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Godfather of Hindutwa, Ideal of RSS, Sarvarkar's Mercy Petitions to British Victoria Matha


Nov 29, 2020
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BJP; the political appendage of the RSS on October 15, 2019 released its manifesto for the Maharashtra Assembly elections. Apart from making miscellaneous promises it made a specific promise to the Maharashtra voters that BJP would secure Bharat Ratna, the highest national honour for the Hindutva icon, 'Veer' Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and two of the greatest thinkers and warriors of anti-Brahmanical Dalit resurgence, Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule.


It is interesting that no such promise which has national ramifications was made in Haryana which also goes to the polls with Maharashtra.

This promise made by the Maharashtra state BJP is shocking for two major reasons. Firstly, Savarkar cannot be honoured as a national hero given the legacy he finally leaves behind. He did start as a fighter for an all inclusive India but ended as a British stooge both ideologically and action wise. He propounded the concept of Hindutva which was synonymous with Casteism, subjugation to the British and Hindu separatism. Secondly, to tag Phules with Savarkar is a huge insult to the former who lived and died for a Caste-free and egalitarian society.

Bharat Ratna to Savarkar amounts to denigration of Indian Matryrs of the Freedom Struggle

(1) This 'Veer' (brave) icon wrote not one or two mercy petitions but six mercy petitions (1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918 and 1920) to the British masters begging forgiveness for his revolutionary past.

A perusal of parts of the two mercy petitions will prove to what lower depths this 'Veer' consigned himself before the British rulers.
The 1913 petition ended with the following words:
"I am ready to serve the Government in any capacity they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so I hope my future conduct would be. By keeping me in jail nothing can be got in comparison to what would be otherwise. The Mighty alone can afford to be merciful and therefore where else can the prodigal son return but to the parental doors of the Government? Hoping your Honour will kindly take into notion these points."

His mercy petition of 1920 was also a comprehensive one which offered total surrender. It submitted:
"Whether you believe it or not, I am sincere in expressing my earnest intention of treading the constitutional path and trying my humble best to render the hands of the British dominion a bond of love and respect and of mutual help. Such an Empire, as is foreshadowed in the Proclamation, wins my hearty adherence. For verily I hate no race or creed or people simply because they are not Indians!"
He went on to promise that
"if the Government wants a further security from me then I and my brother are perfectly willing to give a pledge of not participating in politics for a definite and reasonable period that the Government would indicate...of remaining in a particular province or reporting our movements to the police for a definite period after our release - any such reasonable conditions meant genuinely to ensure the safety of the State would be gladly accepted by me and my brother… The brilliant prospects of my early life all but too soon blighted, have constituted so painful a source of regret to me that a release would be a new birth and would touch my heart, sensitive and submissive, to kindness so deeply as to render me personally attached and politically useful in future. For often magnanimity wins even where might fails.

Nothing Wrong in a writing mercy petitions

It is true that there was nothing wrong on part of the Cellular Jail detainees in writing petitions to the British officials. It was, in fact, an important legal right available to the prisoners. There were other revolutionaries in the Cellular Jail who, too, wrote petitions to the British Government. Apart from Savarkar, Hrishi Kesh Kanjilal, Barindra Kumar Ghose and Nand Gopal also wrote petitions. However, these were only Savarkar and Barindra Ghose (Aurobindo Ghose’s brother) who pleaded to renounce their revolutionary past in order to secure personal freedom.

Tilak who was serving a six year term (1908-1914) at Mandalay Jail (then in Burma) also wrote two mercy petitions (February 12, 1912 and August 5, 1912) but instead of seeking forgiveness for his seditious acts simply made the following identical request:
"That as a matter of grace the petitioner now seeks to obtain HisMajesty's merciful consideration of his case. He has undergone 2/3rds, or four out of six years' term of his sentence, is now 56 years old, and is suffering for a long time from chronic diabetes; while his family affairs have been brought to a sad crisis by a heavy bereavement which he has recently suffered...The petitioner, therefore, humbly and loyally prays that His Majesty may be graciously pleased to grant…the unexpired portion of the petitioner's sentence may be remitted by pardon or a remission…"

The total surrender to the British masters bore results. The two life time sentences of 50 years at the Cellular Jail accorded to asavarkar, were reduced to less than 13 years. He spent less than 10 years at the Cellular Jail. Moreover, despite a ban on his political activities he was allowed to organize the Hindu Mahasabha, developments which succeeded in fracturing the more inclusive freedom struggle. He was the only beneficiary of such large-heartedness of the British masters in the history of the Cellular Jail!
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BJP; the political appendage of the RSS on October 15, 2019 released its manifesto for the Maharashtra Assembly elections. Apart from making miscellaneous promises it made a specific promise to the Maharashtra voters that BJP would secure Bharat Ratna, the highest national honour for the Hindutva icon, 'Veer' Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and two of the greatest thinkers and warriors of anti-Brahmanical Dalit resurgence, Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule.


