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Global Times: Does international community favor India in its conflict with China?

Everyone keeps provoking China (and Chinese people too) because China is too passive, too nice, the rhetoric is too limp-wristed (you're hurting the Chinese people's feelings, please stop these wrong actions), the retaliations are too soft, etc.

Despite being a nuclear armed nation, the country is perceived to be a harmless nerd because it consistenly behaves like a "me so solly" eunuch..
China sure can use a leader like Mao. Current leaders still need world approval before launching a war with a neighbor who's consistently harassing you. In my opinion the June 15 shenanigan leading to current event is actually worse PR for China. The world knows China is soft. Only PDF Chinese think they're doing the right thing.
China is soft then why pursue agressively fhe nine dash line in SCS? Tell me how many islet or sea has USN helps their ASEAN to take back from China yet?
China is soft towards india then i guess 20 indian soldiers would not brutally hammer to death by Chinese partrol? Tell me, how many Chinese soldiers had comfirmed killed by indian? Zero...
The only thing China is soft is its media and report. I dont see any concrete action by China considered soft.
You can pursue it but can you achieve it? America is pulling the stop now. The next five years will determine China's fate.
Looks like Chinese leaders and think tank are shivering. They are silent on US banning all high tech items to China. The only people asking for retaliation are PDF Chinese.
How about this for starters? :chilli:

China mediates Nepal ruling party split and sidelines India
Beijing calls on Himalayan nation's leaders to honor their election pledges

Nepal's Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at a signing ceremony in Beijing's Great Hall of the People in June 2018. © Reuters

You need to try harder. :coffee:

He probably means that India has no allies or friends beyond "enemy of my enemy" type relations, which is basically meaningless in a war.

Uh, no. It's China who has no friends and allies...and, no, Pakistan does not count.
You need to try harder. :coffee:

Don't worry.

US sanctions on India are on the way. :yay::yay:

Kamala’s stand on Kashmir remains a cause of worry. Observers caution that despite her heritage, Harris has remained a tough critic of India’s domestic policies under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She has been vocal on most contentious issue in India, Kashmir. But what exactly are her views on Kashmir. Let’s find out.

‘We’ve to remind the Kashmiris that they’re not alone in the world’

These resounding words of Kamala Harris, that have been widely quoted after she was chosen by Joe Biden to be the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential candidate, will be put through scrutiny as the election-action plays out in the United States of America later this year.

Her statement was quick to become popular, when she spoke at an event in Texas during October 2019 – two months after the abrogation of Article 370.

At that time, Harris was aspiring to be a participant in the US presidential race when she had flagged her concern for the human rights abuses in the restive region.

“We’ve to remind the Kashmiris that they are not alone in the world. We are keeping a track on the situation. There is a need to intervene if the situation demands,” said the woman who acknowledges the role of her Indian heritage in her African-American upbringing.

She had spoken while responding to a question about the human rights abuses in Kashmir, including curfews and communication blackouts following the revocation of Article 370.

At the same event, Harris had also verbally poked Donald Trump for failing to have a full-time US ambassador in Pakistan during the inceptive period of Narendra Modi’s ‘Naya Kashmir’.

“If the US wants to take any effective step on the Kashmir issue,” she had reportedly said, “then there is a need for deployment of an American ambassador in the region (Pakistan).”


Harris with Joe Biden

Don't worry.

US sanctions on India are on the way. :yay::yay:

Kamala’s stand on Kashmir remains a cause of worry. Observers caution that despite her heritage, Harris has remained a tough critic of India’s domestic policies under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She has been vocal on most contentious issue in India, Kashmir. But what exactly are her views on Kashmir. Let’s find out.

‘We’ve to remind the Kashmiris that they’re not alone in the world’

These resounding words of Kamala Harris, that have been widely quoted after she was chosen by Joe Biden to be the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential candidate, will be put through scrutiny as the election-action plays out in the United States of America later this year.

Her statement was quick to become popular, when she spoke at an event in Texas during October 2019 – two months after the abrogation of Article 370.

At that time, Harris was aspiring to be a participant in the US presidential race when she had flagged her concern for the human rights abuses in the restive region.

“We’ve to remind the Kashmiris that they are not alone in the world. We are keeping a track on the situation. There is a need to intervene if the situation demands,” said the woman who acknowledges the role of her Indian heritage in her African-American upbringing.

She had spoken while responding to a question about the human rights abuses in Kashmir, including curfews and communication blackouts following the revocation of Article 370.

At the same event, Harris had also verbally poked Donald Trump for failing to have a full-time US ambassador in Pakistan during the inceptive period of Narendra Modi’s ‘Naya Kashmir’.

“If the US wants to take any effective step on the Kashmir issue,” she had reportedly said, “then there is a need for deployment of an American ambassador in the region (Pakistan).”


Harris with Joe Biden

Are you even Indian?

Regardless, you are just randomly posting articles that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Still, I will indulge you. Obama said the same when he ran for POTUS, only to do nothing once elected. You need to discern the difference between political rhetoric and policy.

No sanctions that matter are coming.
China is soft then why pursue agressively fhe nine dash line in SCS? Tell me how many islet or sea has USN helps their ASEAN to take back from China yet?
China is soft towards india then i guess 20 indian soldiers would not brutally hammer to death by Chinese partrol? Tell me, how many Chinese soldiers had comfirmed killed by indian? Zero...
The only thing China is soft is its media and report. I dont see any concrete action by China considered soft.

SCS - China is late to game. It was other neighboring thieves that were stealing Chinese islands from China for decades while China played the nice guy hoping for "win win".

US has zero interest in helping what they call "little brown niggers" in any way. They only condemn China for the sake of attacking China's image with lies.

After successfully repelling the 1962 Indian invasion, China pulled back behind their border. Cared for Indian POW and even cleaned their guns for free.

All these actions prove my point. China is widely perceived as a giant harmless nerd. For example, imagine what would happen if India invaded USA (we can assume that USA has the same power level as China] in 1962. Do you think the Caucasians will be feeding Indian POW or cleaning their rifles? No. USA will turn India into a 51st state with white christian human rights eg exterminate every indian with smallpox.

Look at this forum. If these are Chinese "nationalists" like Beijingwalker (oh look, a white sexpat says neutral things about China, I need to post it), we're doomed. On western forums, white nationalists are screaming for a bloodbath against non whites for even the smallest perceived crime. They will say the most vile things about our race. Meanwhile, China is infested with Caucasian child rapists and sex predators, who are treated with kid gloves and surrounded by future victims (young students who are stupidly told by state media that Caucasians are trustworthy and good people).

The sooner you and other Chinese realize just how cartoonishly harmless we appear, the better off we'll all be,
Are you even Indian?

Regardless, you are just randomly posting articles that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Still, I will indulge you. Obama said the same when he ran for POTUS, only to do nothing once elected. You need to discern the difference between political rhetoric and policy.

No sanctions that matter are coming.
I do not think Obama talked about sanctions on India during campaign.

Biden / Kamala is the most radical ticket in American history......Biden is half-brain dead already, Kamala can do anything she wants, make no mistake......although it is far-fetched to think that they will sanction India. If they try to sanction India, it will set back relations another 50 years.....remember, Indians still did not forget Nixon sending 7th fleet to bay of bengal during 1971 war.....

Shame that many Indians that I know are voting for this ticket.

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