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GlobalData: China now the Largest Installer of Clean Energy

China now the largest installer of clean energy, report says - The Globe and Mail

Richard Blackwell
The Globe and Mail
Published Monday, Jan. 18, 2016 11:25AM EST
Last updated Monday, Jan. 18, 2016 11:27AM EST

View attachment 288104

China was the largest developer of renewable energy projects in 2015, accounting for almost 40 per cent of all the wind, solar, biopower and small hydro installations around the world.

New numbers from British-based research firm GlobalData show that China has become the largest installer of clean energy, with almost 45 gigawatts of renewable power projects added last year, out of 115 GW that started up worldwide.

One gigawatt is enough to power about 700,000 homes, so globally there was enough new renewable energy installed in 2015 to power about 80 million homes.

The head of GlobalData’s power practice, Ankit Mathur, said China’s renewable position has grown particularly strong in the solar sector, where it became the largest consumer of solar panels in 2014, passing both the United States and Japan. In 2015, China installed 18.4 GW of solar power, more than double the amount in Japan and the United States, where each had about 8 GW of new installations.

Around the world there is now a total of about 914 GW of installed renewable energy capacity, GlobalData estimates, enough to power about 640 million homes. That’s up almost 15 per cent from 2014.

The total amount of renewable power is expected to grow to around 1,511 GW by 2020, a compound annual growth rate of 11.3 per cent over the next five years.

Already, there is more renewable electricity being added around the world, each year, than what is being added from new coal– and gas-fired projects, GlobalData said.

GlobalData did not break out Canadian numbers, but based on industry reports the domestic sector is also growing quickly.

The Canadian Wind Energy Association said 1,506 megawatts of new wind was added in Canada in 2015, the sixth highest installation rate in the world. For the fifth consecutive year, wind is the largest source of new electricity generation in the country, CanWEA said.

There is now about 11.2 GW of total wind energy capacity in Canada.

Canada has a little over 2 GW of total solar energy capacity, most of it in Ontario.

Merran Smith, executive director of energy and climate think tank Clean Energy Canada, said the global expansion of green energy production is partly due to the plunging cost of renewable technology. “There is a business case for renewables and we are seeing the investment money going there,” she said. “This is the new economy.”

For Canadian suppliers to the sector, the market goes far beyond domestic clients, she noted. With the huge expansion in projects in two of our key export markets – China and the United States – “we need to be able to provide them with the products they are looking for,” she said.

The GlobalData report said that the most important recent development in global climate-change policy was the adoption of ambitious carbon-reduction targets at the Paris conference. Ms. Smith agreed, saying that this shift in political thinking will “accelerate the transition that is already under way.”

Bloomberg New Energy Finance said in a report released Thursday that the amount of money spent on clean energy investment around the world hit a new record of $329-billion (U.S.) in 2015, despite the falling cost of renewable technology, a weak European economy, and the steep drop in fossil fuel prices.

View attachment 288102
I think nearly all solar thermal water heaters are in China, especially in the countryside.
good for China and Chinese people ... :pakistan::china:

Thanks iron brother! Green energy is the way ahead:

China invested $110 billion on new energy just in 2015 alone, more than 1/3 of world's total investment, and that's more than US and Europe combined.
A New Record for Clean Energy Investment: ‘It Is Very Hard to See These Trends Going Backward’

The result was very good, that accounted for 40% of world's renewable energy added!
Well these new energy will alleviate burden on coal, which will still continue to play key role. As counter-measures let's continue (1) Clean coal technology (2) Nuclear power. These two measures are also applied in Pakistan.

Greener future!

Thanks iron brother! Green energy is the way ahead:

China invested $110 billion on new energy just in 2015 alone, more than 1/3 of world's total investment, and that's more than US and Europe combined.
A New Record for Clean Energy Investment: ‘It Is Very Hard to See These Trends Going Backward’

The result was very good, that accounted for 40% of world's renewable energy added!
Well these new energy will alleviate burden on coal, which will still continue to play key role. As counter-measures let's continue (1) Clean coal technology (2) Nuclear power. These two measures are also applied in Pakistan.

Greener future!


indeed China is helping Pakistan in these fields ... i hope we get your J11D as well :)
indeed China is helping Pakistan in these fields ... i hope we get your J11D as well :)

Well yes I hope so too iron brother. I think the priorities are second strike capability (which is building at the moment, sea-based), air denial, missile defence, deep sea naval strike, etc. Anyway let's continue the discussion else where bro!
I have read a number of articles where the general consensus is that
China under promises on renewable energy but over delivers on their promises.

This makes sense as there is now a good business case for renewable energy.
See these photo(roof) I took on Shanghai-Kunming Expressway.

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I have read a number of articles where the general consensus is that
China under promises on renewable energy but over delivers on their promises.

This makes sense as there is now a good business case for renewable energy.

I guess under promising and over delivery are in our genes, so called 留有余地. We simply are not boastful people.
Great news, such developments will definitely boost China's campaign of cleaning and taking care of their environment.
“China’s official 2015 wind installations are an all time global record of 32.5 GW, 30% ahead of even the most optimistic forecasts by financial markets made only a year ago. China itself is the only nation to have come anywhere near this, delivering 20.7 GW of new installs in 2014,” he said.

What is good for China is good for the world.
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