It is interesting that no such promise which has national ramifications was made in Haryana which also goes to the polls with Maharashtra.

This promise made by the Maharashtra state BJP is shocking for two major reasons. Firstly, Savarkar cannot be honoured as a national hero given the legacy he finally leaves behind. He did start as a fighter for an all inclusive India but ended as a British stooge both ideologically and action wise. He propounded the concept of Hindutva which was synonymous with Casteism, subjugation to the British and Hindu separatism. Secondly, to tag Phules with Savarkar is a huge insult to the former who lived and died for a Caste-free and egalitarian society.

Bharat Ratna to Savarkar amounts to denigration of Indian Matryrs of the Freedom Struggle

(1) This 'Veer' (brave) icon wrote not one or two mercy petitions but six mercy petitions (1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918 and 1920) to the British masters begging forgiveness for his revolutionary past.

A perusal of parts of the two mercy petitions will prove to what lower depths this 'Veer' consigned himself before the British rulers.
The 1913 petition ended with the following words:

His mercy petition of 1920 was also a comprehensive one which offered total surrender. It submitted:

He went on to promise that

Nothing Wrong in a writing mercy petitions

It is true that there was nothing wrong on part of the Cellular Jail detainees in writing petitions to the British officials. It was, in fact, an important legal right available to the prisoners. There were other revolutionaries in the Cellular Jail who, too, wrote petitions to the British Government. Apart from Savarkar, Hrishi Kesh Kanjilal, Barindra Kumar Ghose and Nand Gopal also wrote petitions. However, these were only Savarkar and Barindra Ghose (Aurobindo Ghose’s brother) who pleaded to renounce their revolutionary past in order to secure personal freedom.

Tilak who was serving a six year term (1908-1914) at Mandalay Jail (then in Burma) also wrote two mercy petitions (February 12, 1912 and August 5, 1912) but instead of seeking forgiveness for his seditious acts simply made the following identical request:

The total surrender to the British masters bore results. The two life time sentences of 50 years at the Cellular Jail accorded to asavarkar, were reduced to less than 13 years. He spent less than 10 years at the Cellular Jail. Moreover, despite a ban on his political activities he was allowed to organize the Hindu Mahasabha, developments which succeeded in fracturing the more inclusive freedom struggle. He was the only beneficiary of such large-heartedness of the British masters in the history of the Cellular Jail!
What a ret*rded thread full of innuendos and half truths.
Sachindra Nath Sanyal wrote similar petition, came out of Cellular Jail, did Kakori and was sent to jailed again. Such petitions were a norm, a tool to get out of jail. A lot of people came out, and continued to fight British.
He was against Casteism.
Hindu Mahasabha was founded when Savarkar was in jail.
Can't expect anything much from people who are confused with their own identity.
What a ret*rded thread full of innuendos and half truths.
Sachindra Nath Sanyal wrote similar petition, came out of Cellular Jail, did Kakori and was sent to jailed again. Such petitions were a norm, a tool to get out of jail. A lot of people came out, and continued to fight British.

You did not read the OP. The OP states such petitions were normal, but Savarkar was one of only 2 men who renounced their revolutionary past in the petitions and furthermore in his petition he offered to be "politically useful" (Savarkar's own words) to the colonial government if released. After his release his writings had an interesting change, from one of "Indian struggle for freedom from colonialism" to "Hindu struggle against Muslims". He never again wrote anything against the British.
You did not read the OP. The OP states such petitions were normal, but Savarkar was one of only 2 men who renounced their revolutionary past in the petitions and furthermore in his petition he offered to be "politically useful" (Savarkar's own words) to the colonial government if released. After his release his writings had an interesting change, from one of "Indian struggle for freedom from colonialism" to "Hindu struggle against Muslims". He never again wrote anything against the British.
That's pure rubbish. Do you have a working brain? You mean all others were let out WITHOUT renouncing their revolutionary activities? :rofl:
Sachindra Nath Sanyal clearly mentions in his memoir that his petition was IDENTICAL to Savarkar's.
He never wrote anything against British again because he was confined to Ratnagiri for next 13 years under strict surveillance and barred from any political activity!
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BJP; the political appendage of the RSS on October 15, 2019 released its manifesto for the Maharashtra Assembly elections. Apart from making miscellaneous promises it made a specific promise to the Maharashtra voters that BJP would secure Bharat Ratna, the highest national honour for the Hindutva icon, 'Veer' Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and two of the greatest thinkers and warriors of anti-Brahmanical Dalit resurgence, Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule.


