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Going Cold Turkey On Religion


May 18, 2011
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Countless pieces of literature armed with historical facts and sporting the subtlety of a 200 pound gorilla brace you for a damning revelation ; When you kneel down in prayer,chances are high that you are probably talking to yourself.

But what they don't prepare you for when you jump off the cliff called religion is that eventually you will hit rock bottom and spatter on the swamps of nihilism. The quaint smugness of quoting Dawkins or other New Atheists has a half-life proportionate to the length of the conversation, but I reckon the vacuum felt as a result of loss of spirituality is for life.

So,I don't believe but now what ? Is there an afterlife after Atheism ? How does one find successful spiritual nourishment in it's wake ?

Find a cause not already hijacked by the Clooneys and Jolies to assert my individuality?

Fitness perhaps ? My body is a temple cuz oddly enough, I do not believe in the sanctity of temples.

Solace in solipsism ?

Or does Pascal's wager trump all ? Believe for the sake of believing and who knows you just might have bought the lucky ticket.

Or does one simply ward away these silly notions in the hopes they wouldn't return and get back up on Nietzsche's intellectual shoulder ?

Just random thoughts coursing through my membrane. Don't bother replying if you can't relate.
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