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Global Future Soldier Programs.

Some concepts from India ... F-INSAS program:



The new multi cal rifle from DRDO and the MSMC...


Infantry units has back to medieval era with more armor and surely added more weight, but with ever increased firepower and lethality :D and every country has their own programs and has unique characteristic which can differ from country to country.


A revolutionary helmet mounted display system designed to provide soldiers and Special Forces personnel with more real-time visual data than ever before is exceeding expectations in field testing.

The Q-Warrior™- the latest iteration of our helmet-mounted display technology, looks like a pilot's head-up display but has been specially designed for the soldier who needs unique capabilities, such as identifying hostile and non-hostile forces, as well as co-ordinating small unit actions.

Designed and built by engineers at our Electronic Systems business in Rochester, Kent, the system significantly increases situational awareness capabilities for the 'dismounted soldier' - in other words military personnel operating out of their vehicles. Q-Warrior™ introduces a high transmission and high luminance see-through display which incorporates a high-resolution colour, collimated display to allow the use of symbols and video to blend intuitively with the user's view of the world. Waypoints, other points of interest and targets can all be displayed overlaid on the real view of what's actually out there.

Paul Wright, Soldier Systems' Business Development Lead at BAE Systems' Electronic Systems in Rochester, Kent, said these are only some of the innovations which have been incorporated into the new display. “Q-Warrior™ increases the user's situational awareness by providing the potential to display “eyes-out” information to the user, including textual information, warnings and threats,” he said. “Other key features include enhanced night vision, waypoints and routing information, and the ability to track both personnel and assets.

“The biggest demand, in the short term at least, will be in roles where the early adoption of situational awareness technology offers a defined advantage,” added Mr Wright. “This is likely to be within non-traditional military units with reconnaissance roles, such as Forward Air Controllers/Joint Tactical Aircraft Controllers (JTACS) or with Special Forces during counter terrorist tasks. The next level of adoption could be light role troops such as airborne forces or marines, where technical systems and aggression help to overcome their lighter equipment.”

Q-Warrior™ also features a large eye-motion box to allow the soldier to make relatively large movements of his or her helmet while continuing to maintain his view of the display.

Although it is expected that Q-Warrior™ will initially be employed at the section commander level, the technology could become an essential but standard issue piece of kit for every soldier.

The Q-Warrior™ builds upon technologies developed for our Q-Sight® range of display systems.
Infantry soldiers wall art sticker decal :


2366 × 1968 pixels
is pakistan developing a program? i hope we dont just adopt any other countries program
. . .

Our soldiers are not even fully equiped with current generation gear.
Hence the reason for the question. But we are bound to upgrade our equipment to current international standards but why are we only upgrading only vehicles and not solider gear, we can do both with rise in economy.
Hence the reason for the question. But we are bound to upgrade our equipment to current international standards but why are we only upgrading only vehicles and not solider gear, we can do both with rise in economy.
We are and we will.

Standard gear these days according to a professional on PDF :


The helmet is kevler, no idea about the vest and Optics/laser is issued because this is LCB so i dont think the regular infantry is equipped with them.

Maybe @DESERT FIGHTER can provide with more details.
We are and we will.

Standard gear these days according to a professional on PDF :


The helmet is kevler, no idea about the vest and Optics/laser is issued because this is LCB so i dont think the regular infantry is equipped with them.

Maybe @DESERT FIGHTER can provide with more details.
This all was also standard in wazirstan and adjacent areas and is currently being standardized all over, They even had stationary french thermal cameras there as well but these are all minor changes. The thing i am asking about is a major change and replacement of firearms such as standard assault rifles, sub machine and machine guns, and the induction of handheld thermal imagers and other electronic goodies for a single foot solider like the french Felin even if it takes time. If we are already doing this i would love to see what we are going to induct and use.
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