It is interesting that no such promise which has national ramifications was made in Haryana which also goes to the polls with Maharashtra.

This promise made by the Maharashtra state BJP is shocking for two major reasons. Firstly, Savarkar cannot be honoured as a national hero given the legacy he finally leaves behind. He did start as a fighter for an all inclusive India but ended as a British stooge both ideologically and action wise. He propounded the concept of Hindutva which was synonymous with Casteism, subjugation to the British and Hindu separatism. Secondly, to tag Phules with Savarkar is a huge insult to the former who lived and died for a Caste-free and egalitarian society.

Bharat Ratna to Savarkar amounts to denigration of Indian Matryrs of the Freedom Struggle

(1) This 'Veer' (brave) icon wrote not one or two mercy petitions but six mercy petitions (1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918 and 1920) to the British masters begging forgiveness for his revolutionary past.

A perusal of parts of the two mercy petitions will prove to what lower depths this 'Veer' consigned himself before the British rulers.
The 1913 petition ended with the following words:

His mercy petition of 1920 was also a comprehensive one which offered total surrender. It submitted:

He went on to promise that

Nothing Wrong in a writing mercy petitions

It is true that there was nothing wrong on part of the Cellular Jail detainees in writing petitions to the British officials. It was, in fact, an important legal right available to the prisoners. There were other revolutionaries in the Cellular Jail who, too, wrote petitions to the British Government. Apart from Savarkar, Hrishi Kesh Kanjilal, Barindra Kumar Ghose and Nand Gopal also wrote petitions. However, these were only Savarkar and Barindra Ghose (Aurobindo Ghose’s brother) who pleaded to renounce their revolutionary past in order to secure personal freedom.

Tilak who was serving a six year term (1908-1914) at Mandalay Jail (then in Burma) also wrote two mercy petitions (February 12, 1912 and August 5, 1912) but instead of seeking forgiveness for his seditious acts simply made the following identical request:

The total surrender to the British masters bore results. The two life time sentences of 50 years at the Cellular Jail accorded to asavarkar, were reduced to less than 13 years. He spent less than 10 years at the Cellular Jail. Moreover, despite a ban on his political activities he was allowed to organize the Hindu Mahasabha, developments which succeeded in fracturing the more inclusive freedom struggle. He was the only beneficiary of such large-heartedness of the British masters in the history of the Cellular Jail!
When this guy returned from Kalapani, only then he really pushed for Hindutva. Attacks against Muslims increased, and majority of Indian Muslims, who never took jinnah or Muslim league seriously really began to think that what Jinnah is saying has really some basis.
Real founder of Pakistan is this guy. And RSS today is following his footsteps.
I think western world has again decided to disintegrate India.
That's pure rubbish. Do you have a working brain? You mean all others were let out WITHOUT renouncing their revolutionary activities?

Ok smartass show me an example where others renounced their revolutionary activities and agreed to be politically useful to British. Should be easy to find right if everyone did that? Not going to take your word for it.

He never wrote anything against British again because he was confined to Ratnagiri for next 13 years under strict surveillance and barred from any political activity!

You must be thick. We're talking about activities after release. What part of 'after release' you don't understand?

I rest my case.
They in power now. The benefits of power they are free too loot country.
You must be thick. We're talking about activities after release. What part of 'after release' you don't understand?

I rest my case.
He was confined to Ratnagiri AFTER RELEASE.
Yes, it's better you rest your "case" and stop embarassing yourself.
He was confined to Ratnagiri AFTER RELEASE.
Yes, it's better you rest your "case" and stop embarassing yourself.

He was released from Ratnagiri Jail in 1922 and started writing Hindutva crap right away, never to write against British since then.

Clearly you dont understand what release means. Anyone trying to reason with you Hindutva mob has my sympathies.
He was released from Ratnagiri Jail in 1922 and started writing Hindutva crap right away, never to write against British since then.

Clearly you dont understand what release means. Anyone trying to reason with you Hindutva mob has my sympathies.
Why don't you rest your uneducated ignorant "case"?
He was confined to Ratnagiri DISTRICT under strict surveillance till 1937.
Real founder of Pakistan is this guy. And RSS today is following his footsteps.

Actually yes. The Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said this last year :
Speaking at the session 'Shashi on Shashi' with Micheal Dwyer on Day 2 of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), Mr Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva movement started by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar categorically rejected the Constitution.

He said that for Savarkar, a Hindu was one for whom India was his fatherland and holy land. Muslims and Christians were not considered in this.

"Savarkar, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar and Deen Dyal Upadhay rejected the constitution and in fact agreed with the Muslims that religion should determine nationhood. In the historical sense, the first advocate of the two-nation theory was actually Savarkar, who as the head of the Hindu Mahasabha called upon India to recognise Hindus and Muslims as part of two separate nations three years before the Pakistan Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940," he said.

