our EEZ in SCS(east sea), when wear happen, we just simply sink all china tanker in SCS(east sea) and even Malacca. china's economy will collapse within a month.

We're control all important part of SCS(east sea) now, china's presence there is insignificant .

But we can, most of china oil tankers from Middle east to china must pass throught our EEZ in SCS(east sea), when wear happen, we just simply sink all china tanker in SCS(east sea) and even Malacca. china's economy will collapse within a month.

We're control all important part of SCS(east sea) now, china's present there is insignificant .

bravado. do you also realize when that happens most of your land area already in the hands of PLA? that's presuming China will not mobilized its navy. yeah you can claim your people will conduct guerrilla war, but what's the benefit of taking those tanks down in the first place.

you are clueless and don't spam the forum with such garbage.
But we can, most of china oil tankers from Middle east to china must pass throught our EEZ in SCS(east sea), when wear happen, we just simply sink all china tanker in SCS(east sea) and even Malacca. china's economy will collapse within a month.

We're control all important part of SCS(east sea) now, china's present there is insignificant .

that time you will be a part of mainland China.
But we can, most of china oil tankers from Middle east to china must pass throught our EEZ in SCS(east sea), when wear happen, we just simply sink all china tanker in SCS(east sea) and even Malacca. china's economy will collapse within a month.
this monkey thinks China is insignificant```lol, even we are not world power, but more than enough to deal with zoo residents
bravado. do you also realize when that happens most of your land area already in the hands of PLA? that's presuming China will not mobilized its navy. yeah you can claim your people will conduct guerrilla war, but what's the benefit of taking those tanks down in the first place.

you are clueless and don't spam the forum with such garbage.
The Truth is that most of your land area already in the hands of PLA-USA and India , do you realise that you can't protect your country aganst India-US's drone ??

that time you will be a part of mainland China.
Once day, China will joint with India-US for her own benefit to do some bad thing to you . You trust china , then you will die in china's hand :coffee:.....

Every one can see that china gains No benefit from making friend with you, once day, she will levave you high and dry, that the Truth:coffee:
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