Mr Tharoor further said that according to them, the Constitution was full of imported ideas written in the wrong language - English.

"Another flaw they pointed out was that it assumes that the nation of India is a territory and it's (constitution) written for all the people on the territory. Nation is not a territory but its people and the people of India are only Hindus," he said.
Why don't you rest your uneducated ignorant "case"?
He was confined to Ratnagiri DISTRICT under strict surveillance till 1937.

You mean, after release from jail, for the rest of his life he had to write within limits set by British surveillance and supervision? That’s the whole point of the OP isn’t it?

His first book after release was “Essentials of Hindutva”. You don't find it odd that a man spending years under torture by white Christian suddenly finds an enemy in the brown Muslim right upon release? That’s the most unexpected prison based transformation for a man incarcerated by colonial rulers.
You mean, after release from jail, for the rest of his life he had to write within limits set by British surveillance and supervision? That’s the whole point of the OP isn’t it?
Yes, and no that's not the "point of OP". So "useful" to British he was that he was under strict surveillance 13 years after his incarceration.

His first book after release was “Essentials of Hindutva”. You don't find it odd that a man spending years under torture by white Christian suddenly finds an enemy in the brown Muslim right upon release? That’s the most unexpected prison based transformation for a man incarcerated by colonial rulers.
No, I don't find anything odd, and I don't feel the need to explain the reason to someone who doesn't even know when Savarkar was released from jail!
Actually yes. The Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said this last year :
It's like somebody said exactly what was in my mind. I was a Fan of Mr taroor. Today he proved me right.
The real dividers of India were RSS guys. Today they blame it on Muslims, but majority of Muslims never wanted Pakistan till these haramis really pushed us to do so.
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BJP; the political appendage of the RSS on October 15, 2019 released its manifesto for the Maharashtra Assembly elections. Apart from making miscellaneous promises it made a specific promise to the Maharashtra voters that BJP would secure Bharat Ratna, the highest national honour for the Hindutva icon, 'Veer' Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and two of the greatest thinkers and warriors of anti-Brahmanical Dalit resurgence, Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule.


It is interesting that no such promise which has national ramifications was made in Haryana which also goes to the polls with Maharashtra.

This promise made by the Maharashtra state BJP is shocking for two major reasons. Firstly, Savarkar cannot be honoured as a national hero given the legacy he finally leaves behind. He did start as a fighter for an all inclusive India but ended as a British stooge both ideologically and action wise. He propounded the concept of Hindutva which was synonymous with Casteism, subjugation to the British and Hindu separatism. Secondly, to tag Phules with Savarkar is a huge insult to the former who lived and died for a Caste-free and egalitarian society.

Bharat Ratna to Savarkar amounts to denigration of Indian Matryrs of the Freedom Struggle

(1) This 'Veer' (brave) icon wrote not one or two mercy petitions but six mercy petitions (1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918 and 1920) to the British masters begging forgiveness for his revolutionary past.

A perusal of parts of the two mercy petitions will prove to what lower depths this 'Veer' consigned himself before the British rulers.
The 1913 petition ended with the following words:

His mercy petition of 1920 was also a comprehensive one which offered total surrender. It submitted:

He went on to promise that

Nothing Wrong in a writing mercy petitions

It is true that there was nothing wrong on part of the Cellular Jail detainees in writing petitions to the British officials. It was, in fact, an important legal right available to the prisoners. There were other revolutionaries in the Cellular Jail who, too, wrote petitions to the British Government. Apart from Savarkar, Hrishi Kesh Kanjilal, Barindra Kumar Ghose and Nand Gopal also wrote petitions. However, these were only Savarkar and Barindra Ghose (Aurobindo Ghose’s brother) who pleaded to renounce their revolutionary past in order to secure personal freedom.

Tilak who was serving a six year term (1908-1914) at Mandalay Jail (then in Burma) also wrote two mercy petitions (February 12, 1912 and August 5, 1912) but instead of seeking forgiveness for his seditious acts simply made the following identical request:

The total surrender to the British masters bore results. The two life time sentences of 50 years at the Cellular Jail accorded to asavarkar, were reduced to less than 13 years. He spent less than 10 years at the Cellular Jail. Moreover, despite a ban on his political activities he was allowed to organize the Hindu Mahasabha, developments which succeeded in fracturing the more inclusive freedom struggle. He was the only beneficiary of such large-heartedness of the British masters in the history of the Cellular Jail!

the guy was most intelligent person , he was hundred years ahead of his age , he knew that to counter one evil you have to make friends with other evil